Source code for FOX.classes.multi_mol


A Module for the :class:`.MultiMolecule` class.

.. currentmodule:: FOX.classes.multi_mol
.. autosummary::

.. autoclass:: FOX.classes.multi_mol.MultiMolecule


import copy
import warnings
from os import PathLike
from collections import abc
from itertools import (
    chain, combinations_with_replacement, zip_longest, islice, repeat, permutations
from typing import (
    Sequence, Optional, Union, List, Hashable, Callable, Iterable, Dict, Tuple, Any, Mapping,

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import constants
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.fftpack import fft
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from scm.plams import Molecule, Atom, Bond

from .multi_mol_magic import _MultiMolecule
from import read_kf
from import read_multi_xyz
from ..functions.rdf import get_rdf, get_rdf_lowmem, get_rdf_df
from ..functions.adf import get_adf, get_adf_df
from ..functions.utils import group_by_values
from ..functions.molecule_utils import fix_bond_orders, separate_mod

    import dask
    DASK_EX: Optional[Exception] = None
except Exception as ex:
    DASK_EX = ex

    _warn = ImportWarning(str(ex))
    _warn.__cause__ = ex
    del _warn

__all__ = ['MultiMolecule']

MolSubset = Union[None, slice, int]
AtomSubset = Union[
    None, slice, range, int, str, Sequence[int], Sequence[str], Sequence[Sequence[int]]

def neg_exp(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return :math:`e^{-x}`."""
    return np.exp(-x)

[docs]class MultiMolecule(_MultiMolecule): """A class designed for handling a and manipulating large numbers of molecules. More specifically, different conformations of a single molecule as derived from, for example, an intrinsic reaction coordinate calculation (IRC) or a molecular dymanics trajectory (MD). The class has access to four attributes (further details are provided under parameters): Parameters ---------- coords : :math:`m*n*3` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_] A 3D array with the cartesian coordinates of :math:`m` molecules with :math:`n` atoms. atoms : dict [str, list [int]] A dictionary with atomic symbols as keys and matching atomic indices as values. Stored in the :attr:`MultiMolecule.atoms` attribute. bonds : :math:`k*3` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.int64|_] A 2D array with indices of the atoms defining all :math:`k` bonds (columns 1 & 2) and their respective bond orders multiplied by 10 (column 3). Stored in the :attr:`MultiMolecule.bonds` attribute. properties : dict A Settings instance for storing miscellaneous user-defined (meta-)data. Is devoid of keys by default. Stored in the :attr:`` attribute. Attributes ---------- atoms : dict [str, list [int]] A dictionary with atomic symbols as keys and matching atomic indices as values. bonds : :math:`k*3` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.int64|_] A 2D array with indices of the atoms defining all :math:`k` bonds (columns 1 & 2) and their respective bond orders multiplied by 10 (column 3). properties : |plams.Settings|_ A Settings instance for storing miscellaneous user-defined (meta-)data. Is devoid of keys by default. """
[docs] def round(self, decimals: int = 0, inplace: bool = True) -> Optional['MultiMolecule']: """Round the Cartesian coordinates of this instance to a given number of decimals. Parameters ---------- decimals : int The number of decimals per element. inplace : bool Instead of returning the new coordinates, perform an inplace update of this instance. """ if inplace: self[:] = super().round(decimals) return None else: ret = self.copy() ret[:] = super().round(decimals) return ret
[docs] def delete_atoms(self, atom_subset: AtomSubset) -> 'MultiMolecule': """Create a copy of this instance with all atoms in **atom_subset** removed. Parameters ---------- atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- |FOX.MultiMolecule|_ A new :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance with all atoms in **atom_subset** removed. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if **atom_subset** is ``None``. """ if atom_subset is None: raise TypeError("'None' is an invalid value for 'atom_subset'") # Define subsets at_subset = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset, as_array=True) bool_ar = np.ones(self.shape[1], dtype=bool) bool_ar[at_subset] = False # Delete atoms ret = self[:, bool_ar] # Boolean-array slicing always creates a copy ret.__dict__ = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) # Update :attr:`.MultiMolecule.atoms` symbols = self.symbol[bool_ar] ret.atoms = group_by_values(enumerate(symbols)) return ret
[docs] def add_atoms(self, coords: np.ndarray, symbols: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = 'Xx' ) -> 'MultiMolecule': """Create a copy of this instance with all atoms in **atom_subset** appended. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> import numpy as np >>> from FOX import MultiMolecule, example_xyz >>> mol = MultiMolecule.from_xyz(example_xyz) >>> coords: np.ndarray = np.random.rand(73, 3) # Add 73 new atoms with random coords >>> symbols = 'Br' >>> mol_new: MultiMolecule = mol.add_atoms(coords, symbols) >>> print(repr(mol)) MultiMolecule(..., shape=(4905, 227, 3), dtype='float64') >>> print(repr(mol_new)) MultiMolecule(..., shape=(4905, 300, 3), dtype='float64') Parameters ---------- coords : array-like A :math:`(3,)`, :math:`(n, 3)`, :math:`(m, 3)` or :math:`(m, n, 3)` array-like object with :code:`m == len(self)`. Represents the Cartesian coordinates of the to-be added atoms. symbols : :class:`str` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`str`] One or more atomic symbols of the to-be added atoms. Returns ------- |FOX.MultiMolecule|_ A new :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance with all atoms in **atom_subset** appended. """ # Reshape the passed coordinates coords = np.array(coords, dtype=float, ndmin=3, copy=False) i, j, k = coords.shape if i == len(self): coords_ = coords.reshape(len(self), 1, 3) if k == 1 else coords elif i == 3 and j == k == 1: coords_ = np.empty((len(self), 1, 3)) coords_[:] = coords.reshape(1, 1, 3) else: coords_ = np.empty((len(self), i, 3)) coords_[:] = coords.reshape(1, i, 3) j = coords_.shape[1] # Append ret = MultiMolecule(np.hstack([self, coords_])) ret.__dict__ = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) # Update atomic symbols & indices symbols = repeat(symbols, j) if isinstance(symbols, str) else islice(symbols, j) atoms_append = {k: v.append for k, v in ret.atoms.items()} for i, item in enumerate(symbols, self.shape[1]): try: atoms_append[item](i) except KeyError: ret.atoms[item] = list_ = [i] atoms_append[item] = list_.append return ret
[docs] def guess_bonds(self, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> None: """Guess bonds within the molecules based on atom type and inter-atomic distances. Bonds are guessed based on the first molecule in this instance Performs an inplace modification of **self.bonds** Parameters ---------- atom_subset : |Sequence|_ A tuple of atomic symbols. Bonds are guessed between all atoms whose atomic symbol is in **atom_subset**. If ``None``, guess bonds for all atoms in this instance. """ at_subset = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset, as_array=True) at_subset.sort() # Guess bonds mol = self.as_Molecule(mol_subset=0, atom_subset=atom_subset)[0] mol.guess_bonds() fix_bond_orders(mol) self.bonds = MultiMolecule.from_Molecule(mol, subset='bonds').bonds # Update indices in **self.bonds** to account for **atom_subset** self.atom1 = at_subset[self.atom1] self.atom2 = at_subset[self.atom2] self.bonds[:, 0:2].sort(axis=1) idx = self.bonds[:, 0:2].argsort(axis=0)[:, 0] self.bonds = self.bonds[idx]
