Source code for FOX.armc.param_mapping

"""A module containing the :class:`ParamMapping` class.

.. currentmodule:: FOX.armc
.. autosummary::

.. autoclass:: ParamMappingABC
.. autoclass:: ParamMapping


from __future__ import annotations

from itertools import chain
from copy import deepcopy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from types import MappingProxyType
from logging import Logger
from functools import wraps, partial
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (
    Any, TypeVar, Optional, Tuple, Mapping, Iterable, ClassVar, Union,
    Callable, FrozenSet, cast, MutableMapping, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict,

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from assertionlib.dataclass import AbstractDataClass
from nanoutils import Literal, TypedDict, set_docstring

from ..type_hints import ArrayLike
from ..functions.charge_utils import update_charge, get_net_charge, ChargeError
from ..functions.cp2k_utils import UNIT_MAP_REVERSED

    from pandas.core.generic import NDFrame
    from ..type_alias import NDFrame

__all__ = ['ParamMappingABC', 'ParamMapping']

# A generic typevar
T = TypeVar('T')

# MultiIndex keys
Tup3 = Tuple[Any, Any, Any]
Tup2 = Tuple[Any, Any]

# All dict keys in ParamMappingABC
MetadataKeys = Literal['min', 'max', 'count', 'frozen', 'guess', 'unit']

# A function for moving parameters
MoveFunc = Callable[[float, float], float]

class _InputMapping(TypedDict):
    param: Union[NDFrame, Mapping[str, pd.Series]]

class InputMapping(_InputMapping, total=False):
    """A :class:`~typing.TypedDict` representing the :class:`ParamMappingABC` input."""

    min: pd.Series
    max: pd.Series
    count: pd.Series
    frozen: pd.Series
    guess: pd.Series
    unit: pd.Series

def _parse_param(dct: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    # Check that the 'param' key is present
        _param = dct['param']
    except KeyError as ex:
        raise KeyError(f"The {'param'!r} key is absent from the passed mapping") from ex

    # Cast the data into the correct shape
    if isinstance(_param, pd.Series):
        dct['param'] = param = _param.to_frame(name=0)
    elif isinstance(_param, pd.DataFrame):
        param = _param
            dct['param'] = param = pd.DataFrame(_param)
        except TypeError as ex:
            raise TypeError(f"the 'param' value expected a Series, DataFrame or dict of Series; "
                            f"observed type: {_param.__class__.__name__!r}") from ex

    # Check that it has a 3-level MultiIndex
    n_level = 3
    if not isinstance(param.index, pd.MultiIndex):
        raise TypeError(f"Series.index expected a {n_level}-level MultiIndex; "
                        f"observed type: {param.index.__class__.__name!r}")
    elif len(param.index.levels) != n_level:
        raise ValueError(f"Series.index expected a {n_level}-level MultiIndex; "
                         f"observed number levels: {len(param.index.levels)}")
    return param

