Source code for FOX.classes.monte_carlo


A module for performing Monte Carlo-based forcefield parameter optimizations.

.. currentmodule:: FOX.classes.monte_carlo
.. autosummary::

.. autoclass:: FOX.classes.monte_carlo.MonteCarlo


import os
import copy as pycopy
import shutil
import logging
import functools
from sys import version_info
from types import MappingProxyType
from itertools import repeat, cycle
from collections import abc
from typing import (
    Tuple, List, Dict, Optional, Union, Iterable, Hashable, Iterator, Any, Mapping, Type, Callable,
    KeysView, ValuesView, ItemsView, Sequence

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scm.plams import Molecule, Settings, Cp2kJob, Cp2kResults, add_to_class
from scm.plams.core.basejob import Job
from assertionlib.dataclass import AbstractDataClass

from .multi_mol import MultiMolecule
from ..logger import get_logger
from import XYZError
from ..functions.utils import _get_move_range
from ..functions.charge_utils import update_charge

if version_info.minor < 7:
    from collections import OrderedDict  # noqa
else:  # Dictionaries are ordered starting from python 3.7
    OrderedDict = dict

__all__ = []

def get_xyz_path(self):
    """Return the path + filename to an .xyz file."""
    for file in self.files:
        if '-pos' in file and '.xyz' in file:
            return self[file]
    raise FileNotFoundError('No .xyz files found in ' + self.job.path)

PostProcess = Callable[[Optional[Iterable[MultiMolecule]], Optional['MonteCarlo']], None]