[docs] def random_slice(self, start: int = 0, stop: Optional[int] = None, p: float = 0.5, inplace: bool = False) -> Optional['MultiMolecule']: """Construct a new :class:`MultiMolecule` instance by randomly slicing this instance. The probability of including a particular element is equivalent to **p**. Parameters ---------- start : int Start of the interval. stop : int End of the interval. p : float The probability of including each particular molecule in this instance. Values must be between ``0.0`` (0%) and ``1.0`` (100%). inplace : bool Instead of returning the new coordinates, perform an inplace update of this instance. Returns ------- |None|_ or |FOX.MultiMolecule|_: If **inplace** is ``True``, return a new :class:`MultiMolecule` instance. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if **p** is smaller than ``0.0`` or larger than ``1.0``. """ if p <= 0.0 or p >= 1.0: raise ValueError("The supplied probability, 'p': {:f}, must be larger " "than 0.0 and smaller than 1.0".format(p)) stop = stop or self.shape[0] idx_range = np.arange(start, stop) size = int(p * len(idx_range)) idx = np.random.choice(idx_range, size=size, replace=False) if inplace: self[:] = self[idx] return None else: return self[idx].copy()
[docs] def reset_origin(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None, inplace: bool = True) -> Optional['MultiMolecule']: """Reallign all molecules in this instance. All molecules in this instance are rotating and translating, by performing a partial partial Procrustes superimposition with respect to the first molecule in this instance. The superimposition is carried out with respect to the first molecule in this instance. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. inplace : bool Instead of returning the new coordinates, perform an inplace update of this instance. Returns ------- |None|_ or |FOX.MultiMolecule|_: If **inplace** is ``True``, return a new :class:`MultiMolecule` instance. """ # Prepare slices i = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) j = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset) # Remove translations coords = self[i, j, :] - self[i, j, :].mean(axis=1)[:, None, :] # Peform a singular value decomposition on the covariance matrix H = np.swapaxes(coords[0:], 1, 2) @ coords[0] U, _, Vt = np.linalg.svd(H) V, Ut = np.swapaxes(Vt, 1, 2), np.swapaxes(U, 1, 2) # Construct the rotation matrix rotmat = np.ones_like(U) rotmat[:, 2, 2] = np.linalg.det(V @ Ut) rotmat *= V@Ut # Return or perform an inplace update of this instance if inplace: self[i, j, :] = coords @ np.swapaxes(rotmat, 1, 2) return None else: return coords @ rotmat
[docs] def sort(self, sort_by: Union[str, Sequence[int]] = 'symbol', reverse: bool = False, inplace: bool = True) -> Optional['MultiMolecule']: """Sort the atoms in this instance and **self.atoms**, performing in inplace update. Parameters ---------- sort_by : |str|_ or |Sequence|_ [|int|_] The property which is to be used for sorting. Accepted values: ``"symbol"`` (*i.e.* alphabetical), ``"atnum"``, ``"mass"``, ``"radius"`` or ``"connectors"``. See the plams.PeriodicTable_ module for more details. Alternatively, a user-specified sequence of indices can be provided for sorting. reverse : bool Sort in reversed order. inplace : bool Instead of returning the new coordinates, perform an inplace update of this instance. Returns ------- |None|_ or |FOX.MultiMolecule|_: If **inplace** is ``True``, return a new :class:`MultiMolecule` instance. """ # Create and, potentially, sort a list of indices if isinstance(sort_by, str): sort_by_array = self._get_atomic_property(prop=sort_by) _idx_range = range(self.shape[0]) idx_range = np.array([i for _, i in sorted(zip(sort_by_array, _idx_range))]) else: idx_range = np.asarray(sort_by) assert sort_by.shape[0] == self.shape[1] # Reverse or not if reverse: idx_range.reverse() # Inplace update or return a copy if inplace: mol = self else: mol = self.copy() # Sort this instance mol[:] = mol[:, idx_range] # Refill **self.atoms** symbols = mol.symbol[idx_range] mol.atoms = {} for i, at in enumerate(symbols): try: mol.atoms[at].append(i) except KeyError: mol.atoms[at] = [i] # Sort **self.bonds** if mol.bonds is not None: mol.atom1 = idx_range[mol.atom1] mol.atom2 = idx_range[mol.atom2] mol.bonds[:, 0:2].sort(axis=1) idx = mol.bonds[:, 0:2].argsort(axis=0)[:, 0] mol.bonds = mol.bonds[idx] # Inplace update or return a copy if inplace: return None else: return mol
[docs] def residue_argsort(self, concatenate: bool = True) -> Union[List[List[int]], np.ndarray]: """Return the indices that would sort this instance by residue number. Residues are defined based on moleculair fragments based on **self.bonds**. Parameters ---------- concatenate : bool If ``False``, returned a nested list with atomic indices. Each sublist contains the indices of a single residue. Returns ------- :math:`n` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.int64|_]: A 1D array of indices that would sort :math:`n` atoms this instance. """ # Define residues plams_mol = self.as_Molecule(mol_subset=0)[0] frags = separate_mod(plams_mol) symbol = self.symbol # Sort the residues core = [] ligands = [] for frag in frags: if len(frag) == 1: core += frag else: i = np.array(frag) argsort = np.argsort(symbol[i]) ligands.append(i[argsort].tolist()) core.sort() ligands.sort() ret = [core] + ligands if concatenate: return np.concatenate(ret) return ret
[docs] def get_center_of_mass(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> np.ndarray: """Get the center of mass. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- :math:`m*3` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_]: A 2D array with the centres of mass of :math:`m` molecules with :math:`n` atoms. """ coords = self.as_mass_weighted(mol_subset, atom_subset) return coords.sum(axis=1) / self.mass.sum()
[docs] def get_bonds_per_atom(self, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> np.ndarray: """Get the number of bonds per atom in this instance. Parameters ---------- atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- :math:`n` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.int64|_]: A 1D array with the number of bonds per atom, for all :math:`n` atoms in this instance. """ j = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset, as_array=True) if self.bonds is None: return np.zeros(len(j), dtype=int) return np.bincount(self.atom12.ravel(), minlength=self.shape[1])[j]