[docs]class ParamMappingABC(AbstractDataClass, ABC): r"""A :class:`` for storing and updating forcefield parameters. Besides the implementation of the :class:`` protocol, this class has access to four main methods: * :meth:`__call__` or :meth:`move` move a random parameter by a random step size. * :meth:`identify_move` identify the parameter and move step size. * :meth:`clip_move` clip the move. * :meth:`apply_constraints` apply further constraints to the move. Note that :meth:`__call__` will internally call all other three methods. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame(..., index=pd.MultiIndex(...)) >>> param = ParamMapping(df, ...) >>> idx = param.move() Attributes ---------- move_range : :class:`np.ndarray[np.float64] <numpy.ndarray>`, shape :math:`(n,)` An 1D array with all allowed move steps. func : :class:`` The callable used for applying :math:`\phi` to the auxiliary error. The callable should take an two floats as arguments and return a new float. _net_charge : :class:`float`, optional The net charge of the molecular system. Only applicable if the ``"charge"`` is among the passed parameters. """ _net_charge: Optional[np.ndarray] _move_range: np.ndarray _is_independent: bool #: Fill values for when optional keys are absent. FILL_VALUE: ClassVar[MappingProxyType[MetadataKeys, np.generic]] = MappingProxyType({ 'min': np.float64(-np.inf), 'max': np.float64(np.inf), 'count': np.int64(-1), 'frozen': np.False_, 'guess': np.False_, 'unit': np.str_(''), }) _PRIVATE_ATTR = frozenset({'_net_charge'}) # type: ignore def __init__( self, data: Union[InputMapping, pd.DataFrame], move_range: Iterable[float], func: MoveFunc, constraints: Optional[Mapping[Tup2, Optional[Iterable[Mapping[str, float]]]]] = None, is_independent: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: r"""Initialize an :class:`ParamMappingABC` instance. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or :class:`Mapping[str, pd.Series] <>` A DataFrame (or dict of Series) containing the ``"param"`` key with the forcefield parameters. The index should be a 2-level :class:`~pandas.MultiIndex`, the first level containg the parameter name and the second the atom (pair). Optionally it can also contain one or more of the following keys: * ``"param_old"`` (:class:`float`): Old paramters from a previous iteration. * ``"min"`` (:class:`float`): The minimum value for each parameter. * ``"max"`` (:class:`float`): The maximum value for each parameter. * ``"constraints"`` (:class:`object`): A dictionary of constraints for each parameter. Setting a value to ``None`` means that there are no constraints for that parameter. * ``"count"`` (:class:`int`): The number of unique atom (pairs) assigned to a given parameter. Currently only important when updating the charge, as the latter requires a charge renormalization after every move to ensure the total molecular charge remains constant. See :attr:`ParamMappingABC._data`. move_range : :class:`.Iterable[float] <>` An iterable with all allowed move steps. See :attr:`ParamMappingABC.move_range`. func : :class:`[[float, float], float]` The callable used for applying :math:`\phi` to the auxiliary error. The callable should take an two floats as arguments and return a new float. See :attr:`ParamMappingABC.func`. is_independent : :class:`bool` Whether the parameters from different parameter-sets are shared or independent w.r.t. each other. \**kwargs : :data:`~typing.Any` Further keyword arguments for **func**. """ # noqa super().__init__() self._set_data(data) self.move_range = cast(np.ndarray, move_range) self.func: Callable[[float, float], float] = wraps(func)(partial(func, **kwargs)) self.constraints = cast(Dict[Tup2, Optional[Tuple[pd.Series, ...]]], constraints) self._is_independent = is_independent # Properties @property def is_independent(self) -> bool: return self._is_independent @property def constraints(self) -> Dict[Tup2, Optional[Tuple[pd.Series, ...]]]: return self._constraints @constraints.setter def constraints( self, value: Optional[Mapping[Tup2, Optional[Iterable[Mapping[str, float]]]]] ) -> None: if value is None: dct: Dict[Tup2, Optional[Tuple[pd.Series, ...]]] = {} else: func = lambda v: tuple(pd.Series(i) for i in v) if v is not None else None # noqa: E731,E501 dct = {k: func(v) for k, v in value.items()} for key in self.param.index: dct.setdefault(key[:2], None) self._constraints = dct @property def move_range(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._move_range @move_range.setter def move_range(self, value: ArrayLike) -> None: _ar = np.array(value, dtype=float, ndmin=1, copy=False) prm_len = len(self.param.columns) if _ar.ndim == 2: if len(_ar) != prm_len: if prm_len == 1: for i in range(1, len(_ar)): self.param[i] = self.param[0].copy() self.param_old[i] = self.param_old[0].copy() for (_, k), v in self.metadata.items(): self.metadata[i, k] = v.copy() else: raise ValueError(f"Expected 'move_range' length: {prm_len}; " f"observed length: {len(_ar)}") ar = _ar elif _ar.ndim == 1: ar = np.tile(_ar, prm_len) ar.shape = prm_len, -1 else: raise ValueError("'move_range' expected a 1D or 2D array; " f"observed dimensionality: {_ar.ndim}") self._move_range: np.ndarray = ar def _set_data(self, value: Union[InputMapping, pd.DataFrame]) -> None: dct = dict(value) # Check that the 'param' key is present param = _parse_param(dct) # Fill in the defaults metadata = pd.DataFrame( index=param.index, columns=pd.MultiIndex( levels=[pd.Index([], dtype=np.int64), pd.Index([], dtype=np.object_)], codes=[[], []], ), ) for i in param.columns: for name, fill_value in self.FILL_VALUE.items(): if name not in dct: metadata[i, name] = fill_value else: metadata[i, name] = np.asarray(dct[name], dtype=fill_value.dtype) # Construct a dictionary to contain the old parameter self.param = param self.param_old = param.copy() self.metadata = metadata # Cache the total charge of the system self._set_net_charge() # Magic methods and Mapping implementation def __eq__(self, value: Any) -> bool: """Implement :meth:`self == value <object.__eq__>`.""" if type(self) is not type(value): return False ret = np.all(self.move_range == value.move_range) if self._net_charge is not None and value._net_charge is not None: ret &= ( (self._net_charge.shape == value._net_charge.shape) and np.all(self._net_charge == value._net_charge) ) else: ret &= type(self._net_charge) is type(value._net_charge) if not ret: return False names = ["func", "args", "keywords"] v1, v2 = self.func, value.func if not all(getattr(v1, n, None) == getattr(v2, n, None) for n in names): return False names = ["param", "param_old", "metadata", "is_independent"] return all(np.array_equal(getattr(self, n, None), getattr(value, n, None)) for n in names) @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def _str_iterator(self): return ((k.strip('_'), v) for k, v in super()._str_iterator()) def _set_net_charge(self) -> None: """Set the total charge of the system.""" if 'charge' in self.param.index: iterator = ( get_net_charge( self.param.loc['charge', i], self.metadata.loc['charge', (i, 'count')] ) for i in self.param.columns ) array = np.fromiter(iterator, dtype=np.float64) array.setflags(write=False) self._net_charge = array else: self._net_charge = None def _net_charge_to_integer(self) -> None: if self._net_charge is not None: self._net_charge = np.round(self._net_charge).astype(np.int64) self._net_charge.setflags(write=False) # The actual meat of the class
[docs] def add_param(self, idx: Tup3, value: float, **kwargs: Any) -> None: r"""Add a new parameter to this instance. Parameters ---------- idx : :class:`tuple[str, str, str] <tuple>` The index of the new parameter. Must be compatible with ``pd.DataFrame.loc``. value : :class:`float` The value of the new parameter. \**kwargs : :data:`~typing.Any` Values for :class:`ParamMappingABC.metadata`. """ self.param.loc[idx] = value self.param_old.loc[idx] = value idx_range = self.metadata.columns.levels[0] metadata = {(i, k): v for i in idx_range for k, v in self.FILL_VALUE.items()} metadata.update(((i, k), v) for i in idx_range for k, v in kwargs.items()) self.metadata.loc[idx] = metadata
def __call__(self, logger: Optional[Logger] = None, param_idx: int = 0) -> Union[Exception, Tup3]: """Update a random parameter in **self.param** by a random value from **self.move.range**. Performs in inplace update of the ``'param'`` column in **self.param**. By default the move is applied in a multiplicative manner. **self.job.md_settings** and **self.job.preopt_settings** are updated to reflect the change in parameters. Parameters ---------- logger : :class:`logging.Logger`, optional A logger for reporting the updated value. param_idx : :class:`int` The index of the parameter. Only relevant when multiple parameter sets have to be stored (see :class:`MultiParamMaping`). Returns ------- :class:`tuple[str, str] <tuple>` The index of the updated parameter. """ # Prepare arguments a move idx, x1, x2 = self.identify_move(param_idx) _value = self.func(x1, x2) value = self.clip_move(idx, _value, param_idx) # Create a call to the logger if logger is not None: _, prm_type, atoms = idx"Moving {prm_type} ({atoms}): {x1:.4f} -> {value:.4f}") ex = self.apply_constraints(idx, value, param_idx) if ex is not None: return ex self.param.loc[idx, param_idx] = value return idx def set_n_columns(self, n: int) -> None: if len(self.param.columns) != 1: raise ValueError for i in range(1, n): self.param[i] = self.param[0] self.param_old[i] = self.param_old[0] for j in self.metadata.columns.levels[1]: self.metadata[i, j] = self.metadata[0, j]
