Source code for

"""A module containing the abstract :class:`FromResult` class."""

from __future__ import annotations

import types
import inspect
from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Any, Callable

import numpy as np
import scipy.special

FT = TypeVar("FT", bound=Callable[..., Any])

__all__ = ['FromResult', 'get_attr', 'call_method']

def _gather_ufuncs(module):
    """Gather a dictionary with all :class:`~numpy.ufunc.reduce`-supporting :class:`ufuncs <numpy.ufunc>` from the passed **module**."""  # noqa: E501
    iterator = (getattr(module, name) for name in getattr(module, '__all__', []))
    condition = lambda ufunc: (
        isinstance(ufunc, np.ufunc)
        and ufunc.signature is None
        and ufunc.nin == 2
        and ufunc.nout == 1
    return {ufunc.__name__: ufunc.reduce for ufunc in iterator if condition(ufunc)}

[docs]class FromResult(Generic[FT]): """A decorating class for wrapping :data:`~types.FunctionType` objects. Besides :meth:`__call__`, instances have access to the :meth:`from_result` method, which is used for applying the wrapped callable to a :class:`qmflows.CP2K_Result <qmflows.packages.Result>` instance. Parameters ---------- func : :data:`types.FunctionType` The to-be wrapped function. result_func : :class:`` The function for reading the CP2K :class:`~qmflows.packages.Result` object. """ __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "__call__", "from_result", "__dict__") #: A mapping that maps :meth:`from_result` aliases to callbacks. REDUCTION_NAMES = types.MappingProxyType({ 'min': np.min, 'max': np.max, 'mean': np.mean, 'sum': np.sum, 'product':, 'prod':, 'var': np.var, 'std': np.std, 'ptp': np.ptp, 'norm': np.linalg.norm, 'argmin': np.argmin, 'argmax': np.argmax, 'all': np.all, 'any': np.any, **_gather_ufuncs(np), **_gather_ufuncs(scipy.special), }) __call__: FT __module__: str __annotations__: dict[str, Any] __doc__: str from_result: Callable[..., Any] def __init__(self, func, result_func=None): """Initialize the instance.""" if not isinstance(func, types.FunctionType): raise TypeError("`func` expected a function") super().__setattr__("__call__", func) super().__setattr__("__module__", func.__module__) super().__setattr__("__doc__", func.__doc__) super().__setattr__("__annotations__", func.__annotations__) if result_func is not None: super().__setattr__("from_result", types.MethodType(result_func, self)) def __getattr__(self, name): """Implement :func:`getattr(self, name) <getattr>`.""" try: return getattr(self.__call__, name) except AttributeError: pass raise AttributeError(f"{type(self).__name__!r} object has no attribute {name!r}") def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Implement :func:`setattr(self, name, value) <setattr>`.""" if name == "__weakref__": return super().__setattr__(name, value) elif hasattr(self, name): raise AttributeError(f"{type(self).__name__!r} object attribute {name!r} is read-only") else: raise AttributeError(f"{type(self).__name__!r} object has no attribute {name!r}") def __delattr__(self, name): """Implement :func:`delattr(self, name) <delattr>`.""" if hasattr(self, name): raise AttributeError(f"{type(self).__name__!r} object attribute {name!r} is read-only") else: raise AttributeError(f"{type(self).__name__!r} object has no attribute {name!r}") def __dir__(self): """Implement :func:`dir(self) <dir>`.""" return sorted(set(super().__dir__() + dir(self.__call__))) def __hash__(self): """Implement :func:`hash(self) <hash>`.""" return hash(self.__call__) def __eq__(self, value): """Implement :meth:`self == value <object.__eq__>`.""" cls = type(self) if not isinstance(value, cls): return NotImplemented return self.__call__ == value.__call__ def __repr__(self): """Implement :class:`str(self) <str>` and :func:`repr(self) <repr>`.""" func = self.__call__ sgn = inspect.signature(func) return f'<{type(self).__name__} instance {func.__module__}.{func.__qualname__}{sgn}>' def __reduce__(self): """A helper method for :mod:`pickle`.""" return self.__qualname__ def __copy__(self): """Implement :func:`copy.copy(self) <copy.copy>`.""" return self def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None): """Implement :func:`copy.deepcopy(self, memo=memo) <copy.deepcopy>`.""" return self def _set_result_func(self, result_func): """A decorator for setting :attr:`from_result`.""" super().__setattr__("from_result", types.MethodType(result_func, self)) return self @classmethod def _reduce(cls, value, reduce=None, axis=None): """A helper function to handle the reductions in :meth:`from_result`.""" if reduce is None: return value elif callable(reduce): return reduce(value) try: func = cls.REDUCTION_NAMES[reduce] except (TypeError, KeyError): raise ValueError(f"Invalid `reduce` value: {reduce!r}") from None else: return func(value, axis=axis) @staticmethod def _pop(dct, key, callback): """Attempt to :meth:`~dict.pop` **key** from **dct**, fall back to **callback** otherwise.""" # noqa: E501 if key in dct: return dct.pop(key) else: return callback()
class _Null: """A singleton used as sentinel value in :func:`get_attr`.""" _INSTANCE = None def __new__(cls): """Construct a new instance.""" if cls._INSTANCE is None: cls._INSTANCE = super().__new__(cls) return cls._INSTANCE def __repr__(self): """Implement :class:`str(self) <self>` and :func:`repr(self) <repr>`.""" return '<null>' #: A singleton used as sentinel value by :func:`get_attr`. _NULL = _Null()
[docs]def get_attr(obj, name, default=_NULL, reduce=None, axis=None): """:func:`gettattr` with support for keyword argument. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`object` The object in question. name : :class:`str` The name of the to-be extracted attribute. default : :class:`~typing.Any` An object that is to-be returned if **obj** does not have the **name** attribute. reduce : :class:`str` or :class:`Callable[[Any], Any] <>`, optional A callback for reducing the extracted attribute. Alternativelly, one can provide on of the string aliases from :attr:`FromResult.REDUCTION_NAMES`. axis : :class:`int` or :class:`Sequence[int] <>`, optional The axis along which the reduction should take place. If :data:`None`, use all axes. Returns ------- :class:`~typing.Any` The extracted attribute. See Also -------- :func:`getattr` Get a named attribute from an object. """ if default is _NULL: ret = getattr(obj, name) else: ret = getattr(obj, name, default) return FromResult._reduce(ret, reduce, axis)
[docs]def call_method(obj, name, *args, reduce=None, axis=None, **kwargs): r"""Call the **name** method of **obj**. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`object` The object in question. name : :class:`str` The name of the to-be extracted method. \*args/\**kwargs : :class:`~typing.Any` Positional and/or keyword arguments for the (to-be called) extracted method. reduce : :class:`str` or :class:`Callable[[Any], Any] <>`, optional A callback for reducing the output of the called function. Alternativelly, one can provide on of the string aliases from :attr:`FromResult.REDUCTION_NAMES`. axis : :class:`int` or :class:`Sequence[int] <>`, optional The axis along which the reduction should take place. If :data:`None`, use all axes. Returns ------- :class:`~typing.Any` The output of the extracted method. """ ret = getattr(obj, name)(*args, **kwargs) return FromResult._reduce(ret, reduce, axis)