"""################################## Root Mean Squared ###################################""" def _get_time_averaged_prop(self, method: Callable, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None, **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame: r"""A method for constructing time-averaged properties. Parameters ---------- method : |Callable|_ A function, method or class used for constructing a specific time-averaged property. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. \**kwargs : object Keyword arguments that will be supplied to **method**. Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_: A DataFrame containing a time-averaged property. """ # Prepare arguments loop, at_subset = self._get_loop(atom_subset) # Get the time-averaged property if loop: data = [method(atom_subset=at, **kwargs) for at in at_subset] else: data = method(atom_subset=at_subset, **kwargs) # Construct and return the dataframe idx = pd.RangeIndex(0, self.shape[1], name='Abritrary atomic index') column_range, data = self._get_rmsf_columns(data, idx, loop=loop, atom_subset=at_subset) columns = pd.Index(column_range, name='Atoms') return pd.DataFrame(data, index=idx, columns=columns) def _get_average_prop(self, method: Callable, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None, **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame: r"""A method for constructing properties averaged over atomic subsets. Parameters ---------- Method : |Callable|_ A function, method or class used for constructing a specific atomic subset-averaged property. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. \**kwargs : object Keyword arguments that will be supplied to **method**. Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_: A DataFrame containing an atomic subset-averaged property. """ # Prpare arguments loop, at_subset = self._get_loop(atom_subset) # Calculate and averaged property if loop: data = np.array([method(atom_subset=at, **kwargs) for at in at_subset]).T else: data = method(atom_subset=atom_subset, **kwargs).T # Construct and return the dataframe column_range = self._get_rmsd_columns(loop, atom_subset) columns = pd.Index(column_range, name='Atoms') return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
[docs] def init_average_velocity(self, timestep: float = 1.0, rms: bool = False, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate the average atomic velocty. The average velocity (in fs/A) is calculated for all atoms in **atom_subset** over the course of a trajectory. The velocity is averaged over all atoms in a particular atom subset. Parameters ---------- timestep : float The stepsize, in femtoseconds, between subsequent frames. rms : bool Calculate the root-mean squared average velocity instead. mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_: A dataframe holding :math:`m-1` velocities averaged over one or more atom subsets. """ kwargs = {'mol_subset': mol_subset, 'timestep': timestep, 'rms': rms} df = self._get_average_prop(self.get_average_velocity, atom_subset, **kwargs) = 'Time / fs' return df
[docs] def init_time_averaged_velocity(self, timestep: float = 1.0, rms: bool = False, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate the time-averaged velocty. The time-averaged velocity (in fs/A) is calculated for all atoms in **atom_subset** over the course of a trajectory. Parameters ---------- timestep : float The stepsize, in femtoseconds, between subsequent frames. rms : bool Calculate the root-mean squared time-averaged velocity instead. mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_: A dataframe holding :math:`m-1` time-averaged velocities. """ kwargs = {'mol_subset': mol_subset, 'timestep': timestep, 'rms': rms} return self._get_time_averaged_prop(self.get_time_averaged_velocity, atom_subset, **kwargs)
[docs] def init_rmsd(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None, reset_origin: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame: """Initialize the RMSD calculation, returning a dataframe. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. reset_origin : bool Reset the origin of each molecule in this instance by means of a partial Procrustes superimposition, translating and rotating the molecules. Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_: A dataframe of RMSDs with one column for every string or list of ints in **atom_subset**. Keys consist of atomic symbols (*e.g.* ``"Cd"``) if **atom_subset** contains strings, otherwise a more generic 'series ' + str(int) scheme is adopted (*e.g.* ``"series 2"``). Molecular indices are used as index. """ if reset_origin: self.reset_origin() kwargs = {'mol_subset': mol_subset} df = self._get_average_prop(self.get_rmsd, atom_subset, **kwargs) = 'XYZ frame number' return df
[docs] def init_rmsf(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None, reset_origin: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame: """Initialize the RMSF calculation, returning a dataframe. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. reset_origin : bool Reset the origin of each molecule in this instance by means of a partial Procrustes superimposition, translating and rotating the molecules. Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_: A dataframe of RMSFs with one column for every string or list of ints in **atom_subset**. Keys consist of atomic symbols (*e.g.* ``"Cd"``) if **atom_subset** contains strings, otherwise a more generic 'series ' + str(int) scheme is adopted (*e.g.* ``"series 2"``). Molecular indices are used as indices. """ if reset_origin: self.reset_origin() kwargs = {'mol_subset': mol_subset} return self._get_time_averaged_prop(self.get_rmsf, atom_subset, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_average_velocity(self, timestep: float = 1.0, rms: bool = False, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> np.ndarray: """Return the mean or root-mean squared velocity. Parameters ---------- timestep : float The stepsize, in femtoseconds, between subsequent frames. rms : bool Calculate the root-mean squared average velocity instead. mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- :math:`m-1` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_]: A 1D array holding :math:`m-1` velocities averaged over one or more atom subsets. """ if not rms: return self.get_velocity(timestep, mol_subset=mol_subset, atom_subset=atom_subset).mean(axis=1) else: v = self.get_velocity(timestep, mol_subset=mol_subset, atom_subset=atom_subset) return MultiMolecule(v, self.atoms).get_rmsd(mol_subset)
[docs] def get_time_averaged_velocity(self, timestep: float = 1.0, rms: bool = False, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> np.ndarray: """Return the mean or root-mean squared velocity (mean = time-averaged). Parameters ---------- timestep : float The stepsize, in femtoseconds, between subsequent frames. rms : bool Calculate the root-mean squared average velocity instead. mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- :math:`n` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_]: A 1D array holding :math:`n` time-averaged velocities. """ if not rms: return self.get_velocity(timestep, mol_subset=mol_subset, atom_subset=atom_subset).mean(axis=0) else: v = self.get_velocity(timestep, mol_subset=mol_subset, atom_subset=atom_subset) return MultiMolecule(v, self.atoms).get_rmsf(mol_subset)
[docs] def get_velocity(self, timestep: float = 1.0, norm: bool = True, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> np.ndarray: """Return the atomic velocties. The velocity (in fs/A) is calculated for all atoms in **atom_subset** over the course of a trajectory. Parameters ---------- timestep : float The stepsize, in femtoseconds, between subsequent frames. norm : bool If ``True`` return the norm of the :math:`x`, :math:`y` and :math:`z` velocity components. mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- :math:`m*n` or :math:`m*n*3` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_]: A 2D or 3D array of atomic velocities, the number of dimensions depending on the value of **norm** (``True`` = 2D; ``False`` = 3D). """ # Prepare slices i = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) j = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset) # Slice the XYZ array and reset the origin xyz = self[i, j] xyz.reset_origin() if norm: return np.gradient(np.linalg.norm(xyz, axis=2), timestep, axis=0) else: return np.gradient(xyz, timestep, axis=0)
