Source code for FOX.classes.multi_mol_magic


A Module for setting up the magic methods and properties of the :class:`.MultiMolecule` class.

.. currentmodule:: FOX.classes.multi_mol_magic
.. autosummary::

.. autoclass:: _MultiMolecule


import copy as pycopy
import textwrap
import itertools
import warnings
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Any, Callable, Union, Mapping, Iterable, NoReturn

import numpy as np

from scm.plams import PeriodicTable, Atom, PTError, Settings
from assertionlib.ndrepr import NDRepr
from assertionlib.dataclass import AbstractDataClass

__all__: List[str] = []

_PROP_MAPPING: Mapping[str, Callable[[Atom], Any]] = MappingProxyType({
    'symbol': lambda x: x,
    'radius': PeriodicTable.get_radius,
    'atnum': PeriodicTable.get_atomic_number,
    'mass': PeriodicTable.get_mass,
    'connectors': PeriodicTable.get_connectors

_NONE_DICT: Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float]] = MappingProxyType({
    'symbol': '', 'radius': -1, 'atnum': -1, 'mass': np.nan, 'connectors': -1

class LocGetter(AbstractDataClass):
    """A getter and setter for atom-type-based slicing.

    Get, set and del operations are performed using the list(s) of atomic indices associated
    with the provided atomic symbol(s).
    Accepts either one or more atomic symbols.

    .. code:: python

        >>> mol = MultiMolecule(...)
        >>> mol.atoms['Cd'] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        >>> mol.atoms['Se'] = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
        >>> mol.atoms['O'] = [12, 13, 14]

        >>> (mol.loc['Cd'] == mol[mol.atoms['Cd']]).all()

        >>> idx = mol.atoms['Cd'] + mol.atoms['Se'] + mol.atoms['O']
        >>> (mol.loc['Cd', 'Se', 'O'] == mol[idx]).all()

        >>> mol.loc['Cd'] = 1
        >>> print((mol.loc['Cd'] == 1).all())

        >>> del mol.loc['Cd']
        ValueError: cannot delete array elements

    mol : :class:`MultiMolecule`
        A MultiMolecule instance; see :attr:`AtGetter.atoms`.

    mol : :class:`MultiMolecule`
        A MultiMolecule instance.


    _VALUE_ERR = "'' operations require a >= 2D array; observed dimensionality: {}D"
    _TYPE_ERR = "'' operations require a 'str' or iterable consisting of 'str'; observed type: '{}'"  # noqa
    __slots__ = frozenset({'mol'})

    def atoms(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: return self.mol.atoms

    def __init__(self, mol: '_MultiMolecule') -> None:
        self.mol = mol

    def _str_iterator(self):
        yield 'mol', self.mol
        yield 'keys', self.atoms.keys()

    def __getitem__(self, key: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> '_MultiMolecule':
        """Get items from :attr:`AtGetter.mol`."""
        idx = self._parse_key(key)
            return self.mol[..., idx, :]
        except IndexError as ex:
            raise ValueError(self._VALUE_ERR.format(self.mol.ndim)).with_traceback(ex.__traceback__)

    def __setitem__(self, key: Union[str, Iterable[str]], value: '_MultiMolecule') -> None:
        """Set items in :attr:`AtGetter.mol`."""
        idx = self._parse_key(key)
            self.mol[..., idx, :] = value
        except IndexError as ex:
            raise ValueError(self._VALUE_ERR.format(self.mol.ndim)).with_traceback(ex.__traceback__)

    def __delitem__(self, key: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> NoReturn:
        """Delete items from :attr:`AtGetter.mol`, thus raising a :exc:`ValueError`."""
        idx = self._parse_key(key)
        del self.mol[..., idx, :]  # This will raise a ValueError

    def _parse_key(self, key: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> List[int]:
        """Return the atomic indices of **key** are all atoms in **key**.

        key : :class:`str` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`str`]
            An atom type or an iterable consisting of atom types.

        :class:`list` [:class:`int`]
            A (flattened) list of atomic indices.

        if isinstance(key, str):
            return self.atoms[key]

            key_iterator = iter(key)
        except TypeError as ex:  # **key** is neither a string nor an iterable of strings
            cls_name = key.__class__.__name__
            raise TypeError(self._TYPE_ERR.format(cls_name)).with_traceback(ex.__traceback__)

        # Gather all indices and flatten them
        idx: List[int] = []
        atoms = self.atoms
        for k in key_iterator:
            idx += atoms[k]
        return idx

    def __eq__(self, value: Any) -> bool:
        """Check if this instance and **value** are equivalent."""
            return type(self) is type(value) and self.mol is value.mol
        except AttributeError:
            return False

