An abstract container for reading and writing files.


PRMContainer([filename, atoms, bonds, …]) A container for managing prm files.


class, atoms=None, bonds=None, angles=None, dihedrals=None, improper=None, impropers=None, nonbonded=None, nonbonded_header=None, nbfix=None, hbond=None)[source]

A container for managing prm files.


A dictionary with Pandas print options. See Options and settings.

Type:dict [str, object], private

A mapping providing tools for converting CP2K settings to .prm-compatible values. See CP2K_TO_PRM.

Type:Mapping [str, PRMMapping]
_PRIVATE_ATTR: ClassVar[FrozenSet[str]] = frozenset({'_pd_printoptions'})

A frozenset with the names of private instance attributes. These attributes will be excluded whenever calling PRMContainer.as_dict().


A tuple of supported .psf headers.

INDEX: Mapping[str, List[int]] = mappingproxy({'atoms': [2], 'bonds': [0, 1], 'angles': [0, 1, 2], 'dihedrals': [0, 1, 2, 3], 'nbfix': [0, 1], 'nonbonded': [0], 'improper': [0, 1, 2, 3], 'impropers': [0, 1, 2, 3]})

Define the columns for each DataFrame which hold its index

COLUMNS: Mapping[str, Tuple[Union[None, int, float], ]] = mappingproxy({'atoms': (None, -1, None, nan), 'bonds': (None, None, nan, nan), 'angles': (None, None, None, nan, nan, nan, nan), 'dihedrals': (None, None, None, None, nan, -1, nan), 'nbfix': (None, None, nan, nan, nan, nan), 'nonbonded': (None, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan), 'improper': (None, None, None, None, nan, 0, nan), 'impropers': (None, None, None, None, nan, 0, nan)})

Placeholder values for DataFrame columns

__init__(filename=None, atoms=None, bonds=None, angles=None, dihedrals=None, improper=None, impropers=None, nonbonded=None, nonbonded_header=None, nbfix=None, hbond=None)[source]

Initialize a PRMContainer instance.

property improper

Alias for PRMContainer.impropers.

Return type:Optional[DataFrame]
static _is_mapping(value)[source]

Check if value is a dict instance; raise a TypeError if not.

Return type:dict

Return a (machine readable) string representation of this instance.

The string representation consists of this instances’ class name in addition to all (non-private) instance variables.

Returns:A string representation of this instance.
Return type:str

See also

A set with the names of private instance variables.
Fallback function for PRMContainer.__repr__() incase of recursive calls.
Return an iterable for the iterating over this instances’ attributes.
Returns a string representation of a single key/value pair.

Check if this instance is equivalent to value.

The comparison checks if the class type of this instance and value are identical and if all (non-private) instance variables are equivalent.

Returns:Whether or not this instance and value are equivalent.
Return type:bool

See also

A set with the names of private instance variables.
Return if v1 and v2 are equivalent.
Fallback function for PRMContainer.__eq__() incase of recursive calls.

Return a shallow or deep copy of this instance.

Parameters:deep (bool) – Whether or not to return a deep or shallow copy.
Returns:A new instance constructed from this instance.
Return type:PRMContainer

Return a shallow copy of this instance; see PRMContainer.copy().

Return type:~AT
classmethod read(filename, encoding=None, **kwargs)[source]

Construct a new instance from this object’s class by reading the content of filename.

  • filename (str, bytes, os.PathLike or a file object) – The path+filename or a file object of the to-be read .psf file. In practice, any iterable can substitute the role of file object as long iteration returns either strings or bytes (see encoding).
  • encoding (str, optional) – Encoding used to decode the input (e.g. "utf-8"). Only relevant when a file object is supplied to filename and the datastream is not in text mode.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Optional keyword arguments that will be passed to both PRMContainer._read_iterate() and PRMContainer._read_postprocess().

See also

An abstract method for parsing the opened file in
Post processing the class instance created by
Return type:PRMContainer
classmethod _read_iterate(iterator)[source]

An abstract method for parsing the opened file in read.

Parameters:iterator (Iterator [str]) – An iterator that returns str instances upon iteration.
Return type:Dict[str, Any]
  • dict [str, Any] – A dictionary with keyword arguments for a new instance of this objects’ class.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Optional keyword arguments.