[docs] def get_rmsd(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the root mean square displacement (RMSD). The RMSD is calculated with respect to the first molecule in this instance. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_: A dataframe with the RMSD as a function of the XYZ frame numbers. """ i = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) j = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset) # Calculate and return the RMSD per molecule in this instance dist = np.linalg.norm(self[i, j, :] - self[0, j, :], axis=2) return np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', dist, dist) / dist.shape[1])
[docs] def get_rmsf(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the root mean square fluctuation (RMSF). Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_: A dataframe with the RMSF as a function of atomic indices. """ # Prepare slices i = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) j = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset) # Calculate the RMSF per molecule in this instance mean_coords = np.mean(self[i, j, :], axis=0)[None, ...] displacement = np.linalg.norm(self[i, j, :] - mean_coords, axis=2)**2 return np.mean(displacement, axis=0)
@staticmethod def _get_rmsd_columns(loop: bool, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> Sequence[Hashable]: """Return the columns for the RMSD dataframe. Parameters ---------- loop : bool If ``True``, return a single column name. If ``False``, return a sequence with multiple column names. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- Sequence[Hashable]: A sequence with column names for atomic subset-averaged properties. """ if loop: # Plan A: **atom_subset** is a *list* of *str* or nested *list* of *int* if isinstance(atom_subset[0], str): # Use atomic symbols or general indices as keys columns = atom_subset else: columns = np.arange(len(atom_subset)) else: # Plan B: **atom_subset** is something else if isinstance(atom_subset, str): # Use an atomic symbol or a general index as keys columns = [atom_subset] else: columns = [0] return columns def _get_rmsf_columns(self, rmsf: np.ndarray, index: Sequence[Hashable], loop: bool, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None ) -> Tuple[Sequence[Hashable], np.ndarray]: """Return the columns and data for the RMSF dataframe. Parameters ---------- rmsf : |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_] An array with a time-veraged property. index : |Sequence|_ The index for the time-averaged property. loop : bool If ``True``, return a single column name. If ``False``, return a sequence with multiple column names. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- Sequence[Hashable] and |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_]: A sequence with column names for time-averaged properties and an array with the time-averaged data. """ if loop: # Plan A: **atom_subset** is a *list* of *str* or nested *list* of *int* if isinstance(atom_subset[0], str): # Use atomic symbols or general indices as keys columns = atom_subset else: columns = np.arange(len(atom_subset)) # Create and fill a padded array data = np.full((len(rmsf), index.shape[0]), np.nan) k = 0 for i, j in enumerate(rmsf): data[i, k:k+len(j)] = j k += len(j) data = data.T else: # Plan B: **atom_subset** is something else if isinstance(atom_subset, str): # Use an atomic symbol or a general index as keys columns = [atom_subset] else: columns = [0] # Create and fill a padded array data = np.full((index.shape[0]), np.nan) idx = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset) data[idx] = rmsf return columns, data # TODO remove this method in favor of MultiMolecule._get_at_iterable() def _get_loop(self, atom_subset: AtomSubset) -> Tuple[bool, AtomSubset]: """Figure out if the supplied subset warrants a for loop or not. Parameters ---------- atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- bool and |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_]: A boolean and (nested) iterable consisting of integers. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if **atom_subset** is of an invalid type. """ if atom_subset is None: return False, slice(None) elif isinstance(atom_subset, (range, slice)): return False, atom_subset elif isinstance(atom_subset, str): return False, self.atoms[atom_subset] elif isinstance(atom_subset, int): return False, [atom_subset] elif isinstance(atom_subset[0], (int, np.integer)): return False, atom_subset elif isinstance(atom_subset[0], str): return True, [self.atoms[i] for i in atom_subset] elif isinstance(atom_subset[0][0], (int, np.integer)): return True, atom_subset err = "'{}' of type '{}' is an invalid argument for 'atom_subset'" raise TypeError(err.format(str(atom_subset), atom_subset.__class__.__name__)) """############################# Determining shell structures ##########################"""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_at_idx(rmsf: pd.DataFrame, idx_series: pd.Series, dist_dict: Dict[str, List[float]]) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Create subsets of atomic indices. The subset is created (using **rmsf** and **idx_series**) based on distance criteria in **dist_dict**. For example, ``dist_dict = {'Cd': [3.0, 6.5]}`` will create and return a dictionary with three keys: One for all atoms whose RMSF is smaller than 3.0, one where the RMSF is between 3.0 and 6.5, and finally one where the RMSF is larger than 6.5. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> dist_dict = {'Cd': [3.0, 6.5]} >>> idx_series = pd.Series(np.arange(12)) >>> rmsf = pd.DataFrame({'Cd': np.arange(12, dtype=float)}) >>> get_at_idx(rmsf, idx_series, dist_dict) {'Cd_1': [0, 1, 2], 'Cd_2': [3, 4, 5], 'Cd_3': [7, 8, 9, 10, 11] } Parameters ---------- rmsf : |pd.DataFrame|_ A dataframe holding the results of an RMSF calculation. idx_series : |pd.Series|_ A series mapping the indices from **rmsf** to actual atomic indices. dist_dict : dict [str, list [float]] A dictionary with atomic symbols (see **rmsf.columns**) and a list of interatomic distances. Returns ------- |dict|_ [|str|_, |list|_ [|int|_]] A dictionary with atomic symbols as keys, and matching atomic indices as values. Raises ------ KeyError Raised if a key in **dist_dict** is absent from **rmsf**. """ # Double check if all keys in **dist_dict** are available in **rmsf.columns** for key in dist_dict: if key not in rmsf: err = "'{}' was found in 'dist_dict' yet is absent from 'rmsf'" raise KeyError(err.format(key)) ret = {} for key, value in rmsf.items(): try: dist_range = sorted(dist_dict[key]) except KeyError: dist_range = [np.inf] dist_min = 0.0 name = key + '_{:d}' for i, dist_max in enumerate(dist_range, 1): idx = rmsf[(value >= dist_min) & (value < dist_max)].index if idx.any(): ret[name.format(i)] = sorted(idx_series[idx].values.tolist()) dist_min = dist_max idx = rmsf[(rmsf[key] > dist_max)].index if idx.any(): ret[name.format(i+1)] = sorted(idx_series[idx].values.tolist()) return ret
"""############################# Radial Distribution Functions ##########################"""
