Source code for


A class for reading and generating .prm parameter files.

.. currentmodule::
.. autosummary::

.. autoclass:: PRMContainer
.. automethod::
.. automethod:: PRMContainer.write
.. automethod:: PRMContainer.overlay_mapping
.. automethod:: PRMContainer.overlay_cp2k_settings

import inspect
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import (Any, Iterator, Dict, Tuple, FrozenSet, Mapping, List, Union, Iterable, Sequence,
                    Hashable, Optional, ClassVar, MutableSequence)
from itertools import chain, repeat
from collections import abc

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scm.plams import Settings
from assertionlib.dataclass import AbstractDataClass

from .cp2k_to_prm import PRMMappingType, PostProcess
from .cp2k_to_prm import CP2K_TO_PRM as _CP2K_TO_PRM
from .file_container import AbstractFileContainer
from ..functions.cp2k_utils import parse_cp2k_value

# nullcontext() was added in Python 3.7; suppress() sorta serves as an alternative
    from contextlib import nullcontext
except ImportError:
    from contextlib import suppress as nullcontext

__all__ = ['PRMContainer']

SeriesIdx = Mapping[str, float]  # e.g. a Pandas.Series with an Index
SeriesMultiIdx = Mapping[Tuple[str, ...], float]  # e.g. a Pandas.Series with a MultiIndex