[docs] @abstractmethod def identify_move(self, param_idx: int) -> Tuple[Tup3, float, float]: """Identify the to-be moved parameter and the size of the move. Parameters ---------- param_idx : :class:`str` The name of the parameter-containg column. Returns ------- :class:`tuple[tuple[str, str, str], float, float] <tuple>` The index of the to-be moved parameter, it's value and the size of the move. """ # noqa raise NotImplementedError('Trying to call an abstract method')
[docs] def clip_move(self, idx: Tup3, value: float, param_idx: int) -> float: """An optional function for clipping the value of **value**. Parameters ---------- idx : :class:`tuple[str, str, str] <tuple>` The index of the moved parameter. value : :class:`float` The value of the moved parameter. param_idx : :class:`str` The name of the parameter-containg column. Returns ------- :class:`float` The newly clipped value of the moved parameter. """ # noqa return value
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, idx: Tup3, value: float, param: int) -> None | BaseException: """An optional function for applying further constraints based on **idx** and **value**. Should perform an inplace update of this instance. Parameters ---------- idx : :class:`tuple[str, str, str] <tuple>` The index of the moved parameter. value : :class:`float` The value of the moved parameter. param : :class:`str` The name of the parameter-containg column. Returns ------- :class:`Exception`, optional Any exceptions raised during this functions' call. """ # noqa pass
[docs] def to_struct_array(self) -> np.ndarray: """Stack all :class:`~pandas.Series` in this instance into a single structured array.""" cls = type(self) dtype_dict = {k: type(v) for k, v in cls.FILL_VALUE.items()} dtype_dict['unit'] = h5py.string_dtype('utf-8') dtype: np.dtype[np.void] = np.dtype(list(dtype_dict.items())) ret = [] for i in self.metadata.columns.levels[0]: # type: int iterator = (v for _, v in self.metadata[i].items()) ret.append(np.rec.fromarrays(iterator, dtype=dtype)) return np.array(ret)
[docs] def constraints_to_str(self) -> pd.Series: """Convert the constraints into a human-readably :class:`pandas.Series`.""" dct = {k: '' for k in self.constraints} for key, tup in self.constraints.items(): if tup is None: continue dct[key] += ' == '.join( ' + '.join(f'{v}*{k}' for k, v in series.items()) for series in tup ) ret = pd.Series(dct) = 'constraints' ret.index.names = self.param.index.names[:2] return ret
def to_yaml_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: cls = type(self) func = cast('partial[float]', self.func) try: if isinstance(func.func, np.ufunc): module = 'numpy' else: module = func.func.__module__ name = getattr(func.func, '__qualname__', func.func.__name__) except AttributeError as ex: raise TypeError(f"Failed to parse {cls.__name__}.func.func: {func.func!r}") from ex ret = { 'type': f'{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}', 'move_range': self.move_range.tolist(), 'func': f'{module}.{name}', 'kwargs': func.keywords, 'validation': { 'allow_non_existent': True, 'charge_tolerance': 'inf' } } _template = { 'param': '', 'constraints': [], 'frozen': {}, } idx_dict = {} index = self.param.index constraints = self.constraints_to_str() for key, param, _ in index: if (key, param) in idx_dict: continue template = deepcopy(_template) template['param'] = param if constraints[key, param]: template['constraints'].append(constraints[key, param]) lst = ret.setdefault(key, []) lst.append(template) idx_dict[key, param] = len(lst) - 1 # Set the extremites metadata = self.metadata[[(0, 'min'), (0, 'max')]] for (key, param, atom), (min_, max_) in metadata.iterrows(): i = idx_dict[key, param] ret[key][i]['constraints'].append(f'{min_} < {atom} < {max_}') # Set the parameters iterator = ((k,[k, 0], self.metadata.loc[k, [(0, 'frozen'), (0, 'unit')]]) for k in index) # noqa: E501 for (key, param, atom), value, (frozen, unit) in iterator: i = idx_dict[key, param] if frozen: ret[key][i]['frozen'][atom] = value.item() else: ret[key][i][atom] = value.item() ret[key][i]['unit'] = unit or None return ret
