Source code for


A :class:`TypedMapping<FOX.typed_mapping.TypedMapping>` subclass converting CP2K settings to .prm-compatible values.

.. currentmodule::
.. autosummary::

.. autoclass:: PRMMapping
.. autodata:: CP2K_TO_PRM
    :annotation: : MappingProxyType[str, PRMMapping]

    A :class:`Mapping<>` containing :class:`PRMMapping` instances.

    .. code:: python

                PRMMapping(name='nbfix', columns=[2, 3],
                           key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'nonbonded', 'lennard-jones'),
                           key=('epsilon', 'sigma'),
                           unit=('kcal/mol', 'angstrom'),
                           default_unit=('kcal/mol', 'kelvin'),
                           post_process=(None, sigma_to_r2)),

                PRMMapping(name='nbfix', columns=[4, 5],
                           key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'nonbonded14', 'lennard-jones'),
                           key=('epsilon', 'sigma'),
                           unit=('kcal/mol', 'angstrom'),
                           default_unit=('kcal/mol', 'kelvin'),
                           post_process=(None, sigma_to_r2)),

                PRMMapping(name='bonds', columns=[2, 3],
                           key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'bond'),
                           key=('k', 'r0'),
                           unit=('kcal/mol/A**2', 'angstrom'),
                           default_unit=('internal_cp2k', 'bohr'),  # TODO: internal_cp2k ?????????
                           post_process=(None, None)),

                PRMMapping(name='angles', columns=[3, 4],
                           key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'bend'),
                           key=('k', 'theta0'),
                           unit=('kcal/mol', 'degree'),
                           default_unit=('hartree', 'radian'),
                           post_process=(None, None)),

                PRMMapping(name='angles', columns=[5, 6],
                           key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'bend', 'ub'),
                           key=('k', 'r0'),
                           unit=('kcal/mol/A**2', 'angstrom'),
                           default_unit=('internal_cp2k', 'bohr'),  # TODO: internal_cp2k ?????????
                           post_process=(None, None)),

                PRMMapping(name='dihedrals', columns=[4, 5, 6],
                           key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'torsion'),
                           key=('k', 'm', 'phi0'),
                           unit=('kcal/mol', 'hartree', 'degree'),
                           default_unit=('hartree', 'hartree', 'radian'),
                           post_process=(None, None, None)),

                PRMMapping(name='improper', columns=[4, 5, 6],
                           key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'improper'),
                           key=('k', 'k', 'phi0'),
                           unit=('kcal/mol', 'hartree', 'degree'),
                           default_unit=('hartree', 'hartree', 'radian'),
                           post_process=(None, return_zero, None)),

"""  # noqa

from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import (Optional, Iterable, Callable, FrozenSet, TypeVar, Tuple,
                    Union, Type, Any, ClassVar, Mapping)
from collections import abc

from ..typed_mapping import TypedMapping

    from typing import TypedDict
except ImportError:  # TypedDict was added in Python 3.8
    TypedDict = None

__all__ = ['PRMMapping', 'CP2K_TO_PRM']

KV = TypeVar('KV')
NoneType = type(None)
PostProcess = Callable[[float], float]