[docs]class PRMContainer(AbstractDataClass, AbstractFileContainer): """A container for managing prm files. Attributes ---------- pd_printoptions : :class:`dict` [:class:`str`, :class:`object`], private A dictionary with Pandas print options. See `Options and settings <>`_. CP2K_TO_PRM : :class:`Mapping<>` [:class:`str`, :class:`PRMMapping<>`] A mapping providing tools for converting CP2K settings to .prm-compatible values. See :data:`CP2K_TO_PRM<>`. """ # noqa #: A :class:`frozenset` with the names of private instance attributes. #: These attributes will be excluded whenever calling :meth:`PRMContainer.as_dict`. _PRIVATE_ATTR: ClassVar[FrozenSet[str]] = frozenset({'_pd_printoptions'}) CP2K_TO_PRM: ClassVar[Mapping[str, PRMMappingType]] = _CP2K_TO_PRM #: A tuple of supported .psf headers. HEADERS: Tuple[str, ...] = ( 'ATOMS', 'BONDS', 'ANGLES', 'DIHEDRALS', 'NBFIX', 'HBOND', 'NONBONDED', 'IMPROPER', 'IMPROPERS', 'END' ) #: Define the columns for each DataFrame which hold its index INDEX: Mapping[str, List[int]] = MappingProxyType({ 'atoms': [2], 'bonds': [0, 1], 'angles': [0, 1, 2], 'dihedrals': [0, 1, 2, 3], 'nbfix': [0, 1], 'nonbonded': [0], 'improper': [0, 1, 2, 3], 'impropers': [0, 1, 2, 3] }) #: Placeholder values for DataFrame columns COLUMNS: Mapping[str, Tuple[Union[None, int, float], ...]] = MappingProxyType({ 'atoms': (None, -1, None, np.nan), 'bonds': (None, None, np.nan, np.nan), 'angles': (None, None, None, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan), 'dihedrals': (None, None, None, None, np.nan, -1, np.nan), 'nbfix': (None, None, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan), 'nonbonded': (None, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan), 'improper': (None, None, None, None, np.nan, 0, np.nan), 'impropers': (None, None, None, None, np.nan, 0, np.nan) }) @property def improper(self) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """Alias for :attr:`PRMContainer.impropers`.""" return self.impropers @improper.setter def improper(self, value: Optional[pd.DataFrame]) -> None: self.impropers = value
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None, atoms=None, bonds=None, angles=None, dihedrals=None, improper=None, impropers=None, nonbonded=None, nonbonded_header=None, nbfix=None, hbond=None) -> None: """Initialize a :class:`PRMContainer` instance.""" super().__init__() self.filename: str = filename self.atoms: pd.DataFrame = atoms self.bonds: pd.DataFrame = bonds self.angles: pd.DataFrame = angles self.dihedrals: pd.DataFrame = dihedrals self.improper: pd.DataFrame = improper if improper is not None else impropers self.nonbonded_header: str = nonbonded_header self.nonbonded: pd.DataFrame = nonbonded self.nbfix: pd.DataFrame = nbfix self.hbond: str = hbond # Print options for Pandas DataFrames self.pd_printoptions: Dict[str, Any] = {'display.max_rows': 20}
@property def pd_printoptions(self) -> Iterator[Union[Hashable, Any]]: return chain.from_iterable(self._pd_printoptions.items()) @pd_printoptions.setter def pd_printoptions(self, value: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self._pd_printoptions = self._is_mapping(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def _is_mapping(value: Any) -> dict: """Check if **value** is a :class:`dict` instance; raise a :exc:`TypeError` if not.""" if not isinstance(value, abc.Mapping): caller_name: str = inspect.stack()[1][3] raise TypeError(f"The {repr(caller_name)} parameter expects an instance of 'dict'; " f"observed type: '{value.__class__.__name__}''") return dict(value)
[docs] @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def __repr__(self): with pd.option_context(*self.pd_printoptions): return super().__repr__()
[docs] @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def __eq__(self, value): if type(self) is not type(value): return False try: for k, v1 in vars(self).items(): if k in self._PRIVATE_ATTR: continue v2 = getattr(value, k) if isinstance(v2, pd.DataFrame): assert (v1 == v2).values.all() else: assert v1 == v2 except (AttributeError, AssertionError): return False else: return True
# Ensure that a deepcopy is returned unless explictly specified
[docs] @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def copy(self, deep=True): return super().copy(deep)
[docs] @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def __copy__(self): return self.copy(deep=True)
"""########################### methods for reading .prm files. ##############################"""