[docs] def get_cp2k_dicts(self) -> list[defaultdict[str, pd.DataFrame]]: """Get dictionaries with CP2K parameters that are parsable by QMFlows.""" ret = [] df_template = pd.DataFrame(columns=["param", "unit"], dtype=object) for i, series in self.param.items(): dct: defaultdict[str, pd.DataFrame] = defaultdict(df_template.copy) visited = set() for (k, param, atom), v in series.items(): visited_key = (k, param) if visited_key not in visited: unit =[(k, param, atom), (i, "unit")] or None visited.add(visited_key) dct[k].at[param, "param"] = param dct[k].at[param, "unit"] = UNIT_MAP_REVERSED.get(unit, unit) dct[k].at[param, atom] = v ret.append(dct) return ret
MOVE_RANGE = np.array([[ 0.900, 0.905, 0.910, 0.915, 0.920, 0.925, 0.930, 0.935, 0.940, 0.945, 0.950, 0.955, 0.960, 0.965, 0.970, 0.975, 0.980, 0.985, 0.990, 0.995, 1.005, 1.010, 1.015, 1.020, 1.025, 1.030, 1.035, 1.040, 1.045, 1.050, 1.055, 1.060, 1.065, 1.070, 1.075, 1.080, 1.085, 1.090, 1.095, 1.100 ]], dtype=float) MOVE_RANGE.setflags(write=False)
[docs]@set_docstring(ParamMappingABC.__doc__) class ParamMapping(ParamMappingABC): #: A set of charge-like parameters which require a parameter re-normalization after every move. CHARGE_LIKE: ClassVar[FrozenSet[str]] = frozenset({ 'charge' }) @ParamMappingABC.inherit_annotations() def __init__(self, data, move_range=MOVE_RANGE, func=np.multiply, **kwargs): super().__init__(data, move_range, func=func, **kwargs)
[docs] def identify_move(self, param_idx: int) -> Tuple[Tup3, float, float]: """Identify and return a random parameter and move size. Parameters ---------- param_idx : :class:`int` The name of the parameter-containg column. Returns ------- :class:`tuple[tuple[str, str, str], float, float] <tuple>` The index of the to-be moved parameter, it's value and the size of the move. """ # noqa # Define a random parameter variable = ~self.metadata[param_idx, 'frozen'] random_prm: pd.Series = self.param.loc[variable, param_idx].sample() idx, x1 = next(random_prm.items()) # Type: Tup3, float # Define a random move size x2: float = np.random.choice(self.move_range[param_idx], 1)[0] return idx, x1, x2
[docs] def clip_move(self, idx: Tup3, value: float, param_idx: int) -> np.float64: """Ensure that **value** falls within a user-specified range. Parameters ---------- idx : :class:`tuple[str, str, str] <tuple>` The index of the moved parameter. value : :class:`float` The value of the moved parameter. param_idx : :class:`int` The name of the parameter-containg column. Returns ------- :class:`float` The newly clipped value of the moved parameter. """ # noqa value_min = self.metadata.loc[idx, (param_idx, 'min')] value_max = self.metadata.loc[idx, (param_idx, 'max')] return np.clip(value, value_min, value_max)
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, idx: Tup3, value: float, param_idx: int) -> None | ChargeError: """Apply further constraints based on **idx** and **value**. Performs an inplace update of this instance. Parameters ---------- idx : :class:`tuple[str, str, str] <tuple>` The index of the moved parameter. value : :class:`float` The value of the moved parameter. param_idx : :class:`int` The name of the parameter-containg column. """ # noqa key = idx[:2] atom = idx[2] is_charge_like = key[1] in self.CHARGE_LIKE if self.is_independent: iterator: Iterable[int] = [param_idx] else: iterator = chain([param_idx], (i for i in self.param.columns if i != param_idx)) param_backup = self.param.copy() exclude_old: set[str] = set() for i in iterator: charge = self._net_charge[i] if is_charge_like else None frozen = self.metadata.loc[key, (i, 'frozen')] count = self.metadata.loc[key, (i, 'count')] count_zero: set[str] = set(count.index[count == 0]) if frozen.any(): exclude: None | set[str] = set(frozen.index[frozen]) | exclude_old | count_zero else: exclude = None if not exclude_old else exclude_old | count_zero exclude_old.update(count.index[count != 0]) ret = update_charge( atom, value, param=self.param.loc[key, i], count=count, atom_coefs=self.constraints[key], prm_min=self.metadata.loc[key, (i, 'min')], prm_max=self.metadata.loc[key, (i, 'max')], net_charge=charge, exclude=exclude, ) # NOTE: pandas bugs out if the assignment is carried out with the help of # a dataframe, instead setting all values `nan`; use an `ndarray` instead. if not self.is_independent: if exclude is not None: include = self.param.loc[key, :].index.difference(exclude) key_list = [(*key, i) for i in include] self.param.loc[key_list] = self.param.loc[key_list, i].values[..., None] else: self.param.loc[key] = self.param.loc[key, i].values[..., None] if ret is not None: self.param[:] = param_backup if exclude is not None: ret.atoms = self.param.loc[key, :].index.difference(exclude) else: ret.atoms = self.param.loc[key, :].index return ret return None