See also

The main method for reading files.
classmethod _read_post_iterate(kwargs)[source]

Post process the dictionary produced by PRMContainer._read_iterate().

Return type:None
_read_postprocess(filename, encoding=None, **kwargs)[source]

Post processing the class instance created by read().

  • filename (str, bytes, os.PathLike or a file object) – The path+filename or a file object of the to-be read .psf file. In practice, any iterable can substitute the role of file object as long iteration returns either strings or bytes (see encoding).
  • encoding (str, optional) – Encoding used to decode the input (e.g. "utf-8"). Only relevant when a file object is supplied to filename and the datastream is not in text mode.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Optional keyword arguments that will be passed to both PRMContainer._read_iterate() and PRMContainer._read_postprocess().

See also
The main method for reading files.
Return type:None
write(filename=None, encoding=None, **kwargs)[source]

Write the content of this instance to filename.

  • filename (str, bytes, os.PathLike or a file object) – The path+filename or a file object of the to-be read .psf file. Contrary to _read_postprocess(), file objects can not be substituted for generic iterables.
  • encoding (str, optional) – Encoding used to decode the input (e.g. "utf-8"). Only relevant when a file object is supplied to filename and the datastream is not in text mode.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Optional keyword arguments that will be passed to _write_iterate().

See also

Write the content of this instance to an opened datastream.
Take a write() method and ensure its first argument is properly encoded.
Return type:None

Return the hash of this instance.

The returned hash is constructed from two components: * The hash of this instances’ class type. * The hashes of all key/value pairs in this instances’ (non-private) attributes.

If an unhashable instance variable is encountered, e.g. a list, then its id() is used for hashing.

This method will raise a TypeError if the class attribute AbstractDataClass._HASHABLE is False.

See also

A set with the names of private instance variables.
Whether or not this class is hashable.
Fallback function for AbstractDataClass.__hash__() incase of recursive calls.
An instance variable for caching the hash() of this instance.
Return type:int

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_write_iterate(write, **kwargs)[source]

Write the content of this instance to an opened datastream.

The to-be written content of this instance should be passed as str. Any (potential) encoding is handled by the write parameter.


Basic example of a potential _write_iterate() implementation.

>>> iterator = self.as_dict().items()
>>> for key, value in iterator:
...     value: str = f'{key} = {value}'
...     write(value)
>>> return None
  • writer (Callable) – A callable for writing the content of this instance to a file object. An example would be the io.TextIOWrapper.write() method.
  • **kwargs (optional) – Optional keyword arguments.

See also

The main method for writing files.
Return type:None
overlay_mapping(prm_name, param_df, units=None)[source]

Update a set of parameters, prm_name, with those provided in param_df.


>>> from FOX import PRMContainer

>>> prm = PRMContainer(...)

>>> param_dict = {}
>>> param_dict['epsilon'] = {'Cd Cd': ..., 'Cd Se': ..., 'Se Se': ...}  # epsilon
>>> param_dict['sigma'] = {'Cd Cd': ..., 'Cd Se': ..., 'Se Se': ...}  # sigma

>>> units = ('kcal/mol', 'angstrom')  # input units for epsilon and sigma

>>> prm.overlay_mapping('nonbonded', param_dict, units=units)
Return type:



Extract forcefield information from PLAMS-style CP2K settings.

Performs an inplace update of this instance.


Example input value for cp2k_settings. In the provided example the cp2k_settings are directly extracted from a CP2K .inp file.

>>> import cp2kparser  #

>>> filename = str(...)

>>> cp2k_settings: dict = cp2kparser.read_input(filename)
>>> print(cp2k_settings)
{'force_eval': {'mm': {'forcefield': {'nonbonded': {'lennard-jones': [...]}}}}}
Parameters:cp2k_settings (Mapping) – A Mapping with PLAMS-style CP2K settings.

See also

PRMMapping A mapping providing tools for converting CP2K settings to .prm-compatible values.
Return type:None
_overlay_cp2k_settings(cp2k_settings, name, columns, key_path, key, unit, default_unit, post_process)[source]

Helper function for PRMContainer.overlay_cp2k_settings().

Return type:None