[docs] @classmethod @AbstractFileContainer.inherit_annotations() def read(cls, filename, encoding=None, **kwargs): return super().read(filename, encoding, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod @AbstractFileContainer.inherit_annotations() def _read_iterate(cls, iterator): ret = {} value = None for i in iterator: i = i.rstrip('\n') if i.startswith('!') or i.startswith('*') or i.isspace() or not i: continue # Ignore comment lines and empty lines key = i.split(maxsplit=1)[0] if key in cls.HEADERS: ret[key.lower()] = value = [] ret[key.lower() + '_comment'] = value_comment = [] if key in ('HBOND', 'NONBONDED'): value.append(i.split()[1:]) continue v, _, comment = i.partition('!') value.append(v.split()) value_comment.append(comment.strip()) cls._read_post_iterate(ret) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def _read_post_iterate(cls, kwargs: dict) -> None: """Post process the dictionary produced by :meth:`PRMContainer._read_iterate`.""" if 'end' in kwargs: del kwargs['end'] if 'end_comment' in kwargs: del kwargs['end_comment'] comment_dict = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k.endswith('_comment'): comment_dict[k] = v elif k == 'hbond': kwargs[k] = ' '.join(chain.from_iterable(v)).split('!')[0].rstrip() elif k == 'nonbonded': nonbonded_header = ' '.join(chain.from_iterable(v[0:2])).rstrip() kwargs[k] = df = pd.DataFrame(v[2:]) cls._process_df(df, k) else: kwargs[k] = df = pd.DataFrame(v) cls._process_df(df, k) try: kwargs['nonbonded_header'] = nonbonded_header except NameError: pass for k, v in comment_dict.items(): if k == 'nonbonded_comment': v = v[1:] del kwargs[k] if k == 'hbond_comment': continue kwargs[k.rstrip('_comment')]['comment'] = v for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, pd.DataFrame) and not v.values.any(): kwargs[k] = None
@classmethod def _process_df(cls, df: pd.DataFrame, key: str) -> None: for i, default in enumerate(cls.COLUMNS[key]): if i not in df: df[i] = default else: default_type = str if default is None else type(default) df[i] = df[i].astype(default_type, copy=False) df['comment'] = None df.set_index(cls.INDEX[key], inplace=True)
[docs] @AbstractFileContainer.inherit_annotations() def _read_postprocess(self, filename, encoding=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(filename, str): self.filename = filename
"""########################### methods for writing .prm files. ##############################"""
[docs] @AbstractFileContainer.inherit_annotations() def write(self, filename=None, encoding=None, **kwargs): _filename = filename if filename is not None else self.filename if not _filename: raise TypeError("The 'filename' parameter is missing") super().write(_filename, encoding, **kwargs)
[docs] @AbstractFileContainer.inherit_annotations() def _write_iterate(self, write, **kwargs) -> None: isnull = pd.isnull for key in self.HEADERS[:-2]: key_low = key.lower() df = getattr(self, key_low) if key_low == 'hbond' and df is not None: write(f'\n{key} {df}\n') continue elif not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): continue df = df.reset_index() iterator = range(df.shape[1] - 1) df_str = ' '.join('{:8}' for _ in iterator) + ' !{}\n' if key_low != 'nonbonded': write(f'\n{key}\n') else: header = '-\n'.join(i for i in self.nonbonded_header.split('-')) write(f'\n{key} {header}\n') for _, row_value in df.iterrows(): write_str = df_str.format(*(('' if isnull(i) else i) for i in row_value)) write(write_str) write('\nEND\n')
"""######################### Methods for updating the PRMContainer ##########################"""
[docs] def overlay_mapping(self, prm_name: str, param_df: Mapping[str, Union[SeriesIdx, SeriesMultiIdx]], units: Optional[Iterable[Optional[str]]] = None) -> None: """Update a set of parameters, **prm_name**, with those provided in **param_df**. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from FOX import PRMContainer >>> prm = PRMContainer(...) >>> param_dict = {} >>> param_dict['epsilon'] = {'Cd Cd': ..., 'Cd Se': ..., 'Se Se': ...} # epsilon >>> param_dict['sigma'] = {'Cd Cd': ..., 'Cd Se': ..., 'Se Se': ...} # sigma >>> units = ('kcal/mol', 'angstrom') # input units for epsilon and sigma >>> prm.overlay_mapping('nonbonded', param_dict, units=units) Parameters ---------- prm_name : :class:`str` The name of the parameter of interest. See the keys of :attr:`PRMContainer.CP2K_TO_PRM` for accepted values. param_df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or nested :class:`Mapping<>` A DataFrame or nested mapping with the to-be added parameters. The keys should be a subset of :attr:`PRMContainer.CP2K_TO_PRM[prm_name]["columns"]<PRMContainer.CP2K_TO_PRM>`. If the index/nested sub-keys consist of strings then they'll be split and turned into a :class:`pandas.MultiIndex`. Note that the resulting values are *not* sorted. units : :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`str`], optional An iterable with the