[docs]class PRMMapping(TypedMapping): """A :class:`TypedMapping<FOX.typed_mapping.TypedMapping>` providing tools for converting CP2K settings to .prm-compatible values. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the :class:`PRMContainer<>` attribute. See :attr:``. columns : :class:`int` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`int`] The names relevant :class:`PRMContainer<>` DataFrame columns. See :attr:`PRMMapping.columns`. key_path : :class:`str` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`str`] The path of CP2K Settings keys leading to the property of interest. See :attr:`PRMMapping.key_path`. key : :class:`str` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`str`] The key(s) within :attr:`PRMMapping.key_path` containg the actual properties of interest, *e.g.* ``"epsilon"`` and ``"sigma"``. See :attr:`PRMMapping.key`. unit : :class:`str` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`str`] The desired output unit. See :attr:`PRMMapping.unit`. default_unit : :class:`str` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`str`, optional] The default unit as utilized by CP2K. See :attr:`PRMMapping.default_unit`. post_process : :class:`Callable<>` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`Callable<>`] Callables for post-processing the value of interest. Set a particular callable to ``None`` to disable post-processing. See :attr:`PRMMapping.post_process`. Attributes ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the :class:`PRMContainer<>` attribute. columns : :class:`tuple` [:class:`int`] The names relevant :class:`PRMContainer<>` DataFrame columns. key_path : :class:`tuple` [:class:`str`] The path of CP2K Settings keys leading to the property of interest. key : :class:`tuple` [:class:`str`] The key(s) within :attr:`PRMMapping.key_path` containg the actual properties of interest, *e.g.* ``"epsilon"`` and ``"sigma"``. unit : :class:`tuple` [:class:`str`] The desired output unit. default_unit : :class:`tuple` [:class:`str`, optional] The default unit as utilized by CP2K. post_process : :class:`tuple` [:class:`Callable<>`, optional] Callables for post-processing the value of interest. Set a particular callable to ``None`` to disable post-processing. """ # noqa _ATTR: ClassVar[FrozenSet[str]] = frozenset({ 'name', 'key', 'columns', 'key_path', 'unit', 'default_unit', 'post_process' }) def __init__(self, name: str, key: Union[str, Iterable[str]], columns: Union[int, Iterable[int]], key_path: Union[str, Iterable[str]], unit: Union[str, Iterable[str]], default_unit: Union[None, str, Iterable[Optional[str]]], post_process: Union[None, PostProcess, Iterable[Optional[PostProcess]]]) -> None: """Initialize a :class:`PRMMapping` instance.""" super().__init__() = name self.key = self._to_tuple(key, str) self.columns = self._to_tuple(columns, int) self.key_path = self._to_tuple(key_path, str) self.unit = self._to_tuple(unit, str) self.default_unit = self._to_tuple(default_unit, (str, NoneType)) self.post_process = self._to_tuple(post_process, (abc.Callable, NoneType)) @staticmethod def _to_tuple(value: Union[KV, Iterable[KV]], def_type: Union[Type[KV], Tuple[Type[KV], ...]]) -> Tuple[KV, ...]: """Convert **value** into a :class:`tuple`.""" if isinstance(value, tuple): return value elif isinstance(value, def_type): return (value,) return tuple(value)
if TypedDict is not None: class _PRMMapping(TypedDict): name: str columns: Tuple[str, ...] key_path: Tuple[str, ...] key: Tuple[str, ...] unit: Tuple[str, ...] default_unit: Tuple[Optional[str], ...] post_process: Tuple[Optional[PostProcess], ...] PRMMappingType = Union[PRMMapping, _PRMMapping] else: PRMMappingType = PRMMapping def sigma_to_r2(sigma: float) -> float: r"""Convert :math:`\sigma` into :math:`\frac{1}{2} R`.""" R = sigma * 2**(1/6) return R / 2 def return_zero(value: Any) -> int: """Return :math:`0`.""" return 0 CP2K_TO_PRM: Mapping[str, PRMMappingType] = MappingProxyType({ 'nonbonded': PRMMapping(name='nbfix', columns=[2, 3], key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'nonbonded', 'lennard-jones'), # noqa key=('epsilon', 'sigma'), unit=('kcal/mol', 'angstrom'), default_unit=('kcal/mol', 'kelvin'), post_process=(None, sigma_to_r2)), 'nonbonded14': PRMMapping(name='nbfix', columns=[4, 5], key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'nonbonded14', 'lennard-jones'), # noqa key=('epsilon', 'sigma'), unit=('kcal/mol', 'angstrom'), default_unit=('kcal/mol', 'kelvin'), post_process=(None, sigma_to_r2)), 'bonds': PRMMapping(name='bonds', columns=[2, 3], key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'bond'), key=('k', 'r0'), unit=('kcal/mol/A**2', 'angstrom'), default_unit=('internal_cp2k', 'bohr'), # TODO: internal_cp2k ????????? post_process=(None, None)), 'angles': PRMMapping(name='angles', columns=[3, 4], key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'bend'), key=('k', 'theta0'), unit=('kcal/mol', 'degree'), default_unit=('hartree', 'radian'), post_process=(None, None)), 'urrey-bradley': PRMMapping(name='angles', columns=[5, 6], key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'bend', 'ub'), key=('k', 'r0'), unit=('kcal/mol/A**2', 'angstrom'), default_unit=('internal_cp2k', 'bohr'), # TODO: internal_cp2k ????????? post_process=(None, None)), 'dihedrals': PRMMapping(name='dihedrals', columns=[4, 5, 6], key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'torsion'), key=('k', 'm', 'phi0'), unit=('kcal/mol', 'hartree', 'degree'), default_unit=('hartree', 'hartree', 'radian'), post_process=(None, None, None)), 'improper': PRMMapping(name='improper', columns=[4, 5, 6], key_path=('input', 'force_eval', 'mm', 'forcefield', 'improper'), key=('k', 'k', 'phi0'), unit=('kcal/mol', 'hartree', 'degree'), default_unit=('hartree', 'hartree', 'radian'), post_process=(None, return_zero, None)), })