Source code for

"""A class for reading protein structure (.psf) files.

.. currentmodule:: FOX
.. autosummary::

.. autoclass:: PSFContainer


from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import reprlib
import inspect
from os import PathLike
from typing import (Dict, Optional, Any, Set, Iterator, Iterable, TypeVar, Tuple, cast,
                    List, Mapping, Union, Collection, Generic, IO, Callable, overload,
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict
from types import MappingProxyType

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scm.plams import Molecule, Atom, Bond, MoleculeError
from assertionlib.dataclass import AbstractDataClass
from nanoutils import (
    group_by_values, raise_if, AbstractFileContainer, set_docstring,
    TypedDict, Literal,

from ..utils import read_str_file, read_rtf_file
from ..functions.molecule_utils import get_bonds, get_angles, get_dihedrals, get_impropers

    from scm.plams import writepdb
    RDKIT_EX: Optional[ImportError] = None
except ImportError as ex:
    RDKIT_EX = ex

    from FOX import MultiMolecule

__all__ = ['PSFContainer']

T = TypeVar('T')

_GenerateNames = Literal["angles", "bonds", "impropers", "dihedrals"]
_FUNC_DICT: MappingProxyType[_GenerateNames, Callable[[Molecule], np.ndarray]] = MappingProxyType({
    "angles": get_angles,
    "bonds": get_bonds,
    "impropers": get_impropers,
    "dihedrals": get_dihedrals,

class DummyGetter(Generic[T]):
    def __init__(self, return_value: T) -> None:
        self.return_value = return_value

    def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> T:
        return self.return_value

    def get(self, key: Any, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> T:
        return self.return_value

class _ShapeDictBase(TypedDict):
    shape: int

class _ShapeDict(_ShapeDictBase, total=False):
    row_len: int
    header: str

_ILLEGAL_SORT_KWARGS = frozenset({"by", "axis"})

def _get_res_iter(idx_ar: np.ndarray, values: pd.Series) -> Iterator[Tuple[slice, int]]:
    value_iter = sorted(set(values))
    if len(value_iter) == 1:
        yield slice(None, None), value_iter[0]
        iter1 = chain([None], idx_ar[1::2])
        iter2 = chain(idx_ar[1::2], [None])
        ziperator = ((slice(i, j), v) for i, j, v in zip(iter1, iter2, value_iter))
        yield from ziperator

