Source code for FOX.armc.err_funcs

"""A module with ARMC error functions.

.. currentmodule:: FOX.armc
.. autosummary::

.. autofunction:: mse_normalized
.. autofunction:: mse_normalized_weighted
.. autofunction:: mse_normalized_max
.. autofunction:: mse_normalized_v2
.. autofunction:: mse_normalized_weighted_v2
.. autofunction:: err_normalized
.. autofunction:: err_normalized_weighted
.. data:: default_error_func
    :value: FOX.armc.mse_normalized

    An alias for :func:`FOX.arc.mse_normalized`.


from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, overload

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

    from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
    from numpy import float64 as f8

__all__ = [

def _get_mse(qm: NDArray[f8], mm: NDArray[f8], axis: None = ...) -> f8: ...
def _get_mse(qm: NDArray[f8], mm: NDArray[f8], axis: tuple[int, ...]) -> NDArray[f8]: ...
def _get_mse(qm, mm, axis=None):  # noqa: E302
    """Compute the mean squared error of qm and mm and reduce over the specified axes."""
    mse = (qm - mm)**2
    return mse.sum(axis=axis)

def _check_zeros(qm: NDArray[f8], mm: NDArray[f8]) -> "f8 | None":
    """Add special-casing for zero checking.

    Return ``0.0`` if both operands are all zero.
    Return ``inf`` if ``mm`` is all zero.
    Return ``None`` otherwhise.

    mm_all_0 = ~np.any(mm)
    qm_all_0 = ~np.any(qm)
    if mm_all_0 & qm_all_0:
        return np.float64(0)
    elif mm_all_0:
        # Mimick the numpy division by 0 warning that would otherwise occur
        warnings.warn("divide by zero encountered in true_divide", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
        return np.float64(np.inf)
        return None

[docs]def mse_normalized(qm: ArrayLike, mm: ArrayLike) -> f8: """Return a normalized mean square error (MSE) over the flattened input.""" qm = np.asarray(qm, dtype=np.float64) mm = np.asarray(mm, dtype=np.float64) scalar = _get_mse(qm, mm, axis=None) return scalar / np.abs(qm).sum()
[docs]def mse_normalized_weighted(qm: ArrayLike, mm: ArrayLike) -> f8: """Return a normalized mean square error (MSE) over the flattened subarrays of the input. >1D array-likes are herein treated as stacks of flattened arrays. """ if isinstance(qm, pd.DataFrame): qm = np.array(qm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False).T else: qm = np.array(qm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False) if isinstance(mm, pd.DataFrame): mm = np.array(mm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False).T else: mm = np.array(mm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False) zeros_special_casing = _check_zeros(qm, mm) if zeros_special_casing is not None: return zeros_special_casing axes_qm = tuple(range(1, qm.ndim)) axes_qm_mm = tuple(range(1, max(qm.ndim, mm.ndim))) vector = _get_mse(qm, mm, axis=axes_qm_mm) vector /= np.abs(qm).sum(axis=axes_qm) return (vector**2).sum() / vector.size
[docs]def mse_normalized_max(qm: ArrayLike, mm: ArrayLike) -> f8: """Return the maximum normalized mean square error (MSE) over the flattened subarrays of the input. >1D array-likes are herein treated as stacks of flattened arrays. """ # noqa: E501 if isinstance(qm, pd.DataFrame): qm = np.array(qm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False).T else: qm = np.array(qm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False) if isinstance(mm, pd.DataFrame): mm = np.array(mm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False).T else: mm = np.array(mm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False) zeros_special_casing = _check_zeros(qm, mm) if zeros_special_casing is not None: return zeros_special_casing axes_qm = tuple(range(1, qm.ndim)) axes_qm_mm = tuple(range(1, max(qm.ndim, mm.ndim))) vector = _get_mse(qm, mm, axis=axes_qm_mm) vector /= np.abs(qm).sum(axis=axes_qm) return vector.max()
[docs]def mse_normalized_v2(qm: ArrayLike, mm: ArrayLike) -> f8: """Return a normalized mean square error (MSE) over the flattened input. Normalize before squaring the error. """ qm = np.asarray(qm, dtype=np.float64) mm = np.asarray(mm, dtype=np.float64) zeros_special_casing = _check_zeros(qm, mm) if zeros_special_casing is not None: return zeros_special_casing delta = np.abs(qm - mm) delta /= np.abs(qm).sum() return (delta**2).sum()
[docs]def mse_normalized_weighted_v2(qm: ArrayLike, mm: ArrayLike) -> f8: """Return a normalized mean square error (MSE) over the flattened subarrays of the input. >1D array-likes are herein treated as stacks of flattened arrays. Normalize before squaring the error. """ if isinstance(qm, pd.DataFrame): qm = np.array(qm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False).T else: qm = np.array(qm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False) if isinstance(mm, pd.DataFrame): mm = np.array(mm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False).T else: mm = np.array(mm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False) zeros_special_casing = _check_zeros(qm, mm) if zeros_special_casing is not None: return zeros_special_casing axes_qm_mm = tuple(range(1, max(qm.ndim, mm.ndim))) axes_qm = tuple(range(1, qm.ndim)) padding_qm = len(axes_qm) * (None,) delta = np.abs(qm - mm) delta /= np.abs(qm).sum(axis=axes_qm)[(..., *padding_qm)] err_vec = np.sum(delta**2, axis=axes_qm_mm) return (err_vec**2).sum() / err_vec.size
[docs]def err_normalized(qm: ArrayLike, mm: ArrayLike) -> f8: """Return a normalized wrror over the flattened input. Normalize before taking the exponent - 1 of the error. """ qm = np.asarray(qm, dtype=np.float64) mm = np.asarray(mm, dtype=np.float64) zeros_special_casing = _check_zeros(qm, mm) if zeros_special_casing is not None: return zeros_special_casing delta = np.abs(qm - mm) delta /= np.abs(qm).sum() return delta.sum()
[docs]def err_normalized_weighted(qm: ArrayLike, mm: ArrayLike) -> f8: """Return a normalized error over the flattened subarrays of the input. >1D array-likes are herein treated as stacks of flattened arrays. """ if isinstance(qm, pd.DataFrame): qm = np.asarray(qm, dtype=np.float64).T else: qm = np.array(qm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False) if isinstance(mm, pd.DataFrame): mm = np.asarray(mm, dtype=np.float64).T else: mm = np.array(mm, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1, copy=False) zeros_special_casing = _check_zeros(qm, mm) if zeros_special_casing is not None: return zeros_special_casing axes_qm_mm = tuple(range(1, max(qm.ndim, mm.ndim))) axes_qm = tuple(range(1, qm.ndim)) padding_qm = len(axes_qm) * (None,) delta = np.abs(qm - mm) delta /= np.abs(qm).sum(axis=axes_qm)[(..., *padding_qm)] err_vec = delta.sum(axis=axes_qm_mm) return (err_vec**2).sum() / err_vec.size
default_error_func = mse_normalized