Source code for FOX.ff.lj_param


A module for estimating Lennard-Jones parameters.

.. code:: python

    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> from FOX import MultiMolecule, example_xyz, estimate_lennard_jones

    >>> xyz_file: str = example_xyz
    >>> atom_subset = ['Cd', 'Se', 'O']

    >>> mol = MultiMolecule.from_xyz(xyz_file)
    >>> rdf: pd.DataFrame = mol.init_rdf(atom_subset=atom_subset)
    >>> param: pd.DataFrame = estimate_lennard_jones(rdf)

    >>> print(param)
                sigma (Angstrom)  epsilon (kj/mol)
    Atom pairs
    Cd Cd                   3.95          2.097554
    Cd Se                   2.50          4.759017
    Cd O                    2.20          3.360966
    Se Se                   4.20          2.976106
    Se O                    3.65          0.992538
    O O                     2.15          6.676584

.. currentmodule:: FOX.ff.lj_param
.. autosummary::

.. autofunction:: estimate_lj
.. autofunction:: get_free_energy


import reprlib
from typing import TypeVar, Optional, Mapping, Sequence, Dict, Generator

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import constants

from scm.plams import Units

__all__ = ['estimate_lj', 'get_free_energy']

A = TypeVar('A', pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.ndarray)

[docs]def get_free_energy(distribution: A, temperature: float = 298.15, unit: str = 'kcal/mol', inf_replace: Optional[float] = np.nan) -> A: r"""Convert a distribution function into a free energy function. Given a distribution function :math:`g(r)`, the free energy :math:`F(g(r))` can be retrieved using a Boltzmann inversion: .. math:: F(g(r)) = -RT * \text{ln} (g(r)) Two examples of valid distribution functions would be the radial- and angular distribution functions. .. _`scm.plams.units`: Parameters ---------- distribution : array-like A distribution function (*e.g.* an RDF) as an array-like object. temperature : :class:`float` The temperature in Kelvin. inf_replace : :class:`float`, optional A value used for replacing all instances of infinity (``np.inf``). unit : :class:`str` The to-be returned unit. See `scm.plams.Units`_ for a comprehensive overview of all allowed values. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame`: An array-like object with a free-energy function (kj/mol) of **distribution**. See Also -------- :meth:`.MultiMolecule.init_rdf` Initialize the calculation of radial distribution functions (RDFs). :meth:`.MultiMolecule.init_adf` Initialize the calculation of distance-weighted angular distribution functions (ADFs). """ # noqa RT = (constants.R / 1000) * temperature # kj/mol with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): ret = -RT * np.log(distribution) if inf_replace is not None: ret[ret == np.inf] = inf_replace ret *= Units.conversion_ratio('kj/mol', unit) return ret
[docs]def estimate_lj(rdf: pd.DataFrame, temperature: float = 298.15, sigma_estimate: str = 'base') -> pd.DataFrame: r"""Estimate the Lennard-Jones :math:`\sigma` and :math:`\varepsilon` parameters using an RDF. Given a radius :math:`r`, the Lennard-Jones potential :math:`V_{LJ}(r)` is defined as following: .. math:: V_{LJ}(r) = 4 \varepsilon \left( \left( \frac{\sigma}{r} \right )^{12} - \left( \frac{\sigma}{r} \right )^6 \right ) The :math:`\sigma` and :math:`\varepsilon` parameters are estimated as following: * :math:`\sigma`: The radii at which the first inflection point or peak base occurs in **rdf**. * :math:`\varepsilon`: The minimum value in of the **rdf** ree energy multiplied by :math:`-1`. * All values are calculated per atom pair specified in **rdf**. Parameters ---------- rdf : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A radial distribution function. The columns should consist of atom-pairs. temperature : :class:`float` The temperature in Kelvin. sigma_estimate : :class:`str` Whether :math:`\sigma` should be estimated based on the base of the first peak or its inflection point. Accepted values are ``"base"`` and ``"inflection"``, respectively. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A Pandas DataFrame with two columns, ``"sigma"`` (Angstrom) and ``"epsilon"`` (kcal/mol), holding the Lennard-Jones parameters. Atom-pairs from **rdf** are used as index. See Also -------- :meth:`.MultiMolecule.init_rdf` Initialize the calculation of radial distribution functions (RDFs). :func:`get_free_energy` Convert a distribution function into a free energy function. """ G = get_free_energy(rdf, temperature) if sigma_estimate not in {'base', 'inflection'}: raise ValueError("'sigma_estimate' expected either 'base' or 'inflection'; observed value: " f"{reprlib.repr(sigma_estimate)}") # Prepare the parameter sigma lj_dict: Dict[str, Sequence[float]] = {} lj_dict['epsilon'] = -1 * G.min() lj_dict['sigma'] = [] sigma_append = lj_dict['sigma'].append for _, distr in rdf.items(): if sigma_estimate == 'inflection': grad = np.gradient(distr) i = np.argmax(grad) # The first inflection point in the RDF elif sigma_estimate == 'base': distr_ar = distr.values j = distr_ar.argmax() i = np.where(distr_ar[:j] <= 10**-8)[0][-1] # Find the base of the first peak sigma_append(distr.index[i]) return pd.DataFrame(lj_dict, index=G.columns)
def _charge_test(rdf: pd.DataFrame, charge_dict: Mapping[str, float], temperature: float = 298.15) -> pd.Series: def iter_epsilon(G: pd.DataFrame) -> Generator[float, None, None]: for at_pair in G: at1, at2 = at_pair.split() q1q2 = charge_dict.get(at1, 0.0) * charge_dict.get(at2, 0.0) r_min = G[at_pair].idxmin() E_min =[r_min, at_pair] yield -1 * (E_min - q1q2 / r_min) G = get_free_energy(rdf, temperature) G *= Units.conversion_ratio('kj/mol', 'au') G.index *= Units.conversion_ratio('Angstrom', 'Bohr') # Prepare the paramater epsilon; correct for Coulombic interaction if necessary ret = np.fromiter(iter_epsilon(G), count=G.shape[1], dtype=float) ret *= Units.conversion_ratio('au', 'kj/mol') return pd.Series(ret, index=G.columns, name='epsilon (kj/mol)')