[docs]class PSFContainer(AbstractDataClass, AbstractFileContainer): r"""A container for managing protein structure files. The :class:`PSFContainer` class has access to three general sets of methods. Methods for reading & constructing .psf files: * :meth:`` * :meth:`PSFContainer.write` Methods for updating atom types: * :meth:`PSFContainer.update_atom_charge` * :meth:`PSFContainer.update_atom_type` Methods for extracting bond, angle and dihedral-pairs from :class:`plams.Molecule <scm.plams.mol.molecule.Molecule>` instances: * :meth:`PSFContainer.generate_bonds` * :meth:`PSFContainer.generate_angles` * :meth:`PSFContainer.generate_dihedrals` * :meth:`PSFContainer.generate_impropers` * :meth:`PSFContainer.generate_atoms` Attributes ---------- filename : :math:`1` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`str`] A 1D array with a single string as filename. title : :math:`n` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`str`] A 1D array of strings holding the title block. atoms : :math:`n*8` :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A Pandas DataFrame holding the atoms block. The DataFrame should possess the following collumn keys: * ``"segment name"`` * ``"residue ID"`` * ``"residue name"`` * ``"atom name"`` * ``"atom type"`` * ``"charge"`` * ``"mass"`` * ``"0"`` bonds : :math:`n*2` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] A 2D array holding the indices of all atom-pairs defining bonds. Indices are expected to be 1-based. angles : :math:`n*3` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] A 2D array holding the indices of all atom-triplets defining angles. Indices are expected to be 1-based. dihedrals : :math:`n*4` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] A 2D array holding the indices of all atom-quartets defining proper dihedral angles. Indices are expected to be 1-based. impropers : :math:`n*4` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] A 2D array holding the indices of all atom-quartets defining improper dihedral angles. Indices are expected to be 1-based. donors : :math:`n*1` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] A 2D array holding the atomic indices of all hydrogen-bond donors. Indices are expected to be 1-based. acceptors : :math:`n*1` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] A 2D array holding the atomic indices of all hydrogen-bond acceptors. Indices are expected to be 1-based. no_nonbonded : :math:`n*2` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] A 2D array holding the indices of all atom-pairs whose nonbonded interactions should be ignored. Indices are expected to be 1-based. np_printoptions : :class:`Mapping<>` [:class:`str`, :class:`object`] A mapping with Numpy print options. See `np.set_printoptions <>`_. pd_printoptions : :class:`Mapping<>` [:class:`str`, :class:`object`] A mapping with Pandas print options. See `Options and settings <>`_. """ # noqa #: A :class:`from` with the names of private instance attributes. #: These attributes will be excluded whenever calling :meth:`PSF.as_dict`. _PRIVATE_ATTR: Set[str] = frozenset({'_pd_printoptions', '_np_printoptions'}) # type: ignore[assignment] # noqa: E501 #: A dictionary containg array shapes among other things _SHAPE_DICT: Mapping[str, _ShapeDict] = MappingProxyType({ 'filename': {'shape': 1}, 'title': {'shape': 1}, 'atoms': {'shape': 8}, 'bonds': {'shape': 2, 'row_len': 4, 'header': '{:>10d} !NBOND: bonds'}, 'angles': {'shape': 3, 'row_len': 3, 'header': '{:>10d} !NTHETA: angles'}, 'dihedrals': {'shape': 4, 'row_len': 2, 'header': '{:>10d} !NPHI: dihedrals'}, 'impropers': {'shape': 4, 'row_len': 2, 'header': '{:>10d} !NIMPHI: impropers'}, 'donors': {'shape': 1, 'row_len': 8, 'header': '{:>10d} !NDON: donors'}, 'acceptors': {'shape': 1, 'row_len': 8, 'header': '{:>10d} !NACC: acceptors'}, 'no_nonbonded': {'shape': 2, 'row_len': 4, 'header': '{:>10d} !NNB'} }) #: A dictionary mapping .psf headers to :class:`PSFContainer` attribute names _HEADER_DICT: Mapping[str, str] = MappingProxyType({ '!NTITLE': 'title', '!NATOM': 'atoms', '!NBOND': 'bonds', '!NTHETA': 'angles', '!NPHI': 'dihedrals', '!NIMPHI': 'impropers', '!NDON': 'donors', '!NACC': 'acceptors', '!NNB': 'no_nonbonded' }) def __init__(self, filename=None, title=None, atoms=None, bonds=None, angles=None, dihedrals=None, impropers=None, donors=None, acceptors=None, no_nonbonded=None) -> None: """Initialize a :class:`PSFContainer` instance. Parameters ---------- filename : :math:`1` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`str`] Optional: A 1D array-like object containing a single filename. See also :attr:`PSFContainer.filename`. title : :math:`n` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`str`] Optional: A 1D array of strings holding the title block. See also :attr:`PSFContainer.title`. atoms : :math:`n*8` :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Optional: A Pandas DataFrame holding the atoms block. See also :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms`. bonds : :math:`n*2` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] Optional: A 2D array-like object holding the indices of all atom-pairs defining bonds. See also :attr:`PSFContainer.bonds`. angles : :math:`n*3` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] Optional: A 2D array-like object holding the indices of all atom-triplets defining angles. See also :attr:`PSFContainer.angles`. dihedrals : :math:`n*4` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] Optional: A 2D array-like object holding the indices of all atom-quartets defining proper dihedral angles. See also :attr:`PSFContainer.dihedrals`. impropers : :math:`n*4` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] Optional: A 2D array-like object holding the indices of all atom-quartets defining improper dihedral angles. See also :attr:`PSFContainer.impropers`. donors : :math:`n*1` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] Optional: A 2D array-like object holding the atomic indices of all hydrogen-bond donors. See also :attr:`PSFContainer.donors`. acceptors : :math:`n*1` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] Optional: A 2D array-like object holding the atomic indices of all hydrogen-bond acceptors. See also :attr:`PSFContainer.acceptors`. no_nonbonded : :math:`n*2` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] Optional: A 2D array-like object holding the indices of all atom-pairs whose nonbonded interactions should be ignored. See also :attr:`PSFContainer.no_nonbonded`. """ # noqa: E501 super().