Source code for

"""Functions for calculating the bulk modulus."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Any, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from scm.plams import Units
from qmflows.packages import CP2K_Result
from qmflows.warnings_qmflows import QMFlows_Warning
from nanoutils import warning_filter

from . import FromResult

    from numpy.typing import NDArray, ArrayLike
    from numpy import float64 as f8

__all__ = ['get_bulk_modulus']

[docs]@FromResult def get_bulk_modulus( pressure: ArrayLike, volume: ArrayLike, *, pressure_unit: str = 'ha/bohr^3', volume_unit: str = 'bohr', return_unit: str = 'ha/bohr^3', ) -> NDArray[f8]: r"""Calculate the bulk modulus via differentiation of **pressure** w.r.t. **volume**. .. math:: B = -V * \frac{\delta P}{\delta V} Parameters ---------- pressure : :class:`np.ndarray[np.float64] <numpy.ndarray>` A 1D array of pressures used for defining :math:`\delta P`. Must be of equal length as **volume**. volume : :class:`np.ndarray[np.float64] <numpy.ndarray>` A 1D array of volumes used for defining :math:`\delta V`. Must be of equal length as **pressure**. pressure_unit : :class:`str` The unit of the **pressure**. volume_unit : :class:`str` The unit of the **volume**. The passed unit will automatically cubed, *e.g.* ``Angstrom -> Angstrom**3``. return_unit : :class:`str` The unit of the to-be returned pressure. Returns ------- :class:`np.float64 <numpy.double>` or :class:`np.ndarray[np.float64] <numpy.ndarray>` The bulk modulus :math:`B`. Returend as either a scalar or array, depending on the dimensionality **volume_ref**. .. automethod:: get_bulk_modulus.from_result """ # Parse `pressure` and `volume` p = np.asarray(pressure, dtype=np.float64) * Units.conversion_ratio(pressure_unit, 'ha/bohr^3') v = np.asarray(volume, dtype=np.float64) * Units.conversion_ratio(volume_unit, 'bohr')**3 ret = np.gradient(p, v) ret *= -v ret *= Units.conversion_ratio('ha/bohr^3', return_unit) return ret
@get_bulk_modulus._set_result_func @warning_filter('error', category=QMFlows_Warning) def _( self: FromResult[Callable[..., Any]], result: CP2K_Result, *, reduce: None | str | Callable[[Any], Any] = None, axis: None | int | tuple[int, ...] = None, return_unit: str = 'ha/bohr^3', **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: r"""Call :func:`get_bulk_modulus` using argument extracted from **result**. Parameters ---------- result : :class:`qmflows.CP2K_Result <qmflows.packages.CP2K_Result>` The Result instance that **self** should operator on. reduce : :class:`str` or :class:`Callable[[Any], Any] <>`, optional A callback for reducing the output of **self**. Alternativelly, one can provide on of the string aliases from :attr:`~FromResult.REDUCTION_NAMES`. axis : :class:`int` or :class:`Sequence[int] <>`, optional The axis along which the reduction should take place. If :data:`None`, use all axes. return_unit : :class:`str` The unit of the to-be returned quantity. \**kwargs : :data:`~typing.Any` Further keyword arguments for :func:`get_bulk_modulus`. Returns ------- :data:`~typing.Any` The output of :func:`get_bulk_modulus`. """ # Attempt to pull from the cache if result.status in {'failed', 'crashed'}: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot extract data from a job with status {result.status!r}") a_to_au = Units.conversion_ratio('angstrom', 'bohr') bar_to_au = Units.conversion_ratio('bar', 'ha/bohr^3') volume = self._pop( kwargs, 'volume', callback=lambda: getattr(result, 'volume') * a_to_au**3, ) pressure = self._pop( kwargs, 'pressure', callback=lambda: getattr(result, 'pressure') * bar_to_au, ) ret = self(pressure, volume, return_unit=return_unit, **kwargs) return self._reduce(ret, reduce, axis)