Source code for


A module for reading multi-xyz files.

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import os
import reprlib
from typing import Tuple, Dict, Iterable, List, Union, Iterator, Generator, AnyStr
from itertools import islice, chain

import numpy as np

from ..functions.utils import group_by_values

__all__ = ['read_multi_xyz']

class XYZError(OSError):
    """Raise when there are issues related to parsing .xyz files."""

XYZoutput = Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, Dict[str, List[int]]],
                  Tuple[np.ndarray, Dict[str, List[int]], np.ndarray]]

[docs]def read_multi_xyz(filename: Union[AnyStr, os.PathLike], return_comment: bool = True) -> XYZoutput: r"""Read a (multi) .xyz file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path+filename of a (multi) .xyz file. return_comment : bool Whether or not the comment line in each Cartesian coordinate block should be returned. Returned as a 1D array of strings. Returns ------- :math:`m*n*3` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_], |dict|_ [|str|_, |list|_ [|int|_]] and\ (optional) :math:`m` |np.ndarray|_ [|str|_]: * A 3D array with Cartesian coordinates of :math:`m` molecules with :math:`n` atoms. * A dictionary with atomic symbols as keys and lists of matching atomic indices as values. * (Optional) a 1D array with :math:`m` comments. Raises ------ :exc:`.XYZError` Raised when issues are encountered related to parsing .xyz files. """ # Define constants and construct a dictionary: {atomic symbols: [atomic indices]} with open(filename, 'r') as f: atom_count = _get_atom_count(f) idx_dict = _get_idx_dict(f, atom_count) try: line_count = _get_line_count(f, add=[2, atom_count]) except UnboundLocalError: # The .xyz file contains a single molecule line_count = 2 + atom_count # Check if mol_count is fractional, smaller than 1 or if atom_count is smaller than 1 mol_count = line_count / (2 + atom_count) validate_xyz(mol_count, atom_count, filename) # Create the to-be returned xyz array shape = int(mol_count), atom_count, 3 with open(filename, 'r') as f: iterator = chain.from_iterable(_xyz_generator(f, atom_count)) try: xyz = np.fromiter(iterator, dtype=float, count=np.product(shape)) except ValueError as ex: # Failed to parse the .xyz file raise XYZError(str(ex)).with_traceback(ex.__traceback__) xyz.shape = shape # From 1D to 3D array if return_comment: return xyz, idx_dict, get_comments(filename, atom_count) else: return xyz, idx_dict
def _xyz_generator(f: Iterable[str], atom_count: int) -> Generator[Iterator[int], None, None]: """Create a Cartesian coordinate generator for :func:`.read_multi_xyz`.""" stop = 1 + atom_count for _ in f: yield chain.from_iterable(at.split()[1:] for at in islice(f, 1, stop)) def get_comments(filename: Union[AnyStr, os.PathLike], atom_count: int) -> np.ndarray: """Read and returns all comment lines in an xyz file. A single comment line should be located under the atom count of each molecule. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path+filename of a (multi) .xyz file. atom_count : int The number of atoms per molecule. Returns ------- :math:`m` |np.ndarray|_ [|str|_]: A 1D array with :math:`m` comments extracted from **filename**. """ step = 2 + atom_count with open(filename, 'r') as f: iterator = islice(f, 1, None, step) # Generator slicing return np.array([i.rstrip() for i in iterator]) def validate_xyz(mol_count: float, atom_count: int, filename: str) -> None: """Validate **mol_count** and **atom_count** in **xyz_file**. Parameters ---------- mol_count : float The number of molecules in the xyz file. Expects float that is finite with integral value (*e.g.* :math:`5.0`, :math:`6.0` or :math:`3.0`). atom_count : int The number of atoms per molecule. filename : str The path + filename of a (multi) .xyz file. Raises ------ :exc:`.XYZError` Raised when issues are encountered related to parsing .xyz files. """ filename = f"'...{os.sep}{os.path.basename(filename)}'" if not mol_count.is_integer(): raise XYZError(f"A non-integer number of molecules was found in '{filename}'; " f"mol count: {mol_count}") elif mol_count < 1.0: raise XYZError(f"No molecules were found in '{filename}'; mol count: {mol_count}") if atom_count < 1: raise XYZError(f"No atoms were found in '{filename}'; atom count: {atom_count}") def _get_atom_count(f: Iterator[str]) -> int: """Extract the number of atoms per molecule from the first line in an .xyz file. Parameters ---------- f : |io.TextIOWrapper|_ An opened .xyz file. Returns ------- |int|_: The number of atoms per molecule. Raises ------ :exc:`.XYZError` Raised when issues are encountered related to parsing .xyz files. """ ret = next(f) try: return int(ret) except ValueError as ex: err = (f"{reprlib.repr(ret)} is not a valid integer, the first line in an .xyz file " "should contain the number of atoms per molecule") raise XYZError(err).with_traceback(ex.__traceback__) def _get_line_count(f: Iterable, add: Union[int, Iterable[int]] = 0) -> int: """Extract the total number lines from **f**. Parameters ---------- f : |io.TextIOWrapper|_ An opened .xyz file. add : int or |Iterable|_ [|int|_] Add a constant to the to-be returned line count. Returns ------- |int|_: The total number of lines in **f**. """ start = 1 + sum(add) for i, _ in enumerate(f, start): pass return i def _get_idx_dict(f: Iterable[str], atom_count: int) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Extract atomic symbols and matching atomic indices from **f**. Parameters ---------- f : |io.TextIOWrapper|_ An opened .xyz file. atom_count : int The number of atoms per molecule. Returns ------- |dict|_ [|str|_, |list|_ [|int|_]]: A dictionary with atomic symbols and a list of matching atomic indices. """ stop = 1 + atom_count atom_list = [at.split(maxsplit=1)[0].capitalize() for at in islice(f, 1, stop)] return group_by_values(enumerate(atom_list))