__init__() self.filename = filename self.title = title self.atoms = atoms self.bonds = bonds self.angles = angles self.dihedrals = dihedrals self.impropers = impropers self.donors = donors self.acceptors = acceptors self.no_nonbonded = no_nonbonded # Print options for NumPy ndarrays and Pandas DataFrames self.np_printoptions: Dict[str, Any] = {'threshold': 20, 'edgeitems': 5} self.pd_printoptions: Dict[str, Any] = cast( Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]], {'display.max_rows': 10} ) @property def np_printoptions(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self._np_printoptions @np_printoptions.setter def np_printoptions(self, value: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self._np_printoptions = self._is_dict(value) @property def pd_printoptions(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]]: return chain.from_iterable(self._pd_printoptions.items()) @pd_printoptions.setter def pd_printoptions(self, value: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self._pd_printoptions = self._is_dict(value) @staticmethod def _is_dict(value: Any) -> dict: """Check if **value** is a :class:`dict` instance; raise a :exc:`TypeError` if not.""" if not isinstance(value, dict): caller_name: str = inspect.stack()[1][3] raise TypeError(f"The {caller_name!r} parameter expects an instance of 'dict'; " f"observed type: {value.__class__.__name__!r}") return value @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def __repr__(self): with np.printoptions(**self.np_printoptions), pd.option_context(*self.pd_printoptions): return super().__repr__() @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def _str_iterator(self): return ((k.strip('_'), v) for k, v in super()._str_iterator()) @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def __eq__(self, value): if type(self) is not type(value): return False try: for k, v in vars(self).items(): if k in self._PRIVATE_ATTR: continue v1 = np.asarray(v) v2 = np.asarray(getattr(value, k)) assert (v1 == v2).all() except (AttributeError, AssertionError): return False else: return True
[docs] @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def as_dict(self, return_private=False): ret = super().as_dict(return_private) return {k.strip('_'): v for k, v in ret.items()}
# Ensure that a deepcopy is returned unless explictly specified
[docs] @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def copy(self, deep=True): return super().copy(deep)
@AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def __copy__(self): return self.copy(deep=True) """###################################### Properties ########################################""" @property def filename(self) -> str: """Get :attr:`PSFContainer.filename` as string or assign an array-like object as a 1D array.""" # noqa filename = self._filename # type: ignore[attr-defined] return str(filename[0]) if len(filename) else str(filename) @filename.setter def filename(self, value: Iterable): self._set_nd_array('_filename', value, 1, str) @property def title(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get :attr:`PSFContainer.title` or assign an array-like object as a 1D array.""" return self._title # type: ignore[attr-defined] @title.setter def title(self, value: Iterable): if value is not None: self._set_nd_array('_title', value, 1, str) else: self._title: np.ndarray = np.array(['PSF file generated with Auto-FOX', '']) @property def atoms(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms` or assign an a DataFrame.""" return self._atoms @atoms.setter def atoms(self, value: Iterable): self._atoms = value if value is not None else pd.DataFrame() @property def bonds(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get :attr:`PSFContainer.bonds` or assign an array-like object as a 2D array.""" return self._bonds # type: ignore[attr-defined] @bonds.setter def bonds(self, value: Iterable): self._set_nd_array('_bonds', value, 2, np.int64) @property def angles(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get :attr:`PSFContainer.angles` or assign an array-like object as a 2D array.""" return self._angles # type: ignore[attr-defined] @angles.setter def angles(self, value: Iterable): self._set_nd_array('_angles', value, 2, np.int64) @property def dihedrals(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get :attr:`PSFContainer.dihedrals` or assign an array-like object as a 2D array.""" return self._dihedrals # type: ignore[attr-defined] @dihedrals.setter def dihedrals(self, value: Iterable): self._set_nd_array('_dihedrals', value, 2, np.int64) @property def impropers(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get :attr:`PSFPSFContainerimpropers` or assign an array-like object as a 2D array.""" return self._impropers # type: ignore[attr-defined] @impropers.setter def impropers(self, value: Iterable): self._set_nd_array('_impropers', value, 2, np.int64) @property def donors(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get :attr:`PSFContainer.donors` or assign an array-like object as a 2D array.""" return self._donors # type: ignore[attr-defined] @donors.setter def donors(self, value: Iterable): self._set_nd_array('_donors', value, 2, np.int64) @property def acceptors(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get :attr:`PSFContainer.acceptors` or assign