[docs]class MonteCarlo(AbstractDataClass, abc.Mapping): r"""The base :class:`.MonteCarlo` class.""" @property def molecule(self) -> Tuple[MultiMolecule, ...]: """Get **value** or set **value** as a tuple of MultiMolecule instances.""" return self._molecule @molecule.setter def molecule(self, value: Union[MultiMolecule, Iterable[MultiMolecule]]) -> None: self._molecule = (value,) if isinstance(value, MultiMolecule) else tuple(value) self._plams_molecule = tuple(mol.as_Molecule(0)[0] for mol in self._molecule) @property def md_settings(self) -> Tuple[Settings, ...]: """Get **value** or set **value** as a |plams.Settings| instance.""" return self._md_settings @md_settings.setter def md_settings(self, value: Union[Mapping, Iterable[Mapping]]) -> None: if isinstance(value, abc.Mapping): self._md_settings = (Settings(value),) else: self._md_settings = tuple(Settings(i) for i in value) @property def preopt_settings(self) -> Tuple[Settings, ...]: """Get **value** or set **value** as a |plams.Settings| instance.""" return self._preopt_settings @preopt_settings.setter def preopt_settings(self, value: Union[None, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping]]) -> None: if value is None: self._preopt_settings = None elif isinstance(value, abc.Mapping): self._preopt_settings = (Settings(value),) else: self._preopt_settings = tuple(Settings(i) for i in value) @property def move_range(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get **value** or set **value** as a |np.ndarray|_.""" return self._move_range @move_range.setter def move_range(self, value: Optional[Iterable[float]]) -> np.ndarray: if value is None: self._move_range = _get_move_range() else: try: self._move_range = np.array(value, dtype=float, ndmin=1, copy=False) except TypeError: self._move_range = np.fromiter(value, dtype=float) @property def job_name(self) -> str: """Get the (lowered) name of :attr:`MonteCarlo.job_type`.""" try: return self.job_type.__name__.lower() except AttributeError: # A functools.partial object return self.job_type.func.__name__.lower() @property def logger(self) -> logging.Logger: """Get or set the logger.""" return self._logger @logger.setter def logger(self, value: Optional[logging.Logger]) -> None: if value is not None: self._logger = value else: self._logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__name__, handler_type=logging.StreamHandler) @property def pes_post_process(self) -> Tuple[Callable, ...]: return self._pes_post_process @pes_post_process.setter def pes_post_process(self, value: Union[PostProcess, Iterable[PostProcess]]) -> None: if value is None: self._pes_post_process = () elif isinstance(value, abc.Iterable): self._pes_post_process = tuple(value) else: self._pes_post_process = (value,) _PRIVATE_ATTR = frozenset({'_plams_molecule', 'job_cache'}) def __init__(self, molecule: Union[MultiMolecule, Iterable[MultiMolecule]], param: pd.DataFrame, md_settings: Union[Mapping, Iterable[Mapping]], preopt_settings: Union[None, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping]] = None, rmsd_threshold: float = 5.0, job_type: Type[Job] = Cp2kJob, hdf5_file: str = 'ARMC.hdf5', apply_move: Callable[[float, float], float] = np.multiply, move_range: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, keep_files: bool = False, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, pes_post_process: Union[PostProcess, Iterable[PostProcess]] = None) -> None: """Initialize a :class:`MonteCarlo` instance.""" super().__init__() # Set the inital forcefield parameters self.param: pd.DataFrame = param # Settings for running the actual MD calculations self._plams_molecule: Tuple[Molecule, ...] = None # set by self.molecule self.molecule: Tuple[MultiMolecule, ...] = molecule self.job_type: Type[Job] = job_type self.md_settings: Settings = md_settings self.preopt_settings: Optional[Settings] = preopt_settings self.rmsd_threshold: float = rmsd_threshold self.keep_files: bool = keep_files self.pes_post_process: Tuple[PostProcess, ...] = pes_post_process # HDF5 settings self.hdf5_file: str = hdf5_file # Settings for generating Monte Carlo moves self.apply_move: Callable[[float, float], float] = apply_move self.move_range = move_range # Logging settings self.logger = logger # Internally set attributes self.history_dict = {} self.pes: Dict[str, Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = OrderedDict() self.job_cache: List[Job] = [] @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def _str_iterator(self): iterator = ((k.strip('_'), v) for k, v in super()._str_iterator()) return sorted(iterator) def __eq__(self, value: Any) -> bool: return object.__eq__(self, value) # Ensure compatibility with def __setitem__(self, key: Hashable, value: Any) -> None: """Set :attr:`MonteCarlo.history_dict` ``[key]`` to ``value``.""" self.history_dict[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> Any: """Return :attr:`MonteCarlo.history_dict` ``[key]``.""" return self.history_dict[key] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Hashable]: """Iterate over :attr:`MonteCarlo.history_dict`.""" return iter(self.history_dict) def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of items in :attr:`MonteCarlo.history_dict`.""" return len(self.history_dict) def __contains__(self, key: Hashable) -> bool: """Return whether or not :attr:`MonteCarlo.history_dict` contains the specified key.""" return key in self.history_dict
[docs] def keys(self) -> KeysView: """Return a view of :attr:`MonteCarlo.history_dict`'s keys.""" return self.history_dict.keys()
