Source code for


A set of functions for analyzing ligands.

An example for generating a ligand center of mass RDF.

.. code:: python

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> from FOX import MultiMolecule, example_xyz
    >>> from import get_lig_center

    >>> mol = MultiMolecule.from_xyz(example_xyz)
    >>> start = 123  # Start of the ligands
    >>> step = 4  # Size of the ligands

    # Add dummy atoms to the ligand-center of mass and calculate the RDF
    >>> lig_centra: np.ndarray = get_lig_center(mol, start, step)
    >>> mol_new: MultiMolecule = mol.add_atoms(lig_centra, symbols='Xx')
    >>> rdf: pd.DataFrame = mol_new.init_rdf(atom_subset=['Xx'])

.. image:: ligand_rdf.png
    :scale: 20 %
    :align: center

Or the ADF.

.. code:: python

    >>> ...

    >>> adf: pd.DataFrame = mol_new.init_rdf(atom_subset=['Xx'], r_max=np.inf)

.. image:: ligand_adf.png
    :scale: 20 %
    :align: center

Or the potential of mean force (*i.e.* Boltzmann-inverted RDF).

.. code:: python

    >>> ...

    >>> from scipy import constants
    >>> from scm.plams import Units

    >>> RT: float = 298.15 * constants.Boltzmann
    >>> kj_to_kcal: float = Units.conversion_ratio('kj/mol', 'kcal/mol')

    >>> with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
    >>>     rdf_invert: pd.DataFrame = -RT * np.log(rdf) * kj_to_kcal
    >>>     rdf_invert[rdf_invert == np.inf] = np.nan  # Set all infinities to not-a-number

.. image:: ligand_rdf_inv.png
    :scale: 20 %
    :align: center

Focus on a specific ligand subset is possible by slicing the new ligand Cartesian coordinate array.

.. code:: python

    >>> ...

    >>> keep_lig = [0, 1, 2, 3]  # Keep these ligands; disgard the rest
    >>> lig_centra_subset = lig_centra[:, keep_lig]

    # Add dummy atoms to the ligand-center of mass and calculate the RDF
    >>> mol_new2: MultiMolecule = mol.add_atoms(lig_centra_subset, symbols='Xx')
    >>> rdf: pd.DataFrame = mol_new2.init_rdf(atom_subset=['Xx'])

.. image:: ligand_rdf_subset.png
    :scale: 20 %
    :align: center

An example for generating a ligand center of mass RDF from a quantum dot with multiple unique
A .psf file will herein be used as starting point.

.. code:: python

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from FOX import PSFContainer, MultiMolecule, group_by_values
    >>> from import get_multi_lig_center

    >>> mol = MultiMolecule.from_xyz(...)
    >>> psf =

    # Gather the indices of each ligand
    >>> idx_dict: dict = group_by_values(enumerate(psf.residue_id, start=1))
    >>> del idx_dict[1]  # Delete the core

    # Use the .psf segment names as symbols
    >>> symbols = [psf.segment_name[i].iloc[0] for i in idx_dict.values()]

    # Add dummy atoms to the ligand-center of mass and calculate the RDF
    >>> lig_centra: np.ndarray = get_multi_lig_center(mol, idx_dict.values())
    >>> mol_new: MultiMolecule = mol.add_atoms(lig_centra, symbols=symbols)
    >>> rdf = mol_new.init_rdf(atom_subset=set(symbols))

.. currentmodule::
.. autosummary::

.. autofunction:: get_lig_center
.. autofunction:: get_multi_lig_center


from typing import Optional, Iterable, Sequence

import numpy as np

from FOX import MultiMolecule

__all__ = ['get_lig_center', 'get_multi_lig_center']

[docs]def get_lig_center(mol: MultiMolecule, start: int, step: int, stop: Optional[int] = None, mass_weighted: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Return an array with the (mass-weighted) mean position of each ligands in **mol**. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`MultiMolecule<FOX.classes.multi_mol.MultiMolecule>` A MultiMolecule instance. start : :class:`int` The atomic index of the first ligand atoms. step : :class:`int` The number of atoms per ligand. stop : :class:`int`, optional Can be used for neglecting any ligands beyond a user-specified atomic index. mass_weighted : :class:`bool` If ``True``, return the mass-weighted mean ligand position rather than its unweighted counterpart. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` A new array with the ligand's centra of mass. If ``mol.shape == (m, n, 3)`` then, given ``k`` new ligands, the to-be returned array's shape is ``(m, k, 3)``. """ # Extract the ligands ligands = mol[:, start:stop].copy() m, n, _ = ligands.shape ligands.shape = m, n // step, step, 3 if not mass_weighted: return np.asarray(ligands.mean(axis=2)) mass = ligands.mass[start:stop] mass.shape = 1, n // step, step, 1 ligands *= mass return np.asarray(ligands.sum(axis=2) / mass.sum(axis=2))
[docs]def get_multi_lig_center(mol: MultiMolecule, idx_iter: Iterable[Sequence[int]], mass_weighted: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Return an array with the (mass-weighted) mean position of each ligands in **mol**. Contrary to :func:`get_lig_center`, this function can handle molecules with multiple non-unique ligands. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`MultiMolecule<FOX.classes.multi_mol.MultiMolecule>` A MultiMolecule instance. idx_iter : :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`Sequence<>` [:class:`int`]] An iterable consisting of integer sequences. Each integer sequence represents a single ligand (by its atomic indices). mass_weighted : :class:`bool` If ``True``, return the mass-weighted mean ligand position rather than its unweighted counterpart. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` A new array with the ligand's centra of mass. If ``mol.shape == (m, n, 3)`` then, given ``k`` new ligands (aka the length of **idx_iter**) , the to-be returned array's shape is ``(m, k, 3)``. """ # noqa mass_ = mol.mass ret = [] ret_append = ret.append for idx in idx_iter: ligand = mol[:, idx] if not mass_weighted: ret_append(ligand.mean(axis=1)) continue mass = mass_[idx][None, ..., None] ligand *= mass ret_append(ligand.sum(axis=1) / mass.sum(axis=1)) return np.array(ret)