[docs] def init_rdf(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None, dr: float = 0.05, r_max: float = 12.0, mem_level: int = 2): """Initialize the calculation of radial distribution functions (RDFs). RDFs are calculated for all possible atom-pairs in **atom_subset** and returned as a dataframe. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. dr : float The integration step-size in Ångström, *i.e.* the distance between concentric spheres. r_max : float The maximum to be evaluated interatomic distance in Ångström. mem_level : int Set the level of to-be consumed memory and, by extension, the execution speed. Given a molecule subset of size :math:`m`, atom subsets of (up to) size :math:`n` and the resulting RDF with :math:`p` points (:code:`p = r_max / dr`), the **mem_level** values can be interpreted as following: * ``0``: Slow; memory scaling: :math:`n^2` * ``1``: Medium; memory scaling: :math:`n^2 + m * p` * ``2``: Fast; memory scaling: :math:`n^2 * m` Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_: A dataframe of radial distribution functions, averaged over all conformations in **xyz_array**. Keys are of the form: at_symbol1 + ' ' + at_symbol2 (*e.g.* ``"Cd Cd"``). Radii are used as index. """ def _rdf(i, j) -> np.ndarray: dist_mat = self.get_dist_mat(mol_subset=i, atom_subset=at) return get_rdf_lowmem(dist_mat, dr=dr, r_max=r_max) # Validate the 'mem_level' parameter if not 0 <= mem_level <= 2: raise ValueError("The 'mem_level' parameter should be between 0 and 2") # If **atom_subset** is None: extract atomic symbols from they keys of **self.atoms** at_subset = atom_subset or sorted(self.atoms, key=str) atom_pairs = self.get_pair_dict(at_subset, r=2) # Construct an empty dataframe with appropiate dimensions, indices and keys df = get_rdf_df(atom_pairs, dr, r_max) # Define the subset m_subset = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) mol_range = range(m_subset.start or 0, m_subset.stop or len(self), m_subset.step or 1) # Fill the dataframe with RDF's, averaged over all conformations in this instance if mem_level == 0: # Slow speed approach; mem scaling: n for i in mol_range: for key, at in atom_pairs.items(): df[key] += _rdf(i, at) df.loc[0.0] = 0.0 df /= len(self) elif mem_level == 1: # Medium speed approach; mem scaling: m * n for key, at in atom_pairs.items(): df[key] = np.sum([_rdf(i, at) for i in mol_range], axis=0) df.loc[0.0] = 0.0 df /= len(self) else: # High speed approach; mem scaling: m * n**2 for key, at in atom_pairs.items(): dist_mat = self.get_dist_mat(mol_subset=mol_subset, atom_subset=at) df[key] = get_rdf(dist_mat, dr=dr, r_max=r_max) return df
[docs] def get_dist_mat(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: Tuple[AtomSubset] = (None, None)) -> np.ndarray: """Create and return a distance matrix for all molecules and atoms in this instance. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- :math:`m*n*k` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_]: A 3D distance matrix of :math:`m` molecules, created out of two sets of :math:`n` and :math:`k` atoms. """ # Define array slices m_subset = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) i = m_subset, self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset[0]) j = m_subset, self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset[1]) # Slice the XYZ array A = self[i] B = self[j] # Create, fill and return the distance matrix if A.ndim == 2: return cdist(A, B)[None, ...] shape = A.shape[0], A.shape[1], B.shape[1] ret = np.empty(shape) for k, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(A, B)): ret[k] = cdist(a, b) return ret
[docs] def get_pair_dict(self, atom_subset: Union[Sequence[AtomSubset], Mapping[Hashable, Sequence[AtomSubset]]], r: int = 2) -> Dict[str, Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]]: """Take a subset of atoms and return a dictionary. Parameters ---------- atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. r : int The length of the to-be returned subsets. """ if isinstance(atom_subset, abc.Mapping): key_iter = (str(i) for i in atom_subset.keys()) value_iter = (self._get_atom_subset(i) for i in atom_subset.values()) else: key_iter = ((j if isinstance(j, abc.Hashable) else i) for i, j in enumerate(atom_subset)) # noqa value_iter = (self._get_atom_subset(i) for i in atom_subset) key_gen = combinations_with_replacement(key_iter, r) value_gen = combinations_with_replacement(value_iter, r) ret = {} iterator = (zip(permutations(k), permutations(v)) for k, v in zip(key_gen, value_gen)) for kv in iterator: for k, v in kv: if not (k in ret or k[::-1] in ret): ret[k] = v return {' '.join(i for i in k): v for k, v in ret.items()}
"""#################################### Power spectrum ###################################"""
[docs] def init_power_spectrum(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None, freq_max: int = 4000) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate and return the power spectrum associated with this instance. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. freq_max : |int|_ The maximum to be returned wavenumber (cm**-1). Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_ A DataFrame containing the power spectrum for each set of atoms in **atom_subset**. """ # Construct the velocity autocorrelation function vacf = self.get_vacf(mol_subset, atom_subset) # Create the to-be returned DataFrame freq_max = int(freq_max) + 1 idx = pd.RangeIndex(0, freq_max, name='Wavenumber / cm**-1') df = pd.DataFrame(index=idx) # Construct power spectra intensities n = int(1 / (constants.c * 1e-13)) power_complex = fft(vacf, n, axis=0) / len(vacf) power_abs = np.abs(power_complex) iterable = self._get_at_iterable(atom_subset) for at, idx in iterable: slice_ = power_abs[:, idx] df[at] = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', slice_, slice_)[:freq_max] return df
[docs] def get_vacf(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate and return the velocity autocorrelation function (VACF). Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_ A DataFrame containing the power spectrum for each set of atoms in **atom_subset**. """ from scipy.signal import fftconvolve # Get atomic velocities v = self.get_velocity(1e-15, mol_subset=mol_subset, atom_subset=atom_subset) # A / s # Construct the velocity autocorrelation function vacf = fftconvolve(v, v[::-1], axes=0)[len(v)-1:] dv = v - v.mean(axis=0) return vacf / np.einsum('ij,ij->j', dv, dv)