[docs] def items(self) -> ItemsView: """Return a view of :attr:`MonteCarlo.history_dict`'s items.""" return self.history_dict.items()
[docs] def values(self) -> ValuesView: """Return a view of :attr:`MonteCarlo.history_dict`'s values.""" return self.history_dict.values()
[docs] def add_pes_evaluator(self, name: str, func: Callable, args: Sequence[Any] = (), kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = MappingProxyType({})) -> None: r"""Add a callable to this instance for constructing PES-descriptors. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from FOX import MonteCarlo, MultiMolecule >>> mc = MonteCarlo(...) >>> mol = MultiMolecule.from_xyz(...) # Prepare arguments >>> name = 'rdf' >>> func = FOX.MultiMolecule.init_rdf >>> atom_subset = ['Cd', 'Se', 'O'] # Keyword argument for func # Add the PES-descriptor constructor >>> mc.add_pes_evaluator(name, func, kwargs={'atom_subset': atom_subset}) Parameters ---------- name : str The name under which the PES-descriptor will be stored (*e.g.* ``"RDF"``). func : Callable The callable for constructing the PES-descriptor. The callable should take an array-like object as input and return a new array-like object as output. args : :class:`Sequence<>` A sequence of positional arguments. kwargs : :class:`dict` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`dict`] A dictionary or an iterable of dictionaries with keyword arguments. Providing an iterable allows one to use a unique set of keyword arguments for each molecule in :attr:`MonteCarlo.molecule`. """ mol_list = [m.copy() for m in self.molecule] for f in self.pes_post_process: f(mol_list, self) if not isinstance(kwargs, abc.Mapping): iterator = zip(mol_list, kwargs) else: iterator = zip(mol_list, repeat(kwargs, len(self.molecule))) for i, (mol, kwarg) in enumerate(iterator): partial = functools.partial(func, *args, **kwarg) partial.__doc__ = func.__doc__ partial.__name__ = func.__name__ partial.ref = partial(mol) self.pes[f'{name}.{i}'] = partial
[docs] def move(self) -> Tuple[float]: """Update a random parameter in **self.param** by a random value from **self.move.range**. Performs in inplace update of the ``'param'`` column in **self.param**. By default the move is applied in a multiplicative manner. **self.job.md_settings** and **self.job.preopt_settings** are updated to reflect the change in parameters. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> print(armc.param['param']) charge Br -0.731687 Cs 0.731687 epsilon Br Br 1.045000 Cs Br 0.437800 Cs Cs 0.300000 sigma Br Br 0.421190 Cs Br 0.369909 Cs Cs 0.592590 Name: param, dtype: float64 >>> for _ in range(1000): # Perform 1000 random moves >>> armc.move() >>> print(armc.param['param']) charge Br -0.597709 Cs 0.444592 epsilon Br Br 0.653053 Cs Br 1.088848 Cs Cs 1.025769 sigma Br Br 0.339293 Cs Br 0.136361 Cs Cs 0.101097 Name: param, dtype: float64 Returns ------- |tuple|_ [|float|_]: A tuple with the (new) values in the ``'param'`` column of **self.param**. """ def _update_settings(k: Tuple[str, ...], v: float, fstring: str) -> None: for s in self.md_settings: s.set_nested(k, fstring.format(v)) if self.preopt_settings is not None: for s in self.preopt_settings: s.set_nested(k, fstring.format(v)) # Unpack arguments param = self.param # Prepare arguments a move idx, x1 = next(param.loc[:, 'param'].sample().items()) x2 = np.random.choice(self.move_range, 1)[0] _value = self.apply_move(x1, x2) # Ensure that the moved value does not exceed the user-specified minimum and maximum value = self.clip_move(idx, _value)"Moving {idx[0]} ({idx[1]}): {x1:.4f} -> {value:.4f}") # Enforce all user-specified constraints param_type, atom = idx charge = param_type == 'charge' constraint_dict =[idx, 'constraints'] with pd.option_context('mode.chained_assignment', None): update_charge(atom, value, param.loc[param_type], constraint_dict, charge=charge) # Update the CP2K Settings for k, v, fstring in param.loc[param_type, ('keys', 'param', 'unit')].values: _update_settings(k, v, fstring) return tuple(self.param['param'].values)
[docs] def clip_move(self, idx: Hashable, value: float) -> float: """Ensure that **value** falls within a user-specified range.""" prm_min =[idx, 'min'] prm_max =[idx, 'max'] if value < prm_min: return value + (prm_min - value) elif value > prm_max: return value + (prm_max - value) else: return value
[docs] def run_md(self) -> Optional[List[MultiMolecule]]: """Run a geometry optimization followed by a molecular dynamics (MD) job. Returns a new :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance constructed from the MD trajectory and the path to the MD results. If no trajectory is available (*i.e.* the job crashed) return *None* instead. * The MD job is constructed according to the provided settings in **self.job**. Returns ------- |FOX.MultiMolecule|_ and |tuple|_ [|str|_]: A list of :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance(s) constructed from the MD trajectory & a list of paths to the PLAMS results directories. The :class:`.MultiMolecule` list is replaced with ``None`` if the job crashes. """ # Prepare preoptimization settings if self.preopt_settings is not None: preopt_mol_list = self._md_preopt() preopt_accept = self._evaluate_rmsd(preopt_mol_list, self.rmsd_threshold) # Run an MD calculation if preopt_accept and preopt_mol_list is not None: return self._md(mol.as_Molecule(-1)[0] for mol in preopt_mol_list) return None else: # preoptimization is disabled return self._md(self._plams_molecule)