input units of each column in **param_df**. If ``None``, default to the defaults specified in :attr:`PRMContainer.CP2K_TO_PRM[prm_name]["unit"]<PRMContainer.CP2K_TO_PRM>`. """ # Parse arguments if units is None: units = repeat(None) try: prm_map = self.CP2K_TO_PRM[prm_name] except KeyError as ex: raise ValueError(f"'prm_name is of invalid value ({prm_name!r}); " f"accepted values: {tuple(self.CP2K_TO_PRM.keys())!r}") from ex # Extract parameter specific arguments name = prm_map['name'] output_units = prm_map['unit'] post_process = prm_map['post_process'] key_set = set(prm_map['key']) str2int = {item: i for item, i in zip(prm_map['key'], prm_map['columns'])} # Ensure that the attribute in question is a DataFrame and not None df = getattr(self, name) if df is None: df = pd.DataFrame() setattr(self, name, df) self._process_df(df, name) # Parse and validate the columns param_df = pd.DataFrame(param_df, copy=True) if not key_set.issuperset(param_df.columns): raise ValueError("The keys in `param_df` should be a subset of " f"`PRMContainer.CP2K_TO_PRM[{prm_name!r}]['key']`") param_df.columns = [str2int[i] for i in param_df.columns] # Parse and validate the index if not isinstance(param_df.index, pd.MultiIndex): iterator = (i.split() for i in param_df.index) param_df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(iterator) # Apply unit conversion and post-processing iterator = zip(param_df.items(), units, output_units, post_process) for (k, series), unit, output_unit, func in iterator: series_new = parse_cp2k_value(series, unit=output_unit, default_unit=unit) if func is not None: series_new = func(series_new) param_df[k] = series_new # Updated the DataFrame columns = param_df.columns for index, values in param_df.iterrows(): df.loc[index, columns] = values
[docs] def overlay_cp2k_settings(self, cp2k_settings: Mapping) -> None: """Extract forcefield information from PLAMS-style CP2K settings. Performs an inplace update of this instance. Examples -------- Example input value for **cp2k_settings**. In the provided example the **cp2k_settings** are directly extracted from a CP2K .inp file. .. code:: python >>> import cp2kparser # >>> filename = str(...) >>> cp2k_settings: dict = cp2kparser.read_input(filename) >>> print(cp2k_settings) {'force_eval': {'mm': {'forcefield': {'nonbonded': {'lennard-jones': [...]}}}}} Parameters ---------- cp2k_settings : :class:`Mapping<>` A Mapping with PLAMS-style CP2K settings. See Also -------- PRMMapping : :class:`PRMMapping<>` A mapping providing tools for converting CP2K settings to .prm-compatible values. """ if 'input' not in cp2k_settings: cp2k_settings = {'input': cp2k_settings} # If cp2k_settings is a Settings instance enable the supress_missing() context manager # In this manner normal KeyErrors will be raised, just like with dict if isinstance(cp2k_settings, Settings): context_manager = cp2k_settings.supress_missing else: context_manager = nullcontext with context_manager(): for prm_map in self.CP2K_TO_PRM.values(): name = prm_map['name'] columns = list(prm_map['columns']) key_path = prm_map['key_path'] key = prm_map['key'] unit = prm_map['unit'] default_unit = prm_map['default_unit'] post_process = prm_map['post_process'] self._overlay_cp2k_settings(cp2k_settings, name, columns, key_path, key, unit, default_unit, post_process)
[docs] def _overlay_cp2k_settings(self, cp2k_settings: Mapping, name: str, columns: MutableSequence[int], key_path: Sequence[str], key: Iterable[str], unit: Iterable[str], default_unit: Iterable[Optional[str]], post_process: Iterable[Optional[PostProcess]]) -> None: """Helper function for :meth:`PRMContainer.overlay_cp2k_settings`.""" # Extract the appropiate dict or sequence of dicts try: prm_iter = Settings.get_nested(cp2k_settings, key_path) except KeyError: return else: prm_iter = (prm_iter,) if isinstance(prm_iter, Mapping) else prm_iter # Ensure that PRMContainter section is a DataFrame and not None df = getattr(self, name) if df is None: df = pd.DataFrame() setattr(self, name, df) self._process_df(df, name) # Extract, parse and write the values for i, prm_dict in enumerate(prm_iter): try: # Extract the appropiate values index = prm_dict['atoms'] value_gen = (prm_dict[k] for k in key) except KeyError as ex: raise KeyError(f"Failed to extract the {ex!r} key from " f"{key_path[-1]!r} block {i}") from ex # Sanitize the values and convert them into appropiate units iterator = zip(value_gen, unit, default_unit) value_list = [parse_cp2k_value(*args) for args in iterator] # Post-process the values for i, (prm, func) in enumerate(zip(value_list, post_process)): if func is not None: value_list[i] = func(prm) # Assign the values df.loc[index, columns] = value_list