an array-like object as a 2D array.""" return self._acceptors # type: ignore[attr-defined] @acceptors.setter def acceptors(self, value: Iterable): self._set_nd_array('_acceptors', value, 2, np.int64) @property def no_nonbonded(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get :attr:`PSFContainer.no_nonbonded` or assign an array-like object as a 2D array.""" return self._no_nonbonded # type: ignore[attr-defined] @no_nonbonded.setter def no_nonbonded(self, value: Iterable): self._set_nd_array('_no_nonbonded', value, 2, np.int64) def _set_nd_array(self, name: str, value: Optional[np.ndarray], ndmin: int, dtype: type) -> None: """Assign an array-like object (**value**) to the **name** attribute as ndarray. Performs an inplace update of this instance. .. _`array-like`: Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the to-be set attribute. value : :term:`numpy:array_like` The array-like object to-be assigned to **name**. The supplied object is converted into into an array beforehand. ndmin : :class:`int` The minimum number of dimensions of the to-be assigned array. dtype : :class:`type` or :class:`numpy.dtype` The desired datatype of the to-be assigned array. Exceptions ---------- ValueError: Raised if value array construction was unsuccessful. """ _value = [] if value is None else value try: array = np.array(_value, dtype=dtype, ndmin=ndmin, copy=False) except TypeError: # **value** is an iterator array = np.fromiter(_value, dtype=dtype) if ndmin == 2: cls = type(self) array.shape = (-1, cls._SHAPE_DICT[name.strip("_")]["shape"]) try: setattr(self, name, array) except ValueError as ex: _name = name.strip('_') ex.args = (f"The parameter '{_name}' expects a {ndmin}d array-like object consisting " f"of '{dtype}'; observed type: '{value.__class__.__name__}'",) raise ex """################################## dataframe shortcuts ###################################""" @property def segment_name(self) -> pd.Series: """Get or set the ``"segment name"`` column in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms`.""" return self.atoms['segment name'] @segment_name.setter def segment_name(self, value) -> None: self.atoms['segment name'] = value @property def residue_id(self) -> pd.Series: """Get or set the ``"residue ID"`` column in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms`.""" return self.atoms['residue ID'] @residue_id.setter def residue_id(self, value) -> None: self.atoms['residue ID'] = value @property def residue_name(self) -> pd.Series: """Get or set the ``"residue name"`` column in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms`.""" return self.atoms['residue name'] @residue_name.setter def residue_name(self, value) -> None: self.atoms['residue name'] = value @property def atom_name(self) -> pd.Series: """Get or set the ``"atom name"`` column in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms`.""" return self.atoms['atom name'] @atom_name.setter def atom_name(self, value) -> None: self.atoms['atom name'] = value @property def atom_type(self) -> pd.Series: """Get or set the ``"atom type"`` column in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms`.""" return self.atoms['atom type'] @atom_type.setter def atom_type(self, value) -> None: self.atoms['atom type'] = value @property def charge(self) -> pd.Series: """Get or set the ``"charge"`` column in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms`.""" return self.atoms['charge'] @charge.setter def charge(self, value) -> None: self.atoms['charge'] = value @property def mass(self) -> pd.Series: """Get or set the ``"mass"`` column in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms`.""" return self.atoms['mass'] @mass.setter def mass(self, value) -> None: self.atoms['mass'] = value """########################### methods for reading .psf files. ##############################""" @classmethod @set_docstring( def _read(cls, file_obj, decoder): ret = {} next(file_obj) # Skip the first line for _i in file_obj: i = decoder(_i) # Search for psf blocks if i == '\n': continue # Read the psf block header try: key = cls._HEADER_DICT[i.split()[1].rstrip(':')] except KeyError as ex: err = f'Failed to parse file; invalid header: {reprlib.repr(i)}' raise OSError(err).with_traceback(ex.__traceback__) ret[key] = value = [] # Read the actual psf blocks try: j = next(file_obj) except StopIteration: break while j != '\n': value.append(j.split()) try: j = next(file_obj) except StopIteration: break return cls._post_process_psf(ret) @classmethod def _post_process_psf(cls, psf_dict: dict) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Post-process the output of :meth:``, casting the values into appropiat objects. * The title block is converted into a 1D array of strings. * The atoms block is converted into a Pandas DataFrame. * All other blocks are converted into 2D arrays of integers. Parameters ---------- psf_dict : :class:`dict[str, np.ndarray] <dict>` A dictionary holding the content of a .psf file (see :func:`PSFContainer.read_psf`). Returns ------- :class:`dict[str, np.ndarray|pd.DataFrame] <dict>` The .psf output, **psf_dict**, with properly formatted values. """ for key, value in psf_dict.items(): # Post-process the output # Cast the atoms block into a dataframe if key == 'atoms': df = pd.DataFrame(value) df[0] = df[0].astype(int, copy=False) df.set_index(0, inplace=True) = 'ID' df.columns = ['segment name', 'residue ID', 'residue name', 'atom name', 'atom type', 'charge', 'mass', '0'] df['residue ID'] = df['residue ID'].astype(int, copy=False) df['charge'] = df['charge'].astype(float, copy=False) df['mass'] = df['mass'].astype(float, copy=False) df['0'] = df['0'].astype(int, copy=False) psf_dict[key] = df # Cast the title in a list of strings elif key == 'title': psf_dict[key] = np.array([' '.join(i).strip('REMARKS ') for i in value]) # Cast into a flattened array of indices else: ar = np.fromiter(chain.from_iterable(value), dtype=int) ar.shape = len(ar) // cls._SHAPE_DICT[key]['shape'], cls._SHAPE_DICT[key]['shape'] psf_dict[key] = ar return psf_dict """########################### methods for writing .psf files. ##############################""" @set_docstring(AbstractFileContainer._write.