[docs]class _MultiMolecule(np.ndarray): """Private superclass of :class:`.MultiMolecule`. Handles all magic methods and @property decorated methods. """ def __new__(cls, coords: np.ndarray, atoms: Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]] = None, bonds: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, properties: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> '_MultiMolecule': """Create and return a new object.""" obj = np.array(coords, dtype=float, ndmin=3, copy=False).view(cls) # Set attributes obj.atoms = atoms obj.bonds = bonds = properties obj._ndrepr = NDRepr() return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj: '_MultiMolecule') -> None: """Finalize the array creation.""" if obj is None: return self.atoms = getattr(obj, 'atoms', None) self.bonds = getattr(obj, 'bonds', None) = getattr(obj, 'properties', None) self._ndrepr = getattr(obj, '_ndrepr', None) """##################### Properties for managing instance attributes ######################""" @property def loc(self) -> LocGetter: return LocGetter(self) loc.__doc__ = LocGetter.__doc__ @property def atoms(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: return self._atoms @atoms.setter def atoms(self, value: Optional[Mapping]) -> None: self._atoms = {} if value is None else dict(value) @property def bonds(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._bonds @bonds.setter def bonds(self, value: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> None: if value is None: bonds = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=int) else: bonds = np.array(value, dtype=int, ndmin=2, copy=False) # Set bond orders to 1 (i.e. 10 / 10) if the order is not specified if bonds.shape[1] == 2: order = np.full(len(bonds), fill_value=10, dtype=int)[..., None] self._bonds = np.hstack([bonds, order]) else: self._bonds = bonds @property def properties(self) -> Settings: return self._properties @properties.setter def properties(self, value: Optional[Mapping]) -> None: self._properties = Settings() if value is None else Settings(value) """############################### PLAMS-based properties ################################""" @property def atom12(self) -> '_MultiMolecule': """Get or set the indices of the atoms for all bonds in :attr:`.MultiMolecule.bonds` as 2D array.""" # noqa return self._bonds[:, 0:2] @atom12.setter def atom12(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: self._bonds[:, 0:2] = value @property def atom1(self) -> '_MultiMolecule': """Get or set the indices of the first atoms in all bonds of :attr:`.MultiMolecule.bonds` as 1D array.""" # noqa return self._bonds[:, 0] @atom1.setter def atom1(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: self._bonds[:, 0] = value @property def atom2(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get or set the indices of the second atoms in all bonds of :attr:`.MultiMolecule.bonds` as 1D array.""" # noqa return self._bonds[:, 1] @atom2.setter def atom2(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: self._bonds[:, 1] = value @property def order(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get or set the bond orders for all bonds in :attr:`.MultiMolecule.bonds` as 1D array.""" return self._bonds[:, 2] / 10.0 @order.setter def order(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: self._bonds[:, 2] = value * 10 @property def x(self) -> '_MultiMolecule': """Get or set the x coordinates for all atoms in instance as 2D array.""" return self[:, :, 0] @x.setter def x(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: self[:, :, 0] = value @property def y(self) -> '_MultiMolecule': """Get or set the y coordinates for all atoms in this instance as 2D array.""" return self[:, :, 1] @y.setter def y(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: self[:, :, 1] = value @property def z(self) -> '_MultiMolecule': """Get or set the z coordinates for all atoms in this instance as 2D array.""" return self[:, :, 2] @z.setter def z(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: self[:, :, 2] = value @property def symbol(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the atomic symbols of all atoms in :attr:`.MultiMolecule.atoms` as 1D array.""" return self._get_atomic_property('symbol') @property def atnum(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the atomic numbers of all atoms in :attr:`.MultiMolecule.atoms` as 1D array.""" return self._get_atomic_property('atnum') @property def mass(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the atomic masses of all atoms in :attr:`.MultiMolecule.atoms` as 1D array.""" return self._get_atomic_property('mass') @property def radius(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the atomic radii of all atoms in :attr:`.MultiMolecule.atoms` as 1d array.""" return self._get_atomic_property('radius') @property def connectors(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the atomic connectors of all atoms in :attr:`.MultiMolecule.atoms` as 1D array.""" return self._get_atomic_property('connectors') def _get_atomic_property(self, prop: str = 'symbol') -> np.ndarray: """Create a flattened array with atomic properties. Take **self.atoms** and return an (concatenated) array of a specific property associated with an atom type. Values are sorted by their indices. Parameters ---------- prop : str The name of the to be returned property. Accepted values: ``"symbol"``, ``"atnum"``, ``"mass"``, ``"radius"`` or ``"connectors"``. See the |PeriodicTable|_ class of PLAMS for more details. Returns ------- :math:`n` |np.array|_ [|np.float64|_, |str|_ or |np.int64|_]: A 1D array with the user-specified properties of :math:`n` atoms. """ # Create a concatenated lists of the keys and values in **self.atoms** prop_list: list = [] for at, i in self.atoms.items(): try: at_prop = _PROP_MAPPING[prop](at) except PTError: # A custom atom is encountered at_prop = _NONE_DICT[prop] warnings.warn(f"KeyWarning: No '{prop}' available for '{at}', " f"defaulting to '{at_prop}'") prop_list += [at_prop] * len(i) # Sort and return idx_gen = itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.atoms.values()) return np.array([prop for _, prop in sorted(zip(idx_gen, prop_list))]) """################################## Magic methods #################################### """
[docs] def copy(self, order: str = 'C', deep: bool = True) -> '_MultiMolecule': """Create a copy of this instance. .. _np.ndarray.copy: # noqa Parameters ---------- order : str Controls the memory layout of the copy. See np.ndarray.copy_ for details. copy_attr : bool Whether or not the attributes of this instance should be returned as copies or views. Returns ------- |FOX.MultiMolecule|_: A copy of this instance. """ ret = super().copy(order) if not deep: return ret # Copy attributes copy_func = pycopy.deepcopy if deep else pycopy.copy() iterator = copy_func(vars(self)).items() for key, value in iterator: setattr(ret, key, value) return ret
def __copy__(self) -> '_MultiMolecule': """Create copy of this instance.""" return self.copy(order='K', deep=False) def __deepcopy__(self, memo: None) -> '_MultiMolecule': """Create a deep copy of this instance.""" return self.copy(order='K', deep=True) def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a human-readable string constructed from this instance.""" def _str(k: str, v: Any) -> str: key = k.strip('_') str_list = self._ndrepr.repr(v).split('\n') joiner = '\n' + (3 + len(key)) * ' ' return f'{k} = ' + joiner.join(i for i in str_list) ret = super().__str__() + '\n\n' ret += ',\n\n'.join(_str(k, v) for k, v in vars(self).items()) ret_indent = textwrap.indent(ret, ' ') return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(\n{ret_indent}\n)' def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return the canonical string representation of this instance.""" return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(..., shape={self.shape}, dtype={repr(})'