def _get_at_iterable(self, atom_subset: AtomSubset) -> Iterable[Tuple[Hashable, Any]]: """Return an iterable that returns 2-tuples upon iteration. The **atom_subset** argument is evaluated and converted into an iterable. Upon iteration, this iterable yields 2-tuples consisting of: 1. A hashable intended for the column names of DataFrames. 2. An object for slicing arrays. If **atom_subset** consists of one or more string (*i.e.*) atoms, then those while be used as hashable. An enumeration scheme will be employed otherwise. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> import numpy as np >>> from FOX import (MultiMolecule, get_example_xyz) >>> np.set_printoptions(threshold=10) >>> mol = MultiMolecule.from_xyz(get_example_xyz()) >>> atom_subset = ['C', 'H', 'O'] >>> atom_iter = mol._get_at_iterable(atom_subset) >>> for at, idx in atom_iter: >>> print(at, np.array(idx)) C [123 127 131 ... 215 219 223] H [124 128 132 ... 216 220 224] O [125 126 129 ... 222 225 226] >>> atom_subset = [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9)] >>> atom_iter = mol._get_at_iterable(atom_subset) >>> for at, idx in atom_iter: >>> print(at, np.array(idx)) 0 [1 2 3] 1 [4 5 6] 2 [7 8 9] Parameters ---------- atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- |Iterable|_ [|tuple|_ [|Hashable|_, |int|_ or |Sequence|_ [|int|_]]] A boolean and (nested) iterable consisting of integers. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if **atom_subset** is of an invalid type. """ if atom_subset is None: return self.atoms.items() elif isinstance(atom_subset, (range, slice)): return enumerate((atom_subset)) elif isinstance(atom_subset, str): return ((atom_subset, self.atoms[atom_subset])) elif isinstance(atom_subset, int): return False, enumerate(([atom_subset])) elif isinstance(atom_subset[0], (int, np.integer)): return enumerate((atom_subset)) elif isinstance(atom_subset[0], str): return [(at, self.atoms[at]) for at in atom_subset] elif isinstance(atom_subset[0][0], (int, np.integer)): return enumerate(atom_subset) err = "'{}' of type '{}' is an invalid argument for 'atom_subset'" raise TypeError(err.format(str(atom_subset), atom_subset.__class__.__name__)) """############################ Angular Distribution Functions ##########################"""
[docs] def init_adf(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None, r_max: Union[float, str] = 8.0, weight: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] = neg_exp) -> pd.DataFrame: r"""Initialize the calculation of distance-weighted angular distribution functions (ADFs). ADFs are calculated for all possible atom-pairs in **atom_subset** and returned as a dataframe. .. _DASK: Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. r_max : |float|_ or |str|_ The maximum inter-atomic distance (in Angstrom) for which angles are constructed. The distance cuttoff can be disabled by settings this value to ``np.inf``, ``"np.inf"`` or ``"inf"``. weight : Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], optional A callable for creating a weighting factor from inter-atomic distances. The callable should take an array as input and return an array. Given an angle :math:`\phi_{ijk}`, to the distance :math:`r_{ijk}` is defined as :math:`max[r_{ij}, r_{jk}]`. Set to ``None`` to disable distance weighting. Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_ A dataframe of angular distribution functions, averaged over all conformations in this instance. Note ---- Disabling the distance cuttoff is strongly recommended (*i.e.* it is faster) for large values of **r_max**. As a rough guideline, ``r_max="inf"`` is roughly as fast as ``r_max=15.0`` (though this is, of course, system dependant). Note ---- The ADF construction will be conducted in parralel if the DASK_ package is installed. DASK can be installed, via anaconda, with the following command: ``conda install -n FOX -y -c conda-forge dask``. """ # Identify the maximum to-be considered radius if r_max in (np.inf, 'np.inf', 'inf'): r_max = 0.0 n = int((1 + r_max / 4.0)**3) # Identify atom and molecule subsets m_subset = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) at_subset = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset, as_array=True) # Slice this MultiMolecule instance based on **atom_subset** and **mol_subset** del_atom = np.ones(self.shape[1], dtype=bool) del_atom[at_subset] = False mol = self.delete_atoms(del_atom)[m_subset] atom_pairs = mol.get_pair_dict(atom_subset or sorted(mol.atoms, key=str), r=3) for k, v in atom_pairs.items(): v_new = [] for at in v: bool_ar = np.zeros(mol.shape[1], dtype=bool) bool_ar[mol.atoms[at] if isinstance(at, str) else at] = True v_new.append(bool_ar) atom_pairs[k] = v_new # Construct the angular distribution function # Perform the task in parallel (with dask) if possible if not DASK_EX and r_max: func = dask.delayed(MultiMolecule._adf_inner_cdktree) jobs = [func(m, n, r_max, atom_pairs.values(), weight) for m in mol] results = dask.compute(*jobs) elif not DASK_EX and not r_max: func = dask.delayed(MultiMolecule._adf_inner) jobs = [func(m, atom_pairs.values(), weight) for m in mol] results = dask.compute(*jobs) elif DASK_EX and r_max: func = MultiMolecule._adf_inner_cdktree results = [func(m, n, r_max, atom_pairs.values(), weight) for m in mol] elif DASK_EX and not r_max: func = MultiMolecule._adf_inner results = [func(m, atom_pairs.values(), weight) for m in mol] df = get_adf_df(atom_pairs) df.loc[:, :] = np.array(results).mean(axis=0).T return df
@staticmethod def _adf_inner_cdktree(m: 'MultiMolecule', n: int, r_max: float, idx_list: Iterable[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]], weight: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Perform the loop of :meth:`.init_adf` with a distance cutoff.""" # Construct slices and a distance matrix tree = cKDTree(m) dist, idx = tree.query(m, n, distance_upper_bound=r_max, p=2) dist[dist == np.inf] = 0.0 idx[idx == m.shape[0]] = 0 # Slice the Cartesian coordinates coords13 = m[idx] coords2 = m[..., None, :] # Construct (3D) angle- and distance-matrices with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): vec = ((coords13 - coords2) / dist[..., None]) ang = np.arccos(np.einsum('jkl,jml->jkm', vec, vec)) dist = np.maximum(dist[..., None], dist[..., None, :]) ang[np.isnan(ang)] = 0.0 ang = np.degrees(ang).astype(int) # Radian (float) to degrees (int) # Construct and return the ADF ret = [] ret_append = ret.append for i, j, k in idx_list: ijk = j[:, None, None] & i[idx][..., None] & k[idx][..., None, :] weights = weight(dist[ijk]) if weight is not None else None ret_append(get_adf(ang[ijk], weights=weights)) return ret @staticmethod def _adf_inner(m: 'MultiMolecule', idx_list: Iterable[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]], weight: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Perform the loop of :meth:`.init_adf` without a distance cutoff.""" # Construct a distance matrix dist = cdist(m, m) # Slice the Cartesian coordinates coords13 = m coords2 = m[..., None, :] # Construct (3D) angle- and distance-matrices with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): vec = ((coords13 - coords2) / dist[..., None]) ang = np.arccos(np.einsum('jkl,jml->jkm', vec, vec)) dist = np.maximum(dist[..., None], dist[..., None, :]) ang[np.isnan(ang)] = 0.0 ang = np.degrees(ang).astype(int) # Radian (float) to degrees (int) # Construct and return the ADF ret = [] ret_append = ret.append for i, j, k in idx_list: ijk = j[:, None, None] & i[..., None] & k[..., None, :] weights = weight(dist[ijk]) if weight is not None else None ret_append(get_adf(ang[ijk], weights=weights)) return ret