__doc__) def _write(self, file_obj, encoder): self._write_top(file_obj, encoder) self._write_bottom(file_obj, encoder) def _write_top(self, file_obj, encoder) -> None: """Write the top-most section of the to-be create .psf file. The following blocks are seralized: * :attr:`PSF.title` * :attr:`PSF.atoms` Returns ------- :class:`str` A string constructed from the above-mentioned psf blocks. See Also -------- :meth:`PSFContainer.write` The main method for writing .psf files. """ write = lambda n: file_obj.write(encoder(n)) # noqa # Prepare the !NTITLE block write('PSF EXT\n\n{:>10d} !NTITLE\n'.format(self.title.shape[0])) for i in self.title: write(f' REMARKS {i}\n') # Prepare the !NATOM block write('\n\n{:>10d} !NATOM\n'.format(self.atoms.shape[0])) string = '{:>10d} {:8.8} {:<8d} {:8.8} {:8.8} {:6.6} {:>9f} {:>15f} {:>8d}\n' for i, j in self.atoms.iterrows(): args = [i] + j.values.tolist() write(string.format(*args)) def _write_bottom(self, file_obj, encoder) -> None: """Write the bottom-most section of the to-be create .psf file. The following blocks are seralized: * :attr:`PSF.bonds` * :attr:`PSF.angles` * :attr:`PSF.dihedrals` * :attr:`PSF.impropers` * :attr:`PSF.donors` * :attr:`PSF.acceptors` * :attr:`PSF.no_nonbonded` See Also -------- :meth:`PSFContainer.write` The main method for writing .psf files. """ write = lambda n: file_obj.write(encoder(n)) # noqa: E731 sections = ('bonds', 'angles', 'dihedrals', 'impropers', 'donors', 'acceptors', 'no_nonbonded') for attr in sections: header = self._SHAPE_DICT[attr]['header'] row_len = self._SHAPE_DICT[attr]['row_len'] value = getattr(self, attr) item_count = len(value) if value.shape[-1] != 0 else 0 write('\n\n' + header.format(item_count) + '\n' + self._serialize_array(value, row_len)) @staticmethod def _serialize_array(array: np.ndarray, items_per_row: int = 4) -> str: """Serialize an array into a single string; used for creating .psf files. Newlines are placed for every **items_per_row** rows in **array**. Parameters ---------- array : :class:`np.ndarray[Any] <numpy.ndarray>` A 2D array. items_per_row : :class:`int` The number of values per row before switching to a new line. Returns ------- :class:`str`: A serialized array. See Also -------- :meth:`PSFContainer.write` The main method for writing .psf files. """ if len(array) == 0: return '' ret = '' k = 0 for i in array: for j in i: ret += '{:>10d}'.format(j) k += 1 if k == items_per_row: k = 0 ret += '\n' return ret """################### methods for altering atomic/molecular information. ###################"""
[docs] def update_atom_charge(self, atom_type: str, charge: float) -> None: """Change the charge of **atom_type** to **charge**. Parameters ---------- atom_type : :class:`str` An atom type in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms` ``["atom type"]``. charge : :class:`float` The new atomic charge to-be assigned to **atom_type**. See :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms` ``["charge"]``. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if **charge** cannot be converted into a :class:`float`. """ condition = self.atom_type == atom_type self.atoms.loc[condition, 'charge'] = float(charge)
[docs] def update_atom_type(self, atom_type_old: str, atom_type_new: str) -> None: """Change the atom type of a **atom_type_old** to **atom_type_new**. Parameters ---------- atom_type_old : :class:`str` An atom type in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms` ``["atom type"]``. atom_type_new : :class:`str` The new atom type to-be assigned to **atom_type**. See :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms` ``["atom type"]``. """ condition = self.atom_type == atom_type_old self.atoms.loc[condition, 'atom type'] = atom_type_new
def _generate_from_res_dict( self, residue_dict: Mapping[str, Molecule], name: _GenerateNames, ) -> np.ndarray: """Helper function for the ``PSFContainer.generate_x()`` functions.""" func = _FUNC_DICT[name] offset_dict: dict[tuple[str, int], int] = {} for offset, ij in enumerate(zip(self.segment_name, self.residue_id)): offset_dict.setdefault(ij, offset) # Validate that all `residue_dict` keys are valid segment_set = {i for i, _ in offset_dict} if not segment_set.issuperset(residue_dict.keys()): key = next(iter(residue_dict.keys())) raise KeyError(key) cls = type(self) angle_dict = {i: func(m) for i, m in residue_dict.items()} ret = np.concatenate( [np.ravel(angle_dict[i] + offset) for (i, _), offset in offset_dict.items() if i in angle_dict] ) ret.shape = -1, cls._SHAPE_DICT[name]["shape"] return ret @overload def generate_bonds(self, mol: Molecule, *, segment_dict: None = ...) -> None: ... @overload # noqa: E301 def generate_bonds(self, mol: None = ..., *, segment_dict: Mapping[str, Molecule]) -> None: ...
[docs] def generate_bonds(self, mol=None, *, segment_dict=None) -> None: # noqa: E301 """Update :attr:`PSFContainer.bonds` with the indices of all bond-forming atoms from **mol**. Notes ----- The **mol** and **segment_dict** parameters are mutually exclusive. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from FOX import PSFContainer >>> from scm.plams import Molecule >>> psf = PSFContainer(...) >>> segment_dict = {"MOL3": Molecule(...)} >>> psf.generate_bonds(segment_dict=segment_dict) Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`plams.Molecule <scm.plams.mol.molecule.Molecule>` A PLAMS Molecule. segment_dict : :class:`Mapping[str, plams.Molecule] <>` A dictionary mapping segment names to individual ligands. This can result in dramatic speed ups for systems wherein each segment contains a large number of residues. """ # noqa: E501 if mol is segment_dict is None: raise TypeError("One of `mol` and `segment_dict` must be specified") elif mol is not None and segment_dict is not None: raise TypeError("Only one of `mol` and `segment_dict` can be specified") if mol is not None: self.bonds = get_bonds(mol) else: self.bonds = self._generate_from_res_dict(segment_dict, "bonds")