def _md_preopt(self) -> Optional[List[MultiMolecule]]: """Peform a geometry optimization. Optimizations are performed on all molecules in :attr:`MonteCarlo.job`[``"molecule"``]. Returns ------- |FOX.MultiMolecule|_ and |str|_ A list of :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance constructed from the geometry optimization. The :class:`.MultiMolecule` list is replaced with ``None`` if the job crashes. """ name = f'{self.job_name}.preopt' job_type = self.job_type job_list = [job_type(name=name, molecule=mol, settings=s) for mol, s in zip(self._plams_molecule, self.preopt_settings)] # Preoptimize mol_list = [] for job in job_list: += '.opt' self.job_cache.append(job) try: results = except FileNotFoundError: return None # Precaution against PLAMS unpickling old Jobs that don't exist if job.status in {'crashed', 'failed'}: return None try: # Construct and return a MultiMolecule object path = results.get_xyz_path() mol = MultiMolecule.from_xyz(path) mol.round(3) except TypeError: # The geometry optimization crashed return None except XYZError: # The .xyz file is unreadable for some reason self.logger.warning(f"Failed to parse ...{os.sep}{os.path.basename(path)}") return None mol_list.append(mol) return mol_list def _md(self, mol_preopt: Iterable[Molecule]) -> Optional[List[MultiMolecule]]: """Peform a molecular dynamics simulation (MD). Simulations are performed on all molecules in **mol_preopt**. Parameters ---------- mol_preopt : |list|_ [|Molecule|_] An iterable consisting of PLAMS Molecules. Returns ------- |list|_ [|FOX.MultiMolecule|_], optional A list of :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance(s) constructed from the MD simulation. Return ``None`` if the job crashes. """ name = self.job_name job_type = self.job_type jobs = [job_type(name=name, molecule=mol, settings=s) for mol, s in zip(mol_preopt, self.md_settings)] # Run MD mol_list = [] for job in jobs: += '.MD' self.job_cache.append(job) try: results = except FileNotFoundError: return None # Precaution against PLAMS unpickling old Jobs that don't exist if job.status in {'crashed', 'failed'}: return None try: # Construct and return a MultiMolecule object path = results.get_xyz_path() mol = MultiMolecule.from_xyz(path) mol.round(3) except TypeError: # The MD simulation crashed return None except XYZError: # The .xyz file is unreadable for some reason self.logger.warning(f"Failed to parse ...{os.sep}{os.path.basename(path)}") return None mol_list.append(mol) return mol_list @staticmethod def _evaluate_rmsd(mol_preopt: Optional[Iterable[MultiMolecule]], threshold: Optional[float] = None) -> bool: """Evaluate the RMSD of the geometry optimization (see :meth:`_md_preopt`). If the root mean square displacement (RMSD) of the last frame is larger than **threshold**, return ``False``. Otherwise, return ``True`` . Parameters ---------- mol_preopt : |FOX.MultiMolecule|_ A :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance constructed from a geometry pre-optimization (see :meth:`_md_preopt`). threshold : float Optional: An RMSD threshold in Angstrom. Determines whether or not a given RMSD will return ``True`` or ``False``. Returns ------- |bool|_: ``False`` if th RMSD is larger than **threshold**, ``True`` if it is not. """ threshold_ = threshold or np.inf if mol_preopt is None: return False for mol in mol_preopt: rmsd = mol.get_rmsd(mol_subset=-1) if rmsd > threshold_: return False return True
[docs] def clear_job_cache(self) -> None: """Clear :attr:`MonteCarlo.job_cache` and, optionally, delete all cp2k output files.""" if not self.keep_files: for job in self.job_cache: shutil.rmtree(job.path) self.job_cache = []
[docs] def get_pes_descriptors(self, key: Tuple[float], get_first_key: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, np.ndarray], Optional[List[MultiMolecule]]]: """Check if a **key** is already present in **history_dict**. If ``True``, return the matching list of PES descriptors; If ``False``, construct and return a new list of PES descriptors. * The PES descriptors are constructed by the provided settings in **self.pes**. Parameters ---------- key : tuple [float] A key in **history_dict**. get_first_key : :class:`bool` Keep the both the files and the job_cache if this is the first ARMC iteration. Usefull for manual inspection in case cp2k hard-crashes at this point. Returns ------- |dict|_ [|str|_, |np.ndarray|_ [|np.float64|_]) and |FOX.MultiMolecule|_ A previous value from **history_dict** or a new value from an MD calculation & a :class:`.MultiMolecule` instance constructed from the MD simulation. Values are set to ``np.inf`` if the MD job crashed. """ # Generate PES descriptors mol_list = self.run_md() if mol_list is None: # The MD simulation crashed ret = {key: np.inf for key in self.pes.keys()} else: for func in self.pes_post_process: func(mol_list, self) # Post-process the MultiMolecules iterator = zip(self.pes.items(), cycle(mol_list)) ret = {k: func(mol) for (k, func), mol in iterator} if not get_first_key: self.clear_job_cache() return ret, mol_list
# Fix for TypeErrors raised during deep copying prior to python 3.7 if version_info.minor < 7: @add_to_class(MonteCarlo) def copy(self, deep: bool = False) -> MonteCarlo: ret = AbstractDataClass.copy(self, deep=False) if not deep: return ret dct = vars(ret) for k, v in dct.items(): try: dct[k] = pycopy.deepcopy(v) except TypeError: dct[k] = pycopy.copy(v) return ret