[docs] def get_angle_mat(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = 0, atom_subset: Tuple[AtomSubset, AtomSubset, AtomSubset] = (None, None, None), get_r_max: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Create and return an angle matrix for all molecules and atoms in this instance. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. get_r_max : bool Whether or not the maximum distance should be returned or not. Returns ------- :math:`m*n*k*l` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_] and (optionally) |float|_ A 4D angle matrix of :math:`m` molecules, created out of three sets of :math:`n`, :math:`k` and :math:`l` atoms. If **get_r_max** = ``True``, also return the maximum distance. """ # Define array slices m_subset = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) i = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset[0]) j = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset[1]) k = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset[2]) # Slice and broadcast the XYZ array A = self[m_subset][:, i][..., None, :] B = self[m_subset][:, j][:, None, ...] C = self[m_subset][:, k][:, None, ...] # Temporary ignore RuntimeWarnings related to dividing by zero with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # Prepare the unit vectors kwarg1 = {'atom_subset': [atom_subset[0], atom_subset[1]], 'mol_subset': m_subset} kwarg2 = {'atom_subset': [atom_subset[0], atom_subset[2]], 'mol_subset': m_subset} dist_mat1 = self.get_dist_mat(**kwarg1)[..., None] dist_mat2 = self.get_dist_mat(**kwarg2)[..., None] r_max = max(dist_mat1.max(), dist_mat2.max()) unit_vec1 = (B - A) / dist_mat1 unit_vec2 = (C - A) / dist_mat2 # Create and return the angle matrix if get_r_max: return np.arccos(np.einsum('ijkl,ijml->ijkm', unit_vec1, unit_vec2)), r_max return np.arccos(np.einsum('ijkl,ijml->ijkm', unit_vec1, unit_vec2))
def _get_atom_subset(self, atom_subset: AtomSubset, as_array: bool = False) -> Union[slice, np.ndarray]: """Sanitize the **_get_atom_subset** argument. Accepts the following objects: * ``None`` * ``range`` or ``slice`` instances * Integers * Strings (*i.e.* atom types; see the **MultiMolecule.atoms** attribute) * Sequence of integers (*e.g.* lists, tuples or arrays) * Sequence of strings * Nested sequence of integers * Boolean sequences Notes ----- Supports object suitable for both fancy and non-fancy array indexing. Parameters ---------- atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. as_array : bool Ensure the subset is returned as an array of integers. Returns ------- |list|_, |np.ndarray|_, |slice|_ or |range|_: An object suitable for array slicing. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if an object unsuitable for array slicing is provided. """ if as_array: if atom_subset is None: return np.arange(0, self.shape[-2]) elif isinstance(atom_subset, (range, slice)): return np.arange(atom_subset.start, atom_subset.stop, atom_subset.step) else: if atom_subset is None: return slice(None) elif isinstance(atom_subset, slice): return atom_subset elif isinstance(atom_subset, range): return slice(atom_subset.start, atom_subset.stop, atom_subset.step) ret = np.array(atom_subset, ndmin=1, copy=False).ravel() i = ret[0] if isinstance(i, np.str_): atoms = self.atoms return np.fromiter(chain.from_iterable(atoms[j] for j in ret), dtype=int) elif isinstance(i, np.integer): return ret elif isinstance(i, np.bool_): return ret if not as_array else np.arange(len(ret), dtype=int)[ret] # A Collection or Iterator; try harder ret2 = np.array(list(chain.from_iterable(ret))).ravel() j = ret2[0] if isinstance(j, np.str_): atoms = self.atoms return np.fromiter(chain.from_iterable(atoms[j] for j in ret2), dtype=int) elif isinstance(j, np.integer): return ret2 elif isinstance(j, np.bool_): return ret2 if not as_array else np.arange(len(ret2), dtype=int)[ret] raise TypeError(f"'atom_subset' is of invalid type: '{atom_subset.__class__.__name__}'") def _get_mol_subset(self, mol_subset: MolSubset) -> slice: """Sanitize the **mol_subset** argument. Accepts the following objects: * ``None`` * ``range`` or ``slice`` instances * Integers Notes ----- Objects suitable for fancy array indexing are *not* supported. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- |slice|_ or |int|_: An object suitable for array slicing. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if **mol_subset** is of invalid type. """ if mol_subset is None: return slice(None) elif isinstance(mol_subset, slice): return mol_subset elif hasattr(mol_subset, '__index__'): try: i = mol_subset.__index__() if mol_subset >= 0: return slice(i, i + 1) else: return slice(i, None) except TypeError as ex: err = "The 'mol_subset' parameter cannot be used as scalar inder" raise ValueError(err).with_traceback(ex.__traceback__) raise TypeError(f"'mol_subset' is of invalid type: '{mol_subset.__class__.__name__}'") """################################# Type conversion ####################################""" def _mol_to_file(self, filename: str, outputformat: Optional[str] = None, mol_subset: Optional[MolSubset] = 0) -> None: """Create files using the plams.Molecule.write_ method. .. _plams.Molecule.write: # noqa Parameters ---------- filename : str The path+filename (including extension) of the to be created file. outputformat : str The outputformat. Accepated values are ``"mol"``, ``"mol2"``, ``"pdb"`` or ``"xyz"``. mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. """ m_subset = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) mol_range = range(m_subset.start or 0, m_subset.stop or len(self), m_subset.step or 1) outputformat = outputformat or filename.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] plams_mol = self.as_Molecule(mol_subset=0)[0] if len(mol_range) != 1 or (mol_range.stop - mol_range.start) // mol_range.step != 1: name_list = filename.rsplit('.', 1) name_list.insert(-1, '.{:d}.') name = ''.join(name_list) else: name = filename from_array = plams_mol.from_array write = plams_mol.write for i, j in enumerate(mol_range, 1): from_array(self[j]) write(name.format(i), outputformat=outputformat)
[docs] def as_pdb(self, filename: str, mol_subset: Optional[MolSubset] = 0) -> None: """Convert a *MultiMolecule* object into one or more Protein DataBank files (.pdb). Utilizes the plams.Molecule.write_ method. .. _plams.Molecule.write: # noqa Parameters ---------- filename : str The path+filename (including extension) of the to be created file. mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. """ self._mol_to_file(filename, 'pdb', mol_subset)
[docs] def as_mol2(self, filename: str, mol_subset: Optional[MolSubset] = 0) -> None: """Convert a *MultiMolecule* object into one or more .mol2 files. Utilizes the plams.Molecule.write_ method. .. _plams.Molecule.write: # noqa Parameters ---------- filename : str The path+filename (including extension) of the to be created file. mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. """ self._mol_to_file(filename, 'mol2', mol_subset)
[docs] def as_mol(self, filename: str, mol_subset: Optional[MolSubset] = 0) -> None: """Convert a *MultiMolecule* object into one or more .mol files. Utilizes the plams.Molecule.write_ method. .. _plams.Molecule.write: # noqa Parameters ---------- filename : str The path+filename (including extension) of the to be created file. mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. """ self._mol_to_file(filename, 'mol', mol_subset)
[docs] def as_xyz(self, filename: str, mol_subset: Optional[MolSubset] = None) -> None: """Create an .xyz file out of this instance. Comments will be constructed by iteration through ``["comments"]`` if the following two conditions are fulfilled: * The ``"comments"`` key is actually present in ````. * ``["comments"]`` is an iterable. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path+filename (including extension) of the to be created file. mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. """ # Define constants and variables m_subset = self[self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset)] at = self.symbol[:, None] header = '{:d}\n'.format(len(at)) kwargs = { 'fmt': ['%-10.10s', '%-15s', '%-15s', '%-15s'], 'delimiter': 5 * ' ', 'comments': '' } # Alter variables depending on the presence or absence of if 'comments' in and isinstance(, abc.Iterable): header += '{}' iterator = islice(zip_longest(, m_subset), len(m_subset)) else: header += 'Frame {:d}' iterator = enumerate(m_subset, 1) # Create the .xyz file with open(filename, 'wb') as file: for i, xyz in iterator: np.savetxt(file, np.hstack((at, xyz)), header=header.format(i), **kwargs)
[docs] def as_mass_weighted(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None, inplace: bool = False) -> Optional['MultiMolecule']: """Transform the Cartesian of this instance into mass-weighted Cartesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. inplace : bool Instead of returning the new coordinates, perform an inplace update of this instance. Returns ------- :math:`m*n*3` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_] or |None|_: if **inplace** = ``False`` return a new :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance with the mass-weighted Cartesian coordinates of :math:`m` molecules with :math:`n` atoms. """ # Prepare slices i = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) j = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset) # Create an array of mass-weighted Cartesian coordinates if inplace: self[i, j, :] *= self.mass[None, j, None] return None else: return self[i, j, :] * self.mass[None, j, None]
[docs] def from_mass_weighted(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> None: """Transform this instance from mass-weighted Cartesian into Cartesian coordinates. Performs an inplace update of this instance. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. """ # Prepare slices i = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) j = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset) # Update this instance self[i, j, :] /= self.mass[None, j, None]
[docs] def as_Molecule(self, mol_subset: MolSubset = None, atom_subset: AtomSubset = None) -> List[Molecule]: """Convert this instance into a *list* of *plams.Molecule*. Parameters ---------- mol_subset : slice Perform the calculation on a subset of molecules in this instance, as determined by their moleculair index. Include all :math:`m` molecules in this instance if ``None``. atom_subset : |Sequence|_ Perform the calculation on a subset of atoms in this instance, as determined by their atomic index or atomic symbol. Include all :math:`n` atoms per molecule in this instance if ``None``. Returns ------- :math:`m` |list|_ [|plams.Molecule|_]: A list of :math:`m` PLAMS molecules constructed from this instance. """ m_subset = self._get_mol_subset(mol_subset) at_subset = self._get_atom_subset(atom_subset, as_array=True) at_subset.sort() at_symbols = self.symbol # Construct a template molecule and fill it with atoms assert self.atoms is not None mol_template = Molecule() = add_atom = mol_template.add_atom for i in at_subset: atom = Atom(symbol=at_symbols[i]) add_atom(atom) # Fill the template molecule with bonds if self.bonds.any(): bond_idx = np.ones(self.shape[-2], dtype=int) bond_idx[at_subset] += np.arange(len(at_subset)) bond_idx = bond_idx.tolist() add_bond = mol_template.add_bond for i, j, order in self.bonds: if i in at_subset and j in at_subset: at1 = mol_template[bond_idx[i]] at2 = mol_template[bond_idx[j]] add_bond(Bond(atom1=at1, atom2=at2, order=order/10.0)) # Create copies of the template molecule; update their cartesian coordinates ret = [] ret_append = ret.append for i, xyz in enumerate(self[m_subset]): mol = mol_template.copy() mol.from_array(xyz[at_subset]) = i ret_append(mol) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def from_Molecule(cls, mol_list: Union[Molecule, Iterable[Molecule]], subset: Sequence[str] = 'atoms') -> 'MultiMolecule': """Construct a :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance from one or more PLAMS molecules. Parameters ---------- mol_list : |plams.Molecule|_ or |list|_ [|plams.Molecule|_] A PLAMS molecule or list of PLAMS molecules. subset : |Sequence|_ [str] Transfer a subset of *plams.Molecule* attributes to this instance. If ``None``, transfer all attributes. Accepts one or more of the following values as strings: ``"properties"``, ``"atoms"`` and/or ``"bonds"``. Returns ------- |FOX.MultiMolecule|_: A :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance constructed from **mol_list**. """ if isinstance(mol_list, Molecule): plams_mol = mol_list mol_list = (mol_list,) else: plams_mol = mol_list[0] subset = subset or ('atoms', 'bonds', 'properties') # Convert coordinates n_mol = len(mol_list) n_atom = len(plams_mol) iterator = chain.from_iterable(at.coords for mol in mol_list for at in mol) coords = np.fromiter(iterator, dtype=float, count=n_mol*n_atom*3) coords.shape = n_mol, n_atom, 3 kwargs: dict = {} # Convert atoms if 'atoms' in subset: iterator = ((i, at.symbol) for i, at in enumerate(plams_mol.atoms)) kwargs['atoms'] = group_by_values(iterator) # Convert properties if 'properties' in subset: kwargs['properties'] = # Convert bonds if 'bonds' in subset: plams_mol.set_atoms_id(start=0) kwargs['bonds'] = np.array([(,, bond.order * 10) for bond in plams_mol.bonds], dtype=int) plams_mol.unset_atoms_id() return cls(coords, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_xyz(cls, filename: Union[AnyStr, PathLike], bonds: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, properties: Optional[dict] = None) -> 'MultiMolecule': """Construct a :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance from a (multi) .xyz file. Comment lines extracted from the .xyz file are stored, as array, under ``["comments"]``. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path+filename of an .xyz file. bonds : :math:`k*3` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.int64|_] An optional 2D array with indices of the atoms defining all :math:`k` bonds (columns 1 & 2) and their respective bond orders multiplied by 10 (column 3). Stored in the **MultieMolecule.bonds** attribute. properties : dict A Settings object (subclass of dictionary) intended for storing miscellaneous user-defined (meta-)data. Is devoid of keys by default. Stored in the **** attribute. Returns ------- |FOX.MultiMolecule|_: A :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance constructed from **filename**. """ coords, atoms, comments = read_multi_xyz(filename) ret = cls(coords, atoms, bonds, properties)['comments'] = comments['filename'] = filename return ret
[docs] @classmethod def from_kf(cls, filename: Union[AnyStr, PathLike], bonds: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, properties: Optional[dict] = None) -> 'MultiMolecule': """Construct a :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance from a KF binary file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path+filename of an KF binary file. bonds : :math:`k*3` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.int64|_] An optional 2D array with indices of the atoms defining all :math:`k` bonds (columns 1 & 2) and their respective bond orders multiplied by 10 (column 3). Stored in the **MultieMolecule.bonds** attribute. properties : dict A Settings object (subclass of dictionary) intended for storing miscellaneous user-defined (meta-)data. Is devoid of keys by default. Stored in the **** attribute. Returns ------- |FOX.MultiMolecule|_: A :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance constructed from **filename**. """ ret = cls(*read_kf(filename), bonds, properties)['filename'] = filename return ret