@overload def generate_angles(self, mol: Molecule, *, segment_dict: None = ...) -> None: ... @overload # noqa: E301 def generate_angles(self, mol: None = ..., *, segment_dict: Mapping[str, Molecule]) -> None: ...
[docs] def generate_angles(self, mol=None, *, segment_dict=None) -> None: # noqa: E301 """Update :attr:`PSFContainer.angles` with the indices of all angle-defining atoms from **mol**. Notes ----- The **mol** and **segment_dict** parameters are mutually exclusive. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`plams.Molecule <scm.plams.mol.molecule.Molecule>` A PLAMS Molecule. segment_dict : :class:`Mapping[str, plams.Molecule] <>` A dictionary mapping segment names to individual ligands. This can result in dramatic speed ups for systems wherein each segment contains a large number of residues. """ # noqa: E501 if mol is segment_dict is None: raise TypeError("One of `mol` and `segment_dict` must be specified") elif mol is not None and segment_dict is not None: raise TypeError("Only one of `mol` and `segment_dict` can be specified") if mol is not None: self.angles = get_angles(mol) else: self.angles = self._generate_from_res_dict(segment_dict, "angles")
@overload def generate_dihedrals(self, mol: Molecule, *, segment_dict: None = ...) -> None: ... @overload # noqa: E301 def generate_dihedrals(self, mol: None = ..., *, segment_dict: Mapping[str, Molecule]) -> None: ...
[docs] def generate_dihedrals(self, mol=None, *, segment_dict=None) -> None: # noqa: E301 """Update :attr:`PSFContainer.dihedrals` with the indices of all proper dihedral angle-defining atoms from **mol**. Notes ----- The **mol** and **segment_dict** parameters are mutually exclusive. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`plams.Molecule <scm.plams.mol.molecule.Molecule>` A PLAMS Molecule. segment_dict : :class:`Mapping[str, plams.Molecule] <>` A dictionary mapping segment names to individual ligands. This can result in dramatic speed ups for systems wherein each segment contains a large number of residues. """ # noqa: E501 if mol is segment_dict is None: raise TypeError("One of `mol` and `segment_dict` must be specified") elif mol is not None and segment_dict is not None: raise TypeError("Only one of `mol` and `segment_dict` can be specified") if mol is not None: self.dihedrals = get_dihedrals(mol) else: self.dihedrals = self._generate_from_res_dict(segment_dict, "dihedrals")
@overload def generate_impropers(self, mol: Molecule, *, segment_dict: None = ...) -> None: ... @overload # noqa: E301 def generate_impropers(self, mol: None = ..., *, segment_dict: Mapping[str, Molecule]) -> None: ...
[docs] def generate_impropers(self, mol=None, *, segment_dict=None) -> None: # noqa: E301 """Update :attr:`PSFContainer.impropers` with the indices of all improper dihedral angle-defining atoms from **mol**. Notes ----- The **mol** and **segment_dict** parameters are mutually exclusive. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`plams.Molecule <scm.plams.mol.molecule.Molecule>` A PLAMS Molecule. segment_dict : :class:`Mapping[str, plams.Molecule] <>` A dictionary mapping segment names to individual ligands. This can result in dramatic speed ups for systems wherein each segment contains a large number of residues. """ # noqa: E501 if mol is segment_dict is None: raise TypeError("One of `mol` and `segment_dict` must be specified") elif mol is not None and segment_dict is not None: raise TypeError("Only one of `mol` and `segment_dict` can be specified") if mol is not None: self.impropers = get_impropers(mol) else: self.impropers = self._generate_from_res_dict(segment_dict, "impropers")
[docs] def generate_atoms(self, mol: Molecule, id_map: Optional[Mapping[int, Any]] = None) -> None: """Update :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms` with the all properties from **mol**. DataFrame keys in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms` are set based on the following values in **mol**: ================== ========================================================= ================================================= DataFrame column Value Backup value(s) ================== ========================================================= ================================================= ``"segment name"`` ``"MOL{:d}"``; See ``"atom type"`` and ``"residue name"`` ``"residue ID"`` || ``["pdb_info"]["ResidueNumber"]`` ``1`` ``"residue name"`` || ``["pdb_info"]["ResidueName"]`` ``"COR"`` ``"atom name"`` |Atom.symbol| ``"atom type"`` || ``["symbol"]`` |Atom.symbol| ``"charge"`` || ``["charge_float"]`` || ``["charge"]`` & ``0.0`` ``"mass"`` |Atom.mass| ``"0"`` ``0`` ================== ========================================================= ================================================= If a value is not available in a particular || instance then a backup value will be set. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`plams.Molecule <scm.plams.mol.molecule.Molecule>` A PLAMS Molecule. id_map : :class:`Mapping[int, Any] <>`, optional A mapping of ligand residue ID's to a custom (Hashable) descriptor. Can be used for generating residue names for quantum dots with multiple different ligands. """ # noqa def get_res_id(at: Atom) -> int: return'pdb_info', {}).get('ResidueNumber', 1) def get_res_name(at: Atom) -> str: return'pdb_info', {}).get('ResidueName', 'COR') def get_at_type(at: Atom) -> str: return'symbol', at.symbol) def get_charge(at: Atom) -> float: properties = if 'charge_float' in properties: return float(properties.charge_float) elif 'charge' in properties: return float(properties.charge) return 0.0 index = pd.RangeIndex(1, 1 + len(mol)) self.atoms = df = pd.DataFrame(index=index, dtype=str) df['segment name'] = None df['residue ID'] = [get_res_id(at) for at in mol] df['residue name'] = [get_res_name(at) for at in mol] df['atom name'] = [at.symbol for at in mol] df['atom type'] = [get_at_type(at) for at in mol] df['charge'] = [get_charge(at) for at in mol] df['mass'] = [at.mass for at in mol] df['0'] = 0 df['segment name'] = self._construct_segment_name(id_map)
def _construct_segment_name(self, id_map: Optional[Mapping[int, Any]] = None) -> List[str]: """Generate a list for the :attr:`PSF.atoms` ``["segment name"]`` column.""" ret: List[str] = [] ret_append = ret.append type_dict: Dict[str, str] = {} id_map_get = cast( Callable[[int, str], str], id_map.get if id_map is not None else DummyGetter('LIG').get ) iterator = zip(self.atom_type, self.residue_name, self.residue_id) for at_type, res_name, res_id in iterator: if res_name == 'LIG': at_type = id_map_get(res_id, 'LIG') try: value = type_dict[at_type] except KeyError: type_dict[at_type] = value = 'MOL{:d}'.format(1 + len(type_dict)) ret_append(value) return ret
[docs] def to_atom_dict(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Create a dictionary of atom types and lists with their respective indices. Returns ------- :class:`dict[str, list[int]] <dict>` A dictionary with atom types as keys and lists of matching atomic indices as values. The indices are 0-based. """ return group_by_values(enumerate(self.atom_type))
[docs] def validate_mol(self, mol: MultiMolecule) -> None: """Check whether the atomic symbols in the passed molecule match the psf. Raises ------ plams.MoleculeError Raised if there's either an atom count- or type-mismatch """ atoms_mol = pd.Series(mol.symbol, dtype=str, if self.atom_name.size != atoms_mol.size: raise MoleculeError( f"Mismatched atom count between passed psf ({self.atom_name.size}) " f"and molecule ({atoms_mol.size})" ) else: atoms_mol.index = self.atoms.index atoms_mismatch = self.atom_name != atoms_mol if atoms_mismatch.any(): mismatch_df = pd.DataFrame( index=atoms_mismatch.index[atoms_mismatch], columns=["psf", "mol"], dtype=str ) mismatch_df["psf"] = self.atom_name[atoms_mismatch] mismatch_df["mol"] = atoms_mol[atoms_mismatch] = "Index (1-based)" with pd.option_context("display.max_columns", 10, "display.show_dimensions", False): raise MoleculeError( f"Found {atoms_mismatch.sum()} mismatched atoms " f"between psf and molecule:\n\n{mismatch_df.T}" )
[docs] def to_atom_alias_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[str, np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.intp]]]]: """Create a with atom aliases.""" counter: defaultdict[str, int] = defaultdict(lambda: -1) dct: defaultdict[Tuple[str, str], List[int]] = defaultdict(list) for (at1, at2) in self.atoms[['atom type', 'atom name']].values: # type: str, str counter[at2] += 1 if at1 == at2: continue i = counter[at2] dct[at1, at2].append(i) return {at1: (at2, np.array(lst, dtype=np.intp)) for (at1, at2), lst in dct.items()}
[docs] @raise_if(RDKIT_EX) def write_pdb(self, mol: Molecule, pdb_file: Union[str, PathLike, IO[str]] = sys.stdout, copy_mol: bool = True) -> None: """Construct a .pdb file from this instance and **mol**. Note ---- Requires the optional RDKit package. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`plams.Molecule <scm.plams.mol.molecule.Molecule>` A PLAMS Molecule. copy_mol : :class:`bool` If ``True``, create a copy of **mol** instead of modifying it inplace. pdb_file : :class:`str` ot :class:`IO[str] <io.TextIOBase>` A filename or a file-like object. """ if hasattr(pdb_file, '__fspath__'): pdb_file = str(pdb_file) if copy_mol: mol = mol.copy() # Update residue information and the like for at, (_, series) in zip(mol, self.atoms.iterrows()): += { 'ResidueNumber': series['residue ID'], 'ResidueName': series['residue name'], 'Name': series['atom type'], 'IsHeteroAtom': at.symbol not in {'C', 'H'}, 'ChainId': 'A' } # Update bonds mol.delete_all_bonds() for i, j in self.bonds: mol.add_bond(Bond(mol[i], mol[j], mol=mol)) writepdb(mol, pdb_file)
@overload def sort_values( self, by: str | Iterable[str], *, return_argsort: Literal[False] = ..., inplace: bool = ..., ascending: bool = ..., kind: Literal['quicksort', 'mergesort', 'heapsort'] = ..., na_position: Literal['first', 'last'] = 'last', key: None | Callable[[pd.Series], pd.Series] = None, ) -> PSFContainer: ... @overload # noqa: E301 def sort_values( self, by: str | Iterable[str], *, return_argsort: Literal[True], inplace: bool = True, ascending: bool = True, kind: Literal['quicksort', 'mergesort', 'heapsort'] = ..., na_position: Literal['first', 'last'] = 'last', key: None | Callable[[pd.Series], pd.Series] = None, ) -> Tuple[PSFContainer, np.ndarray]: ...
[docs] def sort_values(self, by, *, return_argsort=False, inplace=False, **kwargs): # noqa: E301 r"""Sort the :attr:`~PSFContainer.atoms` values by the specified columns. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from FOX import PSFContainer >>> psf: PSFContainer = ... >>> print(psf) PSFContainer( acceptors = array([], shape=(0, 1), dtype=int64), angles = array([], shape=(0, 3), dtype=int64), atoms = segment name residue ID residue name atom name atom type charge mass 0 1 MOL1 1 COR Cd Cd 0.0 112.41400 0 2 MOL1 1 COR Cd Cd 0.0 112.41400 0 3 MOL1 1 COR Cd Cd 0.0 112.41400 0 4 MOL1 1 COR Cd Cd 0.0 112.41400 0 5 MOL1 1 COR Cd Cd 0.0 112.41400 0 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 223 MOL3 26 LIG O O 0.0 15.99940 0 224 MOL3 27 LIG C C 0.0 12.01060 0 225 MOL3 27 LIG H H 0.0 1.00798 0 226 MOL3 27 LIG O O 0.0 15.99940 0 227 MOL3 27 LIG O O 0.0 15.99940 0 [227 rows x 8 columns], bonds = array([[124, 125], [126, 124], [127, 124], [128, 129], [130, 128], ..., [222, 220], [223, 220], [224, 225], [226, 224], [227, 224]], dtype=int64), dihedrals = array([], shape=(0, 4), dtype=int64), donors = array([], shape=(0, 1), dtype=int64), filename = array([], dtype='<U1'), impropers = array([], shape=(0, 4), dtype=int64), no_nonbonded = array([], shape=(0, 2), dtype=int64), title = array(['PSF file generated with Auto-FOX', ''], dtype='<U38') ) >>> psf.sort_values(["residue ID", "mass"]) PSFContainer( acceptors = array([], shape=(0, 1), dtype=int64), angles = array([], shape=(0, 3), dtype=int64), atoms = segment name residue ID residue name atom name atom type charge mass 0 1 MOL2 1 COR Se Se 0.0 78.97100 0 2 MOL2 1 COR Se Se 0.0 78.97100 0 3 MOL2 1 COR Se Se 0.0 78.97100 0 4 MOL2 1 COR Se Se 0.0 78.97100 0 5 MOL2 1 COR Se Se 0.0 78.97100 0 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 223 MOL3 26 LIG O O 0.0 15.99940 0 224 MOL3 27 LIG H H 0.0 1.00798 0 225 MOL3 27 LIG C C 0.0 12.01060 0 226 MOL3 27 LIG O O 0.0 15.99940 0 227 MOL3 27 LIG O O 0.0 15.99940 0 [227 rows x 8 columns], bonds = array([[141, 139], [138, 141], [136, 141], [137, 135], [134, 137], ..., [164, 167], [165, 167], [163, 162], [160, 163], [161, 163]], dtype=int64), dihedrals = array([], shape=(0, 4), dtype=int64), donors = array([], shape=(0, 1), dtype=int64), filename = array([], dtype='<U1'), impropers = array([], shape=(0, 4), dtype=int64), no_nonbonded = array([], shape=(0, 2), dtype=int64), title = array(['PSF file generated with Auto-FOX', ''], dtype='<U38') ) >>> from scm.plams import Molecule # Sort the molecule in the same order as `psf` >>> mol: Molecule = .... >>> psf_new, argsort = psf.sort_values(["residue ID", "mass"], return_argsort=True) >>> mol.atoms = [mol.atoms[i] for i in argsort] Parameters ---------- by : :class:`str` or :class:`Sequence[str]` One or more strings with the names of columns. return_argsort : :class:`bool` If :data:`True`, also return the array of indices that sorts the dataframe. \**kwargs : :data:`~typing.Any` Further keyword arguments for . Note that ``axis`` and ``ignore_index`` are not supported. Secondly, ``inplace=True`` will always return ``self``. See Also -------- :meth:`pd.DataFrame.sort_values <pandas.DataFrame.sort_values>` Sort by the values along either axis. """ # noqa: E501 if not _ILLEGAL_SORT_KWARGS.isdisjoint(kwargs): intersection = _ILLEGAL_SORT_KWARGS.intersection(kwargs.keys()) name = next(iter(intersection)) raise TypeError(f"sort_psf() got an unexpected keyword argument {name!r}") if not inplace: ret = self.copy() else: ret = self df = ret.atoms df['_index'] = df.index if isinstance(by, str): by = [by, '_index'] else: by = list(by) by.append('_index') df.sort_values(by, inplace=True, **kwargs) del df['_index'] argsort = np.append(0, df.index.values) df.index = pd.RangeIndex(1, 1 + len(df), # Update the residue ID res_id = df['residue ID'] res_grad = df.index[np.gradient(res_id).astype(np.bool_)] iterator = _get_res_iter(res_grad, res_id) for slc, value in iterator: df.loc[slc, 'residue ID'] = value ar_names = [ "acceptors", "angles", "bonds", "dihedrals", "donors", "impropers", "no_nonbonded" ] iterator: Iterator[Tuple[str, np.ndarray]] = ((k, getattr(ret, k)) for k in ar_names) for name, ar in iterator: ar_sort = argsort[ar] setattr(ret, name, ar_sort) if not return_argsort: return ret else: return ret, argsort[1:] - 1
def overlay_str_file(psf: PSFContainer, filename: Union[str, bytes, PathLike], id_range: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None) -> None: """Update all ligand atom types and atomic charges in :attr:`PSF.atoms`. Performs an inplace update of the ``"charge"`` and ``"atom type"`` columns in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms`. Parameters ---------- psf : :class:`FOX.PSFContainer` A :class:`PSFContainer` instance. filename : :class:`str` The path+filename of a .str file containing ligand charges and atom types. id_range : :class:`Iterable[int] <>`, optional An iterable with the residue IDs of to-be updated residues. If ``None``, update the atoms in all residues. """ try: atoms, charge = read_str_file(filename) # type: ignore except TypeError as ex: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to parse {filename!r}") from ex _overlay(psf, atoms, charge, id_range) def overlay_rtf_file(psf: PSFContainer, filename: Union[str, bytes, PathLike], id_range: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None) -> None: """Update all ligand atom types and atomic charges in :attr:`PSF.atoms`. Performs an inplace update of the ``"charge"`` and ``"atom type"`` columns in :attr:`PSFContainer.atoms`. Parameters ---------- psf : :class:`FOX.PSFContainer` A :class:`PSFContainer` instance. filename : :class:`str` The path+filename of a .rtf file containing ligand charges and atom types. id_range : :class:`Iterable[int] <>`, optional An iterable with the residue IDs of to-be updated residues. If ``None``, update the atoms in all residues. """ try: atoms, charge = read_rtf_file(filename) # type: ignore except TypeError as ex: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to parse {filename!r}") from ex _overlay(psf, atoms, charge, id_range) def _overlay(psf: PSFContainer, atom_list: Collection[str], charge_list: Collection[float], id_range: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None) -> None: id_range = range(2, 1 + max(psf.residue_id)) if id_range is None else id_range try: for i in id_range: j = psf.residue_id == i psf.atoms.loc[j, 'atom type'] = atom_list psf.atoms.loc[j, 'charge'] = charge_list except ValueError as ex: try: ligand_size = np.count_nonzero(j) at_len = len(atom_list) charge_len = len(charge_list) except Exception as ex2: # Plan B in case something goes wrong here raise ex from ex2 if ligand_size != at_len: raise ValueError(f"Residue {i} in the passed {psf.__class__.__name__} contains " f"{ligand_size} atoms while the passed 'atom_list' " f"contains {at_len}") from ex elif ligand_size != charge_len: raise ValueError(f"Residue {i} in the passed {psf.__class__.__name__} contains " f"{ligand_size} atoms while the passed 'charge_list' " f"contains {